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Why was Oleg called the Prophet and what was his name really?

Thanks to the well-known poem "The Song of the Wise Oleg" Pushkin A.S. From the school literature course, almost every one of our compatriots knows that in the 9-10 centuries in Kievan Rus Prince was Oleg. But not everyone knows why Oleg was called the Prophet.

Versions explaining the origin of Prince Oleg

About this historical person mention various chronicles, in particular, "The Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor. This chronicle was compiled at the beginning of the 12th century. But more information contains folk tales and legends.

According to one version in the Russian language the name Oleg came from Scandinavia. In this version, Helge means "holy" or "prophetic." On the other hand, Oleg himself served as a prototype for the creation of the wizard Prince Volga, who was sung in the epic. When necessary, he could pretend to be either a wolf, or an ermine, or a bird. Therefore, it always conquers its enemies. Characteristics of Prophetic Oleg in all epics were given the same. He was a strong and respected person.

The statement of Nestor the chronicler, as if in the veins of Prince Oleg flows the blood of the Varangian Rurik, who came from Novgorod, does not agree with alternative sources that convince in the absence of kinship ties. Until the moment when Oleg took the title of prince, he served as the commander of Rurik. Personal qualities and virtues contributed to his successful career.

Rurik, who reigned in Novgorod, died in 879. The power, together with the tutelage over the young Igor, passed to Oleg through his will. After a three-year reign, the new prince thought about new conquests, fixing his views on the south. During the military campaign, he also took Igor. Description Prophetic Oleg pointed out that it was a handsome man with majestic features.

Conquest of Kiev

The flotilla began its journey from Lake Ilmen. Further, swimming with Lovatyu and the Western Dvina, Oleg established his authority, in large cities - Smolensk and Lyubech - appointing a governor. To the Dnieper, the rook had to be dragged along with tools reminiscent of wheels.

So they successfully reached the ultimate goal of the march - Kiev, stretched on the Dnieper banks. Soon it became clear that here Askold and Dir reigned . Just like Oleg in his time, they were in the service of Rurik.

Won, because the Prophetic

To take away power from fellow countrymen Oleg's resourcefulness helped. In Kiev, he arrived in one boat under the guise of a merchant with a small detachment of vigilantes who hid in the bottom of the ship. The princes of Kiev approached the guests. Oleg announced Kievites, allegedly Askold and Dir are not legitimate rulers. After the announcement of the verdict Oleg's volunteers jumped out of the ambush there and then insidiously killed by the swords of the unfortunate Kiev princes, and Igor was appointed the new ruler.

Oleg is credited with the phrase, which turned out to be prophetic, about the fact that Kiev should become the mother of Russian cities. That's why Oleg was called the Prophet and respected by people.

Be Oleg only talented commander, it is unlikely that he would draw the attention of the authors of historical works. He is not only wise, but extremely prudent, and to the point that in the eyes of others it sometimes looked like magic.

Witchcraft or gift?

As a confirmation of supernatural abilities, one can cite the description of the Byzantine campaign of the year 907. One part of the soldiers sailed on ships, which numbered two thousand, and the second - a mounted army.

Ruler Leo VI in advance took care of the fact that the capital did not get the 80 thousandth Slavic army led by Oleg. By order of the emperor, the city gates were closed, the strait was blocked by chains, and thus access to the harbor was restricted. But this did not stop the prince of Kiev. In the beginning, his vigilantes, having plundered plenty of good in the suburbs of the capital, went to the walls of Constantinople.

Due to the measures taken by the Byzantines, the ships of the Slavs did not have the opportunity to get close to the city by swimming, Oleg had to show ingenuity. According to the legends, according to his orders, special wheels were designed for the ships by the guardsmen. The wind blew sails and, to the surprise of the defenders of Constantinople, the Slavic vessels began to approach the city in an unusual way. Character Prophetic Oleg pointed to his ingenuity and even to inhuman ability.

Oleg's resourcefulness not only caused Leo VI to open the city gates to him, but also to conclude a treaty favorable for Kievan Rus' on duty-free trade. The prince-winner was paid a huge tribute, the size of which was calculated as follows: for each pair of oars all ships were supposed to 12 hryvnia.

Why did the prince become a prophet?

From the campaign to Tsargrad, Oleg returned to his homeland a respected and very popular commander. Now he was also called the Prophet. The new nickname entrenched after him, when Oleg, feeling the presence of poison in the treats, presented by the Byzantines, refused to eat. Why was Oleg called the Messenger? Because he had developed a seventh sense.

Not all historians agree that this event could ever have occurred. So, for example, Karamzin is inclined to consider Oleg's campaign as just a legend. Moreover, nothing is said about him in the Byzantine chronicles. The second group of historians does not agree with him. D.S. Likhachev as an argument leads the fact that in the northern regions of Russia for a long time the way was practiced to overcome by rooks the terrain between the rivers, that is, put on skating rinks or wheels. What is the name of the prophetic Oleg really, just can not answer the historians. Fables and historical data are mixed, preventing the truth from the fairy tale.

Fatal prediction of the Magi

The basis of the poem is A.S. Pushkin (the work "Song of the Wise Oleg") was chronicled legendary. The Magi had predicted to Oleg that his beloved horse should be his killer. Naturally, the prince was shielded from contact with his military friend.

After some time, in 912, saddened by the death of the horse, the prince went to visit his remains. Apparently, he decided that the prophecy was not destined to come true. Unfortunately for Oleg, the Magi were right. But it was already late. Why was Oleg called the Messenger? This question is plagued by hundreds of historians, but the nickname is closely consolidated in the ancient annals. This was how the prince rode the people, and that was why.

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