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How to adhere to paleodietitis during pregnancy?

Paleodiitis is becoming more popular among fans of proper nutrition, and it is not surprising, because it has many health benefits. Moreover, the adherents of this method of nutrition are sure that all the products they cook are not inferior to those treated, but they are more useful. Nevertheless, we all know how the taste preferences of girls and women change when they wait for a child. And even the adherents of the paleodiet are no exception. Yesterday you enjoyed fresh fruits and vegetables, and today you are drawn to cookies, sweets and processed meat products. What to do in this case?

First of all, you should know that paleo diet has many benefits for pregnant women. The products that it allows contain a lot of protein, vitamin A, beta-carotene, healthy fats, vitamin D, folic acid and iron. All these nutrients are vital if you want the pregnancy to proceed without complications. Therefore, if you have long adhered to paleodietts, you should not abandon it only because you are expecting a baby. All you need is to make some changes.

Tip # 1: Prepare stocks

If you follow the paleodiet, you've already heard it a thousand times: prepare a small supply of healthy snacks. But this is doubly important now, when you are pregnant, because your craving for food will not wait until you warm up the oven, cut the sweet potatoes and bake it for 20-30 minutes. Therefore, you will eat what is first in the field of view, and this, as a rule, is something salty, sweet or crunchy.

Some people go so far as to spend all Sunday in the kitchen cooking food for the next week or even a month. If you are willing to spend so much time on the weekend, you can go for it. But during pregnancy, it is difficult for a woman to stand in the kitchen all day. What to do? Try to have in your refrigerator always a few nutritious snacks, a couple of ready-made meals or even leftovers from dinner. So you can satisfy cravings for food whenever it comes up.

Tip # 2: Add carbohydrates

When you decided to stick to the paleodieta, you most likely swore to yourself to give up bread. However, your condition before and during pregnancy is very different. Perhaps now you want to eat a toast with peanut butter, a sandwich with meat, a crispy cheese pizza or even a piece of bread to get rid of the sudden feeling of hunger.

It turns out that there is a good reason to listen to your body. Women who want to become pregnant or are already waiting for a baby should increase their carbohydrate intake, as this will help develop the fetal brain and ensure its adequate growth throughout the pregnancy.

Moreover, researchers from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists found that a diet rich in protein and with a lower level of carbohydrates can significantly improve reproductive performance. This argument may seem paradoxical, but in fact, according to research, a low level of carbohydrate intake is 40% of the diet. For a person who follows the paleodiet, this is much more than he is used to.

Tip # 3: Prepare banana bread

If you are a paleodietist, you already know that bananas are a universal product. From them you can cook cookies, bread, chips and sweets. Banana bread is another useful dish from this product. He will repeatedly save you when suddenly a craving for food.

It is also very easy to prepare, and you will not need many additional products. So, what should you do? Grind two yellow bananas in a blender and mix the resulting puree with one teaspoon of sea salt and one cup of tapioca flour. Form small round flat circles of dough and place them on parchment paper. Bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 20-25 minutes, and voila! Your life during pregnancy has just become 10 times lighter.

Tip # 4: Become a rebel

If you try to search on the web for a healthy diet during pregnancy, most sources will recommend consuming foods that are opposite to what you eat on the paleodite. As a rule, the recommendations say: eat more dairy products, better fat-free; Consume lots of beans and make sure you eat six to eleven servings of whole grains a day!

It turns out that when you are told that pregnant women need a grain, they mean that they need carbohydrates. Reason for recommending dairy products? It's simple: you need calcium to strengthen your bones and maintain healthy blood pressure. Beans are needed to replenish protein that helps build building blocks of your baby's cells, as well as iron, which helps to carry oxygen in your blood. But it turns out you can get these nutrients also from vegetables, meats, nuts and seeds that are used to eat on paleodiet.

Tip # 5: include packaged products

Even if you are a big supporter of homemade food, do not deny yourself a snack from the store, if at the 6th month of pregnancy you feel bad without them. This means that it's time to break the rules.

It turns out that snacks that can be eaten under the paleodite are becoming more accessible every day. Just make sure that the package has the appropriate label, and also study the list of ingredients yourself. As always, the fewer ingredients, the better. Be careful, and do not buy products that contain such vegetable oils as rapeseed, safflower, sunflower, soy or peanut. Of course, these oils are found in almost all packaged products. But if you look, you can find a lot of those that you can afford at a paleodiet.

Tip # 6: Bone broth is the best medicine

This product is a magical elixir with paleodieta. It should be prepared from raw animal bones over low heat for 24-48 hours to allow water to absorb all the minerals that contain bones. The use of such a broth has a positive effect on the health of any person, which is to say about a pregnant woman, because it contains a resorbable form of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sulfur, which are necessary for the formation of the baby's bones.

In addition, pregnant women, as already mentioned, should receive a sufficient amount of protein along with food. But what if you get sick from thinking about meat? In this case, bone bouillon will also help you. It will provide you with easily digestible protein and many nutrients, and you do not have to eat heavy food. It also supports the immune system and helps digestion.

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