
Marriage And Love: How Long to Save Romantic Relationships?

The relationship between a man and a woman before marriage is usually very romantic. The long-awaited meetings, flowers gifts, the desire to look as good as possible and produce the most favorable impression on the partner create unforgettable memories, which the couple keeps in their memory for many years. And the water sounded Mendelssohn's march, passed the honeymoon, and normal life began.

Just thinking about marital relationships, any couple dreams that their marriage and love will last for many years. But many forget that in order to preserve love in the family, it takes a lot of work. A common mistake is to assume that the partner is now chained and now will not go anywhere. Time passes and the couple begins to believe that their marriage and love have cracked, small scandals, mutual accusations and the search for the guilty begin. But marriage is the union of two people and in the not-established relationship, both are usually to blame.

No wonder it is believed that life is capable of ruining marriage and love and that this does not happen, try to keep the halo of romanticism that surrounded you in the first days of acquaintance. And this applies not only to men, but also to women.

The most destructive for the marriage of psychologists is the established stereotype of the relationship. How does a normal family day. In the morning they ran to work, in the evening the wife goes shopping, prepares dinner, deals with the household and children - this is considered her responsibility. The husband at this time is busy reading or watching TV, from which he reluctantly breaks away to fulfill petty errands. This is an extreme case, but this is something that can very quickly kill love and marriage.

Women complain that the husband does not pay attention to her at all, does not give flowers, does not speak words of love and does not help at all on an au pair. But even from such everyday worries you can get a lot of fun if you turn them into a kind of game. Divide the duties among themselves. Better yet, do everything together. Jointly cooked and served dinner turns into a romantic one. A joint trip to the store can be combined with a walk to your favorite places. Women are very fond of getting constant confirmation of their attractiveness - tell her compliments, give small gifts just so without any reason.

Why is it considered that a romantic relationship is obligated to provide a man, but this is absolutely wrong. A common mistake of a woman is that after the wedding she sees her husband as a reality and completely ceases to follow her. An old robe, trampled sneakers, a mask on the face - all this can extinguish romantic impulses in the bud. Usually women have one excuse - it's so convenient for me. But the man loves the eyes. And when his narrowed bed in a washed clothes or a torn nightdraw, you should not expect any great deeds from him.

For adjustment of relations sometimes it is enough simply to buy beautiful underwear, to put on a dress and not to forget about cosmetics and a hairdress. A man will appreciate your desire to look beautiful only for him alone, for him it will be the best confirmation of your love.

Do not forget that a strong sex is very fond of receiving little tokens from his beloved. And this is not always gifts. Men, like women, like compliments, they should feel demanded and able to solve any problems. Consult with them as often as possible, create the feeling that only he is able to solve many problems. All this increases self-esteem and allows a man to feel needed.

If you feel the tension in the relationship and your marriage and love are under threat, you should not think that everything will dissolve by itself. The sooner you sit at the negotiating table, the more likely you are to repay grievances in the bud, simply by making a joint decision. Love is a rare feeling that connects hearts and souls. For this, it is worthwhile to work hard and keep a fleur of romance all the long years of married life.

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