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Why does not the child gain weight?
Children's health is a crucial moment in the life of every parent. A huge role is played by the weight of the newborn. In the first years of life, the baby should eat well (however, as in the rest of the time, it's just that the older children are not treated so carefully) in order to develop to the fullest. There are even generally accepted norms for weight gain. What if the child does not match? Or rather, if it weighs less and does not gain almost anything? What are the causes of this phenomenon? Should I panic if the child does not gain weight?
Feeding regime
Problems with a set of kilograms in children can be many. Therefore, it is important to determine the cause of abnormalities. In infants most often the cause is a violation of the feeding regimen.
The thing is that mothers choose how and when to feed them a child. Some do it on demand, someone - on a clear schedule. Often in the second case, the children simply remain hungry. And so it turns out that the child does not gain weight. That is, it absorbs little food.
The reason is not too dangerous. It's easy to fix. It is recommended to switch to on-demand feeding mode. So the child will eat as much as he needs for growth and development. In the case of infants, this phenomenon may not be very convenient for the mother, especially at night. But for children, on-demand feeding is most suitable.
Lack of milk
Your child a month? Bad gaining weight? The problem may lie in the lack of milk. It is not difficult to guess, it is observed only in those children who are exclusively breastfed.
Especially often lack of milk is found in primiparous mothers. The reasons for this problem can be a lot - stress, long adaptation of the body and so on. But the fact remains: milk is not enough for the baby.
In this case, we can recommend several methods. It all depends on whether the mother wants to breastfeed the baby farther or not. If a child does not gain weight due to a shortage of milk, it is simply necessary to apply it more often to the breast or stimulate the breast with a breast pump. Usually problems with the allocation of milk are observed in the first month after childbirth.
The second option is to switch to artificial feeding. So you can feed your child and know for sure that he has enough food for proper development. But this is far from the best solution. Some assure that there is nothing more useful for the baby than breast milk.
Intestinal diseases
Why does not the child gain weight? The cause of this phenomenon can be intestinal diseases. Usually this problem occurs in children who are mixed or artificial feeding. But babies on breastfeeding usually only have colic. But they have no effect on weight gain, only on the overall condition of the baby.
What should I do in this case? First, find out what kind of intestinal disease the child has. And then cure it. If the cause is an artificial mixture, you need to change it. It is advisable to select the next meal for the baby with a pediatrician who observes the newborn. It will definitely help you decide.
Usually, to sound an alarm and express suspicions about the presence of intestinal diseases is when the child does not gain weight. But he must also lose it. It is this symptom that is accompanied by bowel disease in infants. Therefore, do not immediately raise panic. Not the fact that everything is as serious as it seems.
Is a baby breast gaining weight badly? To admit honestly, this is not always the reason for panic. In some cases, the deviation from the norm can be considered normal. Yes, modern doctors immediately talk about the health problems of the baby, but in fact it is not.
Genetics and heredity also played a role in the formation of the newborn's body. So, underweight can be inherited. That is, if the parents do not have a predisposition to completeness, moreover, when the mother and father were also with a lack of mass, the child may also face this problem.
Usually, this situation does not require any additional actions. It is hardly subject to adjustment. It is enough to explain to the pediatrician that the shortage was inherited. Otherwise, you will be intimidated by disappointing diagnoses, and the child will be cured of everything that can only cause our today's problem.
In some cases, you still have to take tests to find out the true cause of the body's deficiency in body weight . The child does not gain weight? Maybe he had worms! Usually, this phenomenon is observed in young children. In newborns, this phenomenon is virtually impossible.
To set the weight came back to normal, you need to get rid of parasites in the body. Only after passing the treatment will the child begin to eat normally and gain weight. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to exclude worms from a number of reasons for shortage of weight to the baby. But only without panic - everything is treated, the child will quickly be able to recover after a set of procedures.
Rates of weight gain
In what situations is it worth raising an alarm? How many children should I gain weight? Now you can find a variety of tables with norms for girls and boys. There are even special calculators - they will show how much your baby should be typing in a month and weigh in the end. The main advantage of such utilities is the consideration of the growth of the baby and its original data.
Nevertheless, there are certain norms for weight gain. The main breakthrough should be observed in the first months of the baby's life. So, for 30 days for six months the child types 800-900 grams, and then up to a year - 400. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Small errors are permissible. But strong deviations are usually the cause of panic and fears of parents.
Now it is clear how much the child should gain weight by months. But there is one more reason why this can cause problems. If the baby is gaining weight well, and then shortly there is shortage, months so from 4, pay attention to the lure. It can be entered incorrectly. Because of this, food is worse absorbed. And, as a consequence, there are problems with weight.
To exclude this phenomenon, first apply the baby for a short while to the breast (milk improves the digestion of food), then give the lure in small quantities. This is how you can exclude digestive disorders.
In general, if your baby does not have any problems with the intestines, he gets enough milk, but still suffers from underweight, do not panic. It has already been said that this phenomenon can be inherited. Therefore, it is not always necessary to sound an alarm if the child does not gain weight.
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