
A statement about the Russian language of Russian writers. Short statements about the Russian language

Russian language belongs to the number of international languages and is included in the top five by the number of people speaking it. It is a state language in Russia, interethnic in the countries of the former USSR, official in the United Nations. Uniqueness, informativeness, an abundance of stylistic, linguistic, expressive means and possibilities are just a few of the advantages that the Russian language has inherited over the centuries of its existence. The statements of the great writers, the Slavic culture and the special place in it of our language (it refers to the eastern branch) emphasize that over time its role in the world community is only increasing.

However, it is not enough to master only its colloquial form. A truly literate person is one who has mastered the laws and features of the literary language on which the best writers and poets of Russia worked at all times .

What we have is not stored ...

But, unfortunately, at the present stage the state of Russian (both spoken and literary) language causes more and more disputes and receives an ambiguous evaluation. Some believe that everyday speech should fully reflect the realities of life, and therefore allow the use of a large number of borrowings (they were always, but there was a measure), youth slang and jargon, brutal and even obscene vocabulary. Others, as a rule, people with philological education, are concerned about the fact that the centuries-old pride of the people (remember the numerous statements of prominent writers about the Russian language) may cease to be so in the future. And this is quite understandable. Very often, from the TV screen or from the high political platform (it is assumed that there are educated people there), we hear speech with a huge amount of grammatical and orthoepic errors that are noticeable even to the ordinary schoolboy. But quite recently the profession of a speaker or speaker demanded special preparation, and the speech itself was the standard of literate speech for every inhabitant of a huge country.

What are the reasons for the emergence and so rapid development in the Russian language of negative phenomena affecting his state?

To speak correctly is not fashionable

Sad as it sounds, but it's true. At times, the listeners are more attracted by the ability to portray a beautiful word, especially foreign ones, in the interlocutor. And it does not matter whether it is appropriate (here it is worth quoting the words of V. Belinsky, who wrote that the use of a foreign word instead of the existing Russian can be perceived as an insult to "common sense and ... taste") and whether its meaning is distorted. It is often appreciated in society and the ability to stand out from the crowd, even if it demonstrates complete ignorance or ignoring accepted standards of etiquette. In this regard, I recall not one statement about the Russian language of Russian writers. For example, that somehow dealing with the language - and thinking, too, somehow (A. Tolstoy). A. Chekhov, reflecting on the qualities of an intelligent person, noted that it is bad to say for him "should be considered as indecent as not being able to read and write." It would be good to know and remember this to our politicians, cultural figures, television and radio workers, preparing for various kinds of public speeches.

Saving words is a sign of fast flowing time

Another negative phenomenon, which leads to the impoverishment of the Russian language, is the active use of mobile phones and the Internet in everyday life. With all their merits, it should be noted that modern people have practically stopped writing and reading. In the conditions of constant haste, short SMSs turned into the main means of communication not only for adolescents and young people, but also for those who are older. And since the traditional letters that existed for centuries are completely gone, they were replaced by electronic messages, usually consisting of several short phrases, framed hastily. On the one hand, of course, it is good that the modern generation is learning to express their thoughts in a concise manner and react to the situation in a mobile way. After all, N. Nekrasov urged to speak in such a way, "that words should be cramped and thoughts spacious". That's just such short statements about the Russian language and the advantages of laconic speech are often perceived literally. As a result, brevity becomes a manifestation of limited thinking, a lack of vocabulary, and not an acute mind.

Great power of artistic expression

The real trouble of the present generation, as already noted above, is that it has practically ceased to read. Classical works that a couple of decades ago reread hot and several times, today for many schoolchildren - and not only! - have turned into overwork. What kind of pleasure is there in the magnificent verses of Pushkin, Lermontov, Blok, Yesenin, Tsvetaeva ... Or sincere empathy for the heroes of Gogol, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Bunin, Chekhov, Bulgakov ... Today their short content has already been overcome - success already. Meanwhile, citations and statements about Russian literature are confirmed by a long familiar thought to all: the reading of good artistic works helps you learn how to speak beautifully and correctly, concisely and accurately express your thoughts. For example, M. Lomonosov at one time considered the book to be the source of "beauty, greatness, strength and wealth of the Russian language". R. Descartes also called reading good books "talking with the best people of past times ...". And only those who are fully able to enjoy the language of the work of art will discover the true meaning of the phrase of Paustovsky: "Many Russian words radiate poetry ...".

Power pop and yellow press

What does the young people receive in return for classical literature, which tomorrow will represent and govern our state? Mainly short, but memorable "musi-pusi" and "clap eyelashes" in senseless pop songs with rhythmic music. Or endless bony washing and primitive stories in low-profile publications: the yellow press, tabloid detectives and love novels. And who here will remember the statements of the great writers about the Russian language, in which he is called a "flexible, lush, inexhaustibly rich, intelligent poetic instrument" (A. Tolstoy), helping in life, or "the most precious thing" in which "everything is grainy , Large, like the pearls themselves "(N. Gogol).

Love for the country begins with a love of language

Similar reasoning leads to another important thought. Every person should always remember one thing: without a good knowledge of the native language it is impossible to become a patriot, which is confirmed by short statements about the Russian language. The national language is "the history of the people, the path of civilization and culture" (A.Kuprin), "the confession of the people, his soul and life ..." (P.Vyazemsky). That is why very often, along with documentary sources for a full understanding of the processes occurring during the development of the country, get acquainted with folklore works (in particular proverbs, sayings, songs, bylinas), masterpieces of classical literature, academic dictionaries.

To summarize, I want to draw attention to the famous words of N. Karamzin that you can not call yourself a patriot without love for your native language.

Place in the world

Indifference of many people to their own speech is especially offensive against the background of recognition of the merits of our grammar by foreigners. For example, the best statements about the Russian language of foreign figures emphasize its superiority over other known languages. The richest among all the "European dialects", "the language of poetry" was called by his French writer P. Merimee, "beautiful", "the strongest and rich living language" - F. Engels. It would be appropriate here to say something about the Russian language of Russian writers. The world recognition and superiority of Russian grammar was noted by the poets M. Lomonosov and M. Derzhavin. In the opinion of F. Dostoyevsky, only by mastering the native language to the fullest, one can learn a foreign language. Remarkable and the point of view of L. Tolstoy, who was fluent in French. He admitted that the latter is fit only to "flash", but heart-to-heart can talk only in Russian.

"The Russian language is one of the richest languages in the world ..."

So wrote more than one and a half centuries ago V. Belinsky. Carefully reading the statements of great writers about the Russian language, one can gradually comprehend the laws of ideal speech, which, as already noted, is very rare today. "There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts, for which there would be no exact expression," noted Paustovsky. And Chekhov, trying to save his contemporaries and descendants from excessive refinement in words, warned: "The language should be simple and elegant." Then, according to A. Kuprin, he would become "handsome, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, adroit and capacious", according to K. Paustovsky, with him it will be possible to "perform miracles".

Love and respect is filled with every statement of Russian poets about the Russian language.

"Great, mighty, truthful and free ..."

Such epithets honored the native language of IS Turgenev, the author of a poem in prose, known, perhaps, to every resident of the country. It sees the writer "support and support", which he needs far from his homeland. The work is imbued with inexhaustible love for the main treasure of the people, helping to objectively assess what is happening in the country. Similar feelings are experienced by Ivan Sergeyevich and in relation to the Russian people - the bearer of the great language. These two concepts are inseparable from each other in the mind of the writer, as evidenced by short statements about the Russian language: "you can not believe that such a language was not given to the great people."

"Native language"

Completely contradictory sublime and somewhat tragic poem by the symbolist V. Bryusov. The poet is frank in his confessions that language is for him the embodiment of the best achievements of the Russian people. He gives the initiate wings, saves him in "hours of powerlessness," immersing in the mystery of strange sounds. At the same time, for the poet, the Russian language is not only a "loyal friend", but also an "insidious enemy", a "king" who wrapped up the bonds and does not let go. Because Bryusov rightfully requires for himself all his wealth by heredity. Such a statement about the Russian language of Russian writers and poets proves their special purpose on earth: to preserve the great word given to the people, and to pass it on to the descendants. "Your world - forever my abode", - draws the line under his thoughts V. Bryusov, determining the place of the Russian language in his life.

Works by K. Balmont

River and steppe expanse, filled with the scream of an eagle and the roar of a wolf, the sound of a praying mantis and the cooing of a dove, the murmur of a key and the spring ray, he sees the Russian language in the same poem. The word of the master helps the poet to describe the unique beauty of his native country, express his love for the fatherland house and Russia, which he had to abandon forever.

The citations quoted in this article, the statements of the great ones about the Russian language echo the words from another work by K. Balmont - "The Russian Language: Will as the Basis of Creativity". In it, the poet calls his native speech "true, primordial, pure, excellent", which is "one of the main talismans" of great Russia. It is enough just to touch the Russian language, and it will give a magnificent picture, familiar to everyone from childhood. And already for Balmont, the well-known lines of Turgenev, also yearning in a foreign land, sound for us.


Another great poem belongs to A. Akhmatova, it was written in 1941 in besieged Leningrad. Anna Andreevna speaks at the most difficult time for the country on behalf of the whole generation, who has risen to defend her native land and the main national treasure: "... we will preserve you, Russian speech ...". This is her first priority task as a poet and citizen, capable of "inspiring and supporting compatriots" with the "great Russian word". And, like an oath, the last lines of the poem sound: "We will carry you free and clean ... and from the captivity we will save forever."

Indeed, such statements of Russian writers about the Russian language, beautiful poems about his power and strength have repeatedly supported the people in the most difficult for him and for the country time.

Summing up

Undoubtedly, the Russian literary language is the gold fund of our country. And the works of art written on it are included in the treasury of world literature. And that every utterance of the Russian language of Russian writers, poets, other cultural figures after decades and centuries was imbued with the same pride that they are its bearers, by faith in its power, we must preserve what has been handed down to us as an inheritance.

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