Food and drink, Wines and spirits
Why do people drink alcohol? Culture of drinking. Types of alcoholic beverages
In the film "Peter FM" there is one curious episode. In conversation, one man tells the other that his girlfriend does not smoke or drink, this statement is followed by a very strange question: "Is she sick?" Unfortunately, a very drunk person becomes a rarity in this world. A bottle of wine or vodka on the table can be seen almost all people, sometimes completely without any reason.
Nobody says that it is necessary to completely abandon alcohol, but the fact is that not all are able to correctly, without harm to their health, to drink spirits. The culture of drinking is what every person who drinks alcohol should know. In what doses of alcohol does not harm the body, but benefits? What it is necessary to know, that consequences of acceptance of alcohol did not become catastrophe? Why do people drink alcohol? Many foreigners say that drunkenness is a primordially Russian trait. Is it really? When and where did alcoholic beverages first appeared?
A bit of history
When there was alcohol, it is difficult to determine. It is only known that this happened long ago. In some tribes of ancient people there were rites of communication with the gods and spirits of the dead. They used alcohol. He was made of honey, grapes and berries.
The first liquor that appeared was beer. Brew it began in Babylon, about 7,000 years BC. E. Countries in which this drink was very popular - Ancient Greece and Egypt. Every day people used to eat: bread, onions and beer.
Alcohol - what does this word mean?
In Arabic, this means - intoxicating. It was this people who received alcohol as early as the beginning of the 7th century. There are a lot of legends associated with its appearance. In one of them it is said that a monk named Valentius once made a drink. After drinking it, he became very intoxicated. And after he came to himself, he said that he had found a remedy that could give courage and strength.
"Domostroy" and the attitude to alcohol
The very first Russian book on the rules of life said that "drunkards of the kingdom of God will not inherit." The attitude of society to people who love to drink, was sharply negative. The drunkard was condemned in every possible way, and to lead friendship with him was considered a great disgrace. In the middle of the XV century, vodka was invented in Russia. Its original name is bread, since it was made on bread alcohol. Manufacturers of vodka in Russia kept the recipe of manufacturing in great secrecy. With her invention for another hundred years of cases of abuse, it was almost not there.
But from the middle of the 16th century, institutions began to be closed all over the country where it was possible to eat, and taverns opened in which only alcohol was sold. Therefore, the question of why people drink alcohol, no longer stood. They simply had nothing to do, and how could it be otherwise, if the liquor was flowing around the river, and there was nowhere else to go to the poor man. Prices for alcohol were low enough, so even the poorest person could come to the tavern.
The most common myths about alcohol
To somehow justify the craving for alcohol, they came up with various arguments in his defense. Their existence removed many prohibitions, and the answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink alcohol was no longer so important. Consider these arguments:
- Alcohol helps to cure colds. Alcohol dilates the blood vessels, so for a short time comes relief, which after a few hours passes, and the person becomes only worse. In addition, people who regularly take alcohol, reduces immunity, and as a result, the risk of infection with various diseases increases.
- A timid and shy person can forget about their complexes if they take alcohol. But the problem can not be solved that way. Sooner or later, there comes a sobering-up, and the realization of one's behavior can plunge into depression.
- You can easily cope with a bad mood. In fact, alcohol can lead a person into an even more depressed state. Many suicides committed suicide, being in a strong alcoholic intoxication.
- Helps to fall asleep quickly. Of course, you can sleep, but such a dream will not bring health to your health. If you constantly take alcohol to get rid of insomnia, then in the end it will lead to serious problems with health and sleep.
- Beer is not a drink, and it is very useful to drink for health. Recently, such varieties are produced in which the share of alcohol is from 10 degrees and above. If you drink a bottle of this beer, it will have the same effect as a glass of vodka.
There are such reasons for drunkenness
"Wake-up, holiday, meeting, seeing off,
Christening, wedding and divorce,
Frost, hunting, New Year,
Recuperation, housewarming,
Sadness, repentance, fun,
Success, reward, new rank
And just drunkenness - for no reason! "
Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak in his poem very well listed all the reasons why people drink. They can be divided into several categories. So, why do people drink alcohol?
- Emotional factor. When a person is tired or very much upset, there is a desire to relax. For many people, alcohol is the very first and effective way to relieve fatigue and stress.
- Psychological factor. Indecisive and insecure people often take alcohol in order to make important decisions.
- Social factor. At weddings, birthdays and other holidays it is not customary to dispense with alcohol. The non-drinking person is viewed with disapproval, at best with pity. In order not to look like a "black sheep", one has to drink with all. But there is one more way out of the situation, changing your environment to something in which everyone has the right to do what he wants.
- The so-called tasting factor. There are people who like this or that alcoholic beverage. Its taste, smell, color. They drink one glass of wine or a glass of cognac, enjoying the process itself. Prices for alcohol they absolutely do not bother.
How to drink alcohol
Is it worth to refuse alcohol? The smaller part of mankind, familiar with such a concept as the culture of drinking, does this not only without harm to health, but also with benefit to the organism. Quality alcohol does not harm if you adhere to the following rules:
- The most important rule when drinking alcohol, and any, moderation. Only in small doses of alcohol will not cause harm to health. Scientists have experimentally proved that the consumption of 100 grams of strong drinks per day or 300 grams of wine will not harm the male body, women need to cut almost twice the amount of alcohol.
- Do not drink on an empty stomach, as the alcohol content in the blood increases. Fatty meals reduce the danger of intoxication.
- Everyone knows perfectly well that they start drinking alcohol from weak drinks, moving on to stronger ones. But for some reason many people forget this simple rule. Remember that if you drank a glass of vodka or cognac, then you should not drink wine or champagne afterwards. The result of neglecting this rule will be the strongest morning headache.
- Want to avoid nausea and vomiting, after the feast do not snack alcohol with fruit. Let it be: meat, fish, sandwiches with sausage, cheese, smoked products.
- It is very harmful to drink strong alcoholic drinks with carbonated water. It increases the rate at which alcohol enters the bloodstream.
Types of alcoholic beverages
All alcoholic drinks are usually divided by the number of degrees that are in them. Proceeding from this, they are: weak, medium and strong. In turn, each species has a huge number of varieties.
To low-alcohol include: beer, kvass, cider. The alcohol content in such beverages does not exceed 8 degrees.
Medium alcohol - wine, punch, grog, etc. The fortress is not more than 20 degrees.
Among the strongest alcoholic beverages: vodka, cognac, rum, tequila and others. The alcohol content can reach up to 80 degrees.
Consequences of alcohol
- With the systematic abuse of alcoholic beverages, the likelihood of getting sick with serious illness increases. These include: liver cirrhosis, heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and other body organs.
- Increased irritability, fatigue, aggressiveness.
- The number of traumatic situations on the roads is increasing.
- In women who often take alcohol, the strongest dependence on alcohol begins. Children born by such mothers are more often ill than their peers from non-drinking mothers.
- The death of brain cells, as a consequence, mental degradation.
- There are problems in the relationship in the family. A person loses the ability to soberly assess the situation, make the right decisions.
- There is a dependence on alcohol.
Curious facts about alcohol
- In ancient Greece, the most revered of the gods was Dionysus. Annually in his honor festivals were held, on which alcohol was drunk in huge quantities.
- In Russia they drank only brag and mead, sometimes beer. Drunk on big holidays, to use different types of alcoholic beverages on ordinary days was considered unacceptable.
- One of the reasons why people drink alcohol is the commemoration of the deceased.
- If in Uruguay you sit behind the wheel in a state of intoxication, then you will have a mitigating circumstance in violation of the rules of the road.
- Most people who drink beer are not in Germany, as many believe, but in the Czech Republic.
- Types of alcoholic beverages are estimated in the hundreds, but the most popular is vodka.
- The most not-drinking among the famous people is Adolf Hitler.
- Duplicates of alcohol make the highest quality, for the same technology as the originals, the difference is only in price.
- The first can of beer was sold in 1935.
- Alcohol is present not only in grapes, but also in ripe bananas, many varieties of apples and some types of vegetables.
Oh, this is red wine
Doctors have long proven that any alcohol harms the human body. But there is one alcoholic beverage that can be of great use if you consume it in reasonable quantities. It's a red dry wine.
First, it is capable of damaging effects on bacteria living in our body.
Secondly, the red dry wine includes a large number of minerals: iron, zinc, chromium and others.
Third, it has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. It also strengthens the immune system and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
Top 5 most drinking countries in the world
The fifth place is occupied by Germany. In this country, alcoholic beverages can be drunk in public places. The most popular drink is beer. Various festivals and holidays are dedicated to him. The most famous is the Oktoberfest. It is carried out in October, for two weeks, noting so harvesting.
The 4th place is Denmark. The country has a very loyal attitude to alcoholic beverages, and about 90 percent of Danes over the age of 14 openly drink.
The third place is occupied by the Czech Republic. Here, the largest number of beer consumption per capita.
In the 2 nd place is France. Rare food intake costs the French without a glass of wine. Here the most famous champagne is sold, duplicates of alcohol can be found in Russia.
On the 1st place is Ireland. Studies have shown that half the population consumes alcohol at least once a week.
What to do with a hangover
Most of humanity at least once in a life abused alcoholic drinks in the evening, and in the morning it suffered from hangover syndromes. There are simple ways that can ease your condition.
- Clean the stomach, for this drink as much salted or mineral water.
- With nausea, activated charcoal will help.
- Alternating a cold and warm shower will improve the overall condition.
- Take a stroll in the fresh air.
Each person himself answers the question: "Can I drink alcohol?" The most important thing is not this. After all, you can take one glass of good wine for dinner, and you can drink a whole bottle.
The culture of drinking is what everyone who respects himself and others should know about. Health is the most priceless gift that is given to a person, and doing anything that harms him is unforgivable.
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