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Why men can not celebrate 40 years? If you really want, then how to celebrate 40 years for a man?
We live in a wonderful world that is full of different traditions and superstitions. Some like us, others - on the contrary, about the third and at all it would be desirable to forget and never to recollect. Perhaps the most incomprehensible superstition, which many would reluctantly refuse, is that one can not celebrate the fortieth anniversary, in particular, representatives of the strong half of humanity. Almost every man who comes to this mark of his life, is tormented by various fears and doubts. After all, no one knows what will happen next, what to expect and fear, whether it should be more often to visit a doctor and monitor health, or you can continue to lead the old way of life. So, why can not men be 40 years old?
It is likely that this superstition is rooted in the distant past. If you recall the course of history for the fifth or sixth grade, the memory comes up with the interesting fact that our distant ancestors were not particularly famous for their life expectancy. At forty, a man was already considered to have reached the old age. The body, and health in general was completely different than before. Gradually, teeth began to fall out, gray hair. Immediately, various diseases appeared immediately, with which immunity alone could not cope. Since that time, there is a belief that the Guardian Angel leaves a person without protection at the age of 40. Birthday celebrates only those who are not afraid to "say hello" approaching death.
Why this mysterious figure
Indeed, why exactly? The question of whether you can celebrate 40 years, worried about a huge number of people, and especially strong sex. The most interesting thing is that no one even really knows where the ban on this wonderful anniversary came from. Most likely, the whole point is that the number is sacred in many cultures. It is mentioned in all the key moments associated with pain, trials, death. For example, the Great Flood lasted forty days. Jesus spent the same days in the wilderness after his baptism. For forty years Moses wandered in the wilderness with his people.
There are also examples from ancient Slavonic culture. In it, many different rituals related to life and death were associated with the number "forty."
There is a version that in the eastern magic associated with tarot cards, the figure "four" means death. And according to the laws of numerology, 4 and 40 are the same thing. Moreover, in the Tarot cards "Death" has the letter designation "M", and this letter of the Hebrew alphabet corresponds to our treasured figure.
There is also a story that relates not entirely to religion and mythology, but to our daily life. Most likely, many heard a story about why men can not celebrate 40 years by the example of an astronaut who went to space the day after his jubilee. But, unfortunately, at the start there were some problems, and the ship crashed.
So, why can not men be 40 years old? It would seem that morality is very simple, as in all children's horror stories about a little boy - it all ends in a sudden death. Over time, the mere lethal outcome was not as rapid as expected, but afterwards it acquired various details. Like, if the birthday boy does not die in the near future, then some terrible disease will overtake him, and he will not be able to see fifty exactly. And after and at all on relatives began to slander, that they will bear for it the answer. Alas, the validity of these statements can be doubted, because there is no evidence. Although from various sources you can hear the horrors of a hard life and colorful stories about those who celebrated their birthday, and what became of them.
What the church thinks about this
With many troubling questions, people turn to the Lord. It's not strange that no man came to the church for advice, whether it's possible to celebrate 40 years, because they rarely go there. The modern church considers this superstition, like most others, a complete nonsense and nonsense, heresy. Priests can support only the unwillingness of a person to celebrate his 33rd birthday, because that's how much Jesus was on the day of his crucifixion. In this case, though there is reason to abandon the holiday. And even then this is not an obligatory procedure. They urge in every possible way to discard all fears and doubts about the fact that a holiday on the day of birth will be able to cause serious trouble.
Opinion of psychologists
Information from only one source satisfies not many people. Despite the opinion of the church, it was decided to find out the opinion of psychologists, do they mark 40 years, or not? And also that they advise their clients on this issue. On this account, they respond fairly simply, they say, this is an individual matter. It all depends only on the birthday boy, because everyone has long known the truth about the fact that like attracts like that, if you tune in to a bad mood, you should not expect anything good.
Agree, not everyone can safely experience the loss of one holiday in a year. And in general, this is why men can not be celebrated for 40 years? Who will forbid them? The soul requires a holiday, but the mind whispers, they say, think, you need it, maybe it's better to wait out? For such situations, the following loopholes were found by the people of our people:
- Celebrate the festive date in forty years and one day, which in no way is associated with the ill-fated anniversary.
- Not to celebrate at all, but to remember the departing, the thirty-ninth year, and with pleasure to move on life further.
- Mark only at home, where, as they say, and the walls help. And only in the family, when no one can wish anything bad to the hero of the day.
- On the day of the celebration, to call all relatives and friends, not to sound an excuse, because they already know what the date is. At the same time to arrange the atmosphere of an absolutely different holiday. The best option is to make yourself another New Year: this idea will be pleasant, no doubt, your guests and will be remembered for many years.
How to celebrate 40 years for a man
If the culprit of the celebration does not believe in any signs, then the holiday can be safely celebrated. How to do this is a personal choice for everyone, but still it would not be worth creating a noisy and grandiose drinking party from this anniversary. Yet not all such unbelievers, and no-no, but someone will remember about this superstition, than at best spoil the mood.
The best option for celebrating this anniversary will be a feast with the closest friends and family, people who know each other and among whom there will not be any conflict situations.
If the above arguments did not help to answer the question, do men celebrate 40 years, then it is better to do without a holiday. The main thing is to remember the basic rule that all superstitions work only if you strongly believe in them. After all, the power of thought and the gift of self-realization are doing incredible things.
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