Arts & Entertainment, Theater
Pushkin Theater (Krasnoyarsk): history, repertoire, premieres of the season
The Pushkin Theater (Krasnoyarsk) has a rich history. Today he has several scenes. His repertoire includes performances not only for adults, but also for children.
The Pushkin Drama Theater (Krasnoyarsk) was founded in the 19th century. It was then that the professional troupe came on tour for the first time. Artists brought vaudeville "Hour in prison or in someone else's feast of a hangover."
In 1873, the merchant of the second guild IO. Krause built a wooden building for the theater on his own initiative and on his own funds. The first seasons of the permanent troupe were not. On the stage of the theater only guest performances were performed, among them there were well-known to the whole country. The first building of the Krasnoyarsk theater lasted twenty-five years, after which it was destroyed by fire.
In 1902 a new building was built. Funds for its construction have been accumulating for several years, since the previous building was burned down. The opening of the new theater took place on February 17, 1902. Then he was given the name of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, which he proudly carries to this day. In the autumn the first permanent troupe appeared in the city. It was headed by K.P. Krasnov.
In 1935 the Pushkin Theater (Krasnoyarsk) received the status of a regional drama theater. At that time the repertoire included performances: "Vassa Zheleznova", "The Man with a Gun", "Woe from Wit", "Lenin in 1918", "Boris Godunov", "Kremlin Chimes" and others. In the postwar fortieth years, the theater staged plays: "Wolves and Sheep", "The Taming of the Shrew", "Groza", "Othello", "The Russian Question".
At that time the theater of acting was opened at the Krasnoyarsk theater. One of its graduates was the famous actor Innokenty Smoktunovsky.
In 1956 the Pushkin Theater (Krasnoyarsk) first went on tour to the capital. Moscow viewers saw the productions: "Heart does not forgive", "Son of Rybakova", "Crime and Punishment". The next tour of the Krasnoyarsk drama theater in the capital took place in 1971 and 1980.
In 1987 there was a significant event for the theater: the second scene was opened - Malaya. In that period, there was an update of the repertoire.
In the 90s of the XX century the Krasnoyarsk theater began to take an active part in various festivals, including international ones.
In 1996 A. Maksimov was appointed to the post of the main director. Prior to that, he served in ABTT named G. Tovstonogov (St. Petersburg), as well as in the theaters of Kemerovo and Novosibirsk. Andrei Nikolaevich was famous for being able to create long-staged productions that touched the hearts of spectators and enjoyed great success for a long time. Two years later, in the Pushkin Theater, A.N. Maksimova was replaced by Alexander Belsky, who was the main director of the Krasnoyarsk drama for 6 years. Thanks to him, the repertoire was replenished with plays based on plays by such playwrights as T. Williams. A. Camus, E. Olby, A. Strindberg, G. Pinter, and others.
In the next 10 years the most successful productions of the theater were: "I am a woman", "The last term", "Dear friend", "Chains" and others. Put them the actor and director Nikolai Khomyakov. These performances were highly appreciated by critics and the public, received awards and prizes.
XXI Century
Season 2005-2006 Became significant. This happened thanks to the production of Oleg Rybkin "Talents and admirers", which became immediately popular with the public and was highly appreciated by critics. At the end of the season O. Rybkin headed the theater named after A.S. Pushkin. This director for the past 10 years has put on a lot of wonderful performances: "Threepenny Opera", "Dark Alleys", "King Lear", "The Seagull", "Merry Christmas, Uncle Scrooge!" And many others.
Since 2008, the Krasnoyarsk drama is the organizer of the annual International Festival for Playwrights "Drama. New Code. " Among its founders are the Ministry of Culture of the Krai and the Prokhorov Foundation. The festival is held in the form of theatrical readings of the plays of the festival participants.
Today the Pushkin Theater (Krasnoyarsk) is still full of energy, Works a lot with young playwrights and directors, prepares new creative projects.
Performances for adults
The repertoire of the Pushkin Theater (Krasnoyarsk):
- "A hen-party over an eternal rest";
- "Forest";
- "Ba";
- "Doll for the bride";
- "Do you need this?";
- "Filumena Marturano";
- "The Barbarians";
- "He, she, the window and the body";
- "Strange neighbors of mother Pishon";
- "Wii";
- "Primadonna";
- "Brothers";
- "Dark alleys";
- "Pure family business";
- "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard";
- "Tartuffus or deceiver";
- "Jeanne";
- "Gull";
- "The eldest son."
Performances for children
Do not forget about the children's audience of the Pushkin Theater (Krasnoyarsk). The poster announces the following productions for young spectators:
- "Forest show";
- "The Adventures of the Cat Leopold" ;
- "Bunny-zazyayka";
- "Molodilnyh apples";
- "The Little Humpbacked Horse".
Premieres of the 2015-2016 season
The Pushkin Theater (Krasnoyarsk) in the current theatrical season prepared eight new productions for its fans at once. The audience will be able to see the following performances: "Gardenia", "Chick Gudbai, Berlin!", "Elsa's Land", "DNA Residence", "Golodrans-aristocrats", "Shepherd and the Shepherdess", "Twelfth Night, Will, "" Lady of Pic ".
They always wait for guests and are ready to surprise!
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