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Why can not pregnant women drink coffee? What is harmful for pregnant women

Coffee is almost the most popular drink in the world. He won the mass recognition a few centuries ago and from the moment he met the man, he only expanded his circle of admirers. The scale of its production also grew. How much this fragrant drink exists, so much is being debated about its usefulness and harm. It is known that he has many medical contraindications, therefore it is not surprising that pregnant women also should refuse it.

Coffee is harmful - is it a myth?

Why can not pregnant women drink coffee and is this really so? Some people consider this statement a prejudice from the field "why it is impossible to get a haircut and knit women in position in knitting needles". Although it is not necessary to confuse folk folklore and really real facts, studying the great minds of science and the luminaries of medicine for years. Of course, nothing bad from one cup of coffee will not happen either with mom or with a child. In addition, there are many skeptics who unanimously assert that they personally used coffee throughout their entire pregnancy (or know such cases) and took out absolutely healthy children.

But after all, alcoholics and drug addicts also do not always have incomplete children. If there is even a fraction of the doubt, even when you do not know exactly why pregnant women can not drink coffee, it is prudent to be safe. It's better to wait 9 months without a favorite drink, then to enjoy your happy motherhood all your life.

How does caffeine affect the fetus?

The main reason why pregnant women can not drink coffee - of course, its harm to the health of an unborn child. Therefore, to risk only for the sake of your own whims at least selfishly. Some argue that coffee is harmful only in the first trimester of pregnancy, others are of the opinion that the greatest danger awaits in the latter. But all specialists, without exception, adhere to one point of view whether the coffee is harmful to pregnant women.

Caffeine is sometimes compared in its effect with amphetamine. It just causes a specific dependence and instantly enters the blood, the brain and all the organs of man. And if a woman is pregnant, the same nutrition gets the fruit. To drink coffee is not necessary either during the period of bearing a child, or during lactation. It is a mistake to believe that decaffeinated coffee can be pregnant. This name is only conditional, since there is still caffeine in the drink, just in a smaller amount. A woman should understand that practically everything that gets into her body penetrates into the baby's body through the placenta. Caffeine narrows the placental vessels, because of which the baby experiences oxygen starvation and lacks the nutrients that he needs for full growth and development all the time.

Nervous system and skeleton

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, and this negatively affects the development of the fetus. By itself, such a state can disturb the sleep of any person. And for a pregnant woman, this can result in insomnia, fatigue, frequent changes in mood. But there are also more serious explanations of what harmful coffee is for pregnant women. Even a slight excess of the normal dose of coffee affects the nerve cells and the overall work of the mother's body. And her innocent love of the oldest drink affects the nervous system and the skeleton of the child.

According to studies and observations of physicians, coffee helps to remove calcium from the body. If on the health of a healthy person this may not be particularly affected, then on a child in the mother's womb, the skeleton of which is at the stage of formation, the deficit of calcium and minerals is reflected adversely. All these elements the fetus receives from the mother. Even if it is fully nourished, large doses of caffeine will prevent the normal absorption of trace elements and vitamins from food.

Beat on the body

Why can not coffee be pregnant? Regardless of whether it is natural or soluble, for women in the position this drink is fraught with even disorders of the internal organs. So, because of excessive consumption of coffee, the work of the kidneys and the frequency of urination are accelerated substantially. Kidneys already have a heavy load during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. Because of this, often there is swelling, there is an increase in pressure and a number of related problems. A woman should strive to minimize this process, and not aggravate it. On this depends on the general well-being, and the ease of transferring the entire period of pregnancy. And if she had previously had problems with the kidneys, it is better to give up coffee altogether (and not only during the period of gestation).

For pregnant women, constant monitoring of blood pressure is very important. Aromatic drink not only increases it, but it also causes a rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath. Together with this, secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach increases, which affects its mucous membrane. Heartburn during pregnancy is almost a trivial phenomenon that plagues women round the clock. Coffee is one of the causes of this ailment.

Conception and bearing

Specialists working with problems of conception and the inability of women to bear pregnancy, came to the conclusion that in this issue, coffee plays an important role. Their observations showed that it is harder for women to get pregnant than women who prefer other beverages. Therefore, even at the planning stage of maternity it is recommended to give up coffee. Or at least significantly reduce the number of cups drunk a day.

Why can not pregnant women drink coffee? It is possible that, leaving with this seemingly innocuous habit, a woman will lose a child at an early age, because because of the increased tone of the uterus, miscarriages often occur. The risk of premature birth in those who drink three or more cups of coffee a day is 60 percent higher than women who abandoned it.

The main thing is a sense of proportion

Understanding why coffee is harmful to pregnant women, it would be unfair to ignore the question of what dose is considered an abuse. Of course, in moderate amounts the harm from this drink is not so serious and fraught with consequences for the woman herself and for her future baby. So how much can you drink coffee pregnant? Even 2 cups a day is already a lot! Those who are so attached to him that even the fear of their own child does not become the motive for a complete refusal, it is permissible sometimes to pamper yourself, but not more often than once a week. However, it is still recommended to avoid large portions and high strength of the drink.

Is it possible to solubilize pregnant coffee ? It is known that soluble analogs can not be compared with real brewed coffee beans. But many choose them, believing that such a drink is less strong, has less caffeine in the composition, and therefore is not so harmful. In fact, everything is not so. Being in the position, women should give preference to natural products, without any impurities and additives. This applies to coffee. If he will be present in your life at least once a week, make sure that it is really a quality variety.

Fighting caffeine addiction

It's unlikely that even the most desperate coffee fans will disagree with the fact that a beloved child is still more expensive than a favorite drink. But it's easy to say, but it's not always easy to do. People who are used to start the morning with an espresso cup, have dinner with him, have supper and fall asleep, will not be able to tolerate a few days to get another fragrant charge of vivacity. Especially if the favorite drink is very near, at arm's length, how to resist the temptation?

In such cases, a cup a week is not an option, but rather an anguish and an extra daily stress due to such a tight restriction. It is unlikely to adhere to the rules. Doctors advise to get rid of addiction and temptation in one fell swoop, eliminating coffee from your diet in general. Just ban it yourself, like alcohol or spicy food. As practice shows, getting rid by total failure is much easier than gradual withdrawal. To somehow smooth this period, you need to replace the drink with other drink, for example, instead of a cup of coffee - a glass of water without gas.

Coffee and more

In addition to coffee, it is recommended to give up black tea during pregnancy, it also contains caffeine. Of course, not completely, but it is better to brew a weak tea or add milk to it. Cocoa, unfortunately, for pregnant women is also under partial prohibition. This sweet drink refers to allergens, like chocolate, and also not very favorable for the absorption of calcium. This list also includes green tea, which, even with a low percentage of caffeine, is fraught with considerable danger. It is known that excessive love for him leads to loss of calcium, pain in the joints, even in absolutely healthy people. And pregnant women already give a lot of resources to their own organism to a growing baby. Of course, if you choose from three evils, then green tea is the least. There are a lot of vitamins and minerals in it, so you can drink it, the main thing is not to forget about the sense of proportion.

What can I drink?

Of course, of hot drinks, fruit is preferable, but not in bags, but from real dried fruit. Carbonated sweet drinks are best replaced with water without gas and fresh juices from vegetables and fruits. Do not forbid, and even recommended home-made compotes, morses, kefir and milk. Proceeding from this, the answer to the question of why it is impossible for pregnant women to become pregnant becomes obvious. After all, not only coffee, but all that brings less benefit than harm, it is undesirable to use during the whole period of bearing the child. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle safely dispense with coffee, soda, unnatural food and drink every day. Perhaps, you will join their ranks with the whole family. And you will continue to take care of your health even after childbirth.

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