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A program of push-ups from the floor. Types of push-ups

Push-ups are simple, do not require special conditions and adaptations. At the same time, the results can be staggering, provided that the program of push-ups from the floor is selected correctly, and the classes are held regularly.

What results can be achieved?

  1. Development of endurance and strength.
  2. Development of dexterity, power and speed qualities.
  3. Moderate build-up of muscles.
  4. Strengthening of the shoulder girdle and the press.
  5. Ability to have a good command of one's body.

What muscles are trained?

Included in the work are different muscle groups. It all depends on the technique and type of exercise. Basically, there are three groups: deltoid, triceps, thoracic. In addition, the press strains, as well as in the static mode - the muscles of the back, legs and intercostal muscles.

Types of push-ups

There are several varieties on the basis of which it is possible to compose an individual set of exercises. Push-ups from the floor can be complicated, thereby achieving this or that effect. Depending on what group of muscles you need to develop, use an exercise with a certain setting of hands. Start push-ups for beginners can be carried out in a simplified version. Thus, along with classical ones, it is possible to apply exercises with a narrow or wide setting of hands, push-ups on one hand, with weights, with emphasis on the knees, with the feet on the bench, using special handles, on the fists and on the fingers.

Technique of execution

Without the right technique, the desired result can not be expected. It is important to remember that when exercising, muscles need to be felt, so it is important to be able to concentrate on them. We must not forget about breathing: we fall - we inhale, rise - exhale. When pushing back, straighten, buttocks do not lift. In the initial position, the arms should be held out. The body descends downwards due to the bending of the hands in the elbows. Breast as close to the floor as possible, but do not touch it.

System of push-ups from a floor

Various training systems for beginners and experienced athletes have been developed. There are programs designed for a month, for 6 weeks, for 15 weeks, the program "100 push-ups", "10 X 10" and others. Many experienced athletes make up a set of exercises for themselves.

The program of push-ups from the floor is developed depending on the purposes of training. If you need to increase stamina, then you need to perform a large number of repetitions. To increase the musculature, it is necessary to do not more than 12 repetitions, but at the same time closely monitor the technique of execution, and also complicate the exercise, namely to press one hand, use handles, apply weights.

The program of push-ups from the floor can include various types of exercises, in which the maximum work of a particular group of muscles.

For triceps

With an average setting of hands

The arms are about the width of the shoulders. The elbows are pointed back, the palm rest, the fingers forward. Legs to put, as it is more convenient, but they should not be placed more widely shoulders. When the arms are bent, the elbows are retracted and almost adhere to the trunk. If you focus on your fists, you need to turn your fingers inside. A light version is possible - hands on the bench, feet on the floor. More difficult option - hands on the floor, feet on the bench.

With a narrow setting of hands

Hands to rest on the floor at the chest level, palms are near, fingers pointing forward. Legs at the width of the chest, can be a little wider. When the arms are bent, the elbows move back and slightly to the sides, the chest slightly touches the palms. This type of push-ups is considered difficult. In addition to triceps develops and the front beam deltas.

For pectoral muscles

Hands to rest on the floor, putting them almost twice as wide as the shoulders, while keeping the elbows to the sides, pointing to the palms, fingers forward. Do not spread your legs wider than your shoulders. When bending the arms, the elbows should always be pointed at the sides. Buttocks upwards do not lift and do not bend - the body should be straight. You can perform a strengthened or lightened version, as in the exercise with an average setting of hands. If the emphasis is on the fists, then the fingers turn back.

With focus on one hand

To maintain balance, the legs should be placed as widely as possible, the arms wider than the shoulders. One hand to get behind the back. When pushing, the elbow is pointed to the side. Exercise develops pectoral muscles and triceps. A well-developed press is needed to keep the body in balance.

With load

To perform this exercise, wear special vests with cargo or put on the back of the disc from the bar. In the second case, you can ask the assistant to make sure that the pancake does not fall.

On fingers

This exercise perfectly develops the strength of the hands and strengthens the bones. You can do the exercise with an average, with a narrow and wide-set hands. If the fingers are weak, you must first strengthen the brush with less complicated exercises.

With handles

For a better working out of the muscles use special handles. In this case, the amplitude of movements increases. Instead of handles, you can use the palm rest. Thanks to this kind of push-ups, strength develops, the athlete learns to master his body better.

With cotton

This exercise is designed to develop agility, power and speed qualities. Legs and arms should be placed wider than shoulders. Then push away, quickly make a clap and fall as softly as possible. During exercise, the arms move very quickly. Such push-ups are recommended for boxers and other martial artists.

Pushups. Training program for beginners

First of all, you need to find out the level of preparation, that is, how many push-ups you can do in one approach. Often newcomers can not do 10 repetitions.

The program of push-ups from the floor will depend on the goals. Usually, with this exercise, athletes develop strength and endurance. In this case, it is necessary to make a large number of approaches with small interruptions.

On the first day in the first approach, make the maximum possible number of repetitions. Then relax for no more than 2 minutes. In the second approach, it will be possible to accomplish less, and this is normal. Doing five approaches per day, repeating - how many will be. Train in this mode, until you get to do the same number of repetitions in all sets.

For the next stage of training you need to establish a new standard. For example, you did 15 repetitions. Now you need to do 25. Again, do 5 sets a day and practice until you get 25 sets in all sets.

Now you need to go to 10 approaches, and the break between them is reduced to 1 minute. To bring the number of approaches to 15, while the number of repetitions must be at least 3/4 of its maximum (for example, a maximum of 30, then in one set, the exercise must be done at least 22 times). When you can do 22 times in each approach, increase the number of repetitions by 1, that is, do 15 X 23.

Rules of training

  1. Before performing push-ups, you need to do a warm-up.
  2. Train three times a week, gradually move on to daily activities.
  3. To keep track of the results, it is convenient to keep records.

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