
How young children bring their children in the current conditions

At all times children were born constantly and without close attention to this issue of parents. This simply was not necessary. But something has clearly changed in today's state of affairs. What was the reason that the question of how children start up sounds already to our society painfully and even hopelessly? I will not address the problems of ecology, health and financial opportunities. They, of course, are important, but they do not have such decisive importance. Otherwise, there were not large families in the neighborhood, where it's hard to even talk about well-being. I believe that the main reason should not be sought here.

From my own experience I will say that most of the reasons for our failures, misfortunes and even illnesses are in ourselves, namely in our head, psyche and in our thoughts. It makes no sense to read greedily all the articles on pregnancy, with a longing to see mummies with strollers, and even more to experience all the traditional and even unthinkable ways of conception. I can not guarantee that this will be a 100% success, but first understand yourself, and then most of the factors will disappear by themselves. Do not allow extraneous things to influence your life. In this, and the secret of large families, they never asked themselves how they got children.

In most cases, medicine is simply powerless to establish the causes of infertility. Most likely, the first and main problem here is fear and constant hesitation: whether to have a child at all. Analyze! At the age of 15 you were frightened by an early pregnancy, and you were afraid. At the institute, you were afraid that your parents will act against their grandchildren, they will not help, and you have not even done it yet. After the university it was necessary to stand up, build a career, get a living space, amenities and so on. Everything somehow did not have time, desire and possibilities. So, you yourself gave an installation to your body that you simply do not need children. At the same time, they gave it at a time when the basic vital functions were directed specifically at procreation.

So, your first and main task is to be ready yourself. To do this, it is necessary to eradicate this deeply rooted installation and direct all its internal forces, thoughts and impulses in the right direction. Your true feminine nature will help you, just free it in yourself, stop squeezing it with the conventions of time, status and position. And stop blaming yourself for everything and exhausting with different questions. In a word, be free!

The next important question is the buzzing all ears claim that they have children for love and only. Judging by everyday practice, this is far from the case. But there is one "but". If you dream of a child, family comfort, the welfare of the new life you gave birth, you need to give birth to a child for love. Your thoughts, moods, desires give the first and the deepest setting for the formation of a new person. And love is the most powerful and true feeling, creating only the beautiful. With such a first set-up, the little man born will go through this hard life more confidently, for you have already laid a spark of happiness in him. And it does not matter whether you personally managed to maintain your well-being, your beloved and strong family. Unfortunately, it does not always work out the way you want. But you have been striving for this, and this is the main thing.

How do children have children? It is very important that this issue is worried not only by the future mother, but also by the future father. It is just necessary that the child would like a man. And I did not just want, for example, as pride, the successor of the family, self-realization, but as a part of myself, the continuation of myself and my love for a woman. Often a mother wants a child, but a man at best loves her and agrees with her. And, believe me, it's hard to struggle with. But moving in this direction is even worth it. If your husband does not share with you the joys of expecting a child, he will not be able to share with you and the difficulties of the first years of life of the baby. And if the father does not make friends with the newborn, then eventually find a common language with the baby, so it will be more and more difficult for you. So do not miss the opportunity to draw your man's attention to the birth of a child. Always share your concerns and consider his opinions. This is all very important.

It's not so easy to do everything, as they say. But if you manage to solve these basic nuances, then onward your love and aspiration will prompt the necessary direction. Next, you will find yourself the right solution for your family. Then hints and other people's experience will be superfluous for you. Learn to feel your situation from the inside, deep in the heart, to feel all your needs and needs personally. Then you will be able to make the right decisions for you and your family.

Perhaps, the described problem situation has its pluses. After all, just the very formulation of the question of whether to have a child, already sets up parents for a responsible attitude to this problem. And if earlier this process was entirely left to God's care, then now the couple bears moral responsibility for the new little man. Therefore, the main answer to the question of how children lead in current families, in my opinion, should sound like this: "With tremendous responsibility." But only a responsible attitude towards something always involves additional difficulties. But do not despair, just move in the right direction and always work on yourself. And you always succeed.

Not everything is in our power, but we can do something. So do not forget the saying: "Trust in God, and do not be bad!" Good luck to you and your family!

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