Food and drinkTea

Who should not drink green tea? Green tea: benefit and harm

Today we will tell you about whom green tea is contraindicated. In addition, from the presented article you will find out what composition this product has, and what healing properties it has.

general information

Before telling you about who is against green tea, you should tell about this drink in more detail.

Green tea is tea that has been subjected to minimal fermentation (i.e., oxidation). At the same time, few people know that both green and black drink are obtained from leaves of the same tea bush. Then what is the difference between them? The fact is that the leaves for obtaining the mentioned teas are obtained in completely different ways. Without going into details, I want to note that the raw material for the green drink is pre-oxidized by 3-12%.

Green tea: benefit, composition

Properties, contra-indications and harm of this drink will be presented below. Now I want to tell you about what its chemical composition is. After all, it is the elements that make up it that determine its usefulness for the human body.


Answering the question about who and what green tea is useful for, one can not help saying that a third of this product is made up of various compounds of polyphenols, tannin, catechins, and derivatives from them. Moreover, these substances are contained in this drink twice as much as in black. That is why it should be included in your diet to those who regularly suffer from constipation and other problems with the intestines.

It should also be noted that the caffeine-tannin compound forms a caffeine tannate substance. It is it that acts stimulant on the cardiovascular and nervous system.


Contraindications of green tea, as well as benefits, are due to its composition. As we found out above, there is caffeine in this drink. As a rule, its quantity is about 1-4%. Its exact content depends on many factors (for example, the size of tea leaves, the method of processing, the growing conditions, the temperature of water during brewing, etc.). In addition to caffeine, this product contains other alkaloids in the form of theobromine and theophylline, which promote vasodilation.

Enzymes and amino acids

If we talk about the presence of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in green tea, then it contains only substances such as enzymes and amino acids. And the best composition is observed in the Japanese variety.

Product Caloric Value

What else is notable for green tea? Benefits and harm for losing weight are also due to the composition of this product. It should be noted that green tea is a low-calorie product. In this regard, it can be included in your diet, even for those who are overweight.

Experts argue that the caloric value of green tea without the use of granulated sugar is close to zero. In some cases, it can equal about 10 calories in one small cup. Therefore, you can brew for your family delicious and healthy green tea.

Benefit and harm of green tea

The benefit of this product is that it contains many useful substances. For example, the leaves of green tea contain four times more vitamins P and C than citrus fruits. Moreover, these substances mutually enhance the healing properties of each other. They protect cells from destruction, and also contribute to strengthening the immune system.

It should also be noted that green tea includes such an important vitamin, as vitamin A (or carotene). As is known, this substance favorably affects the eyesight, and also increases the excretion of free radicals.

Very important place in this drink is occupied by vitamins of group B. So, В1 promotes regulation of carbohydrate balance of an organism, and В2 struggles with viruses and bacteria, promotes strengthening of hair and nails. As for vitamin B3, it reduces the amount of cholesterol and enhances the production of red blood cells.

Among other things, green tea is very rich and vitamin E, which strengthens cell membranes and has an antioxidant effect on the human body. It also positively affects the reproductive system - both men and women.

What is the harm?

Why are some people not recommended to include green tea in their diet? The benefits and harm of green tea are closely related to the composition of this drink. After all, it contains a lot of substances that contribute to the expansion of blood vessels. In this regard, it should be carefully drunk to those who have any problems in this area.

Contraindications for use

To whom is green tea categorically contraindicated? Few people know, but the presented drink is allowed to drink quite a few people. This is due, above all, to the fact that it is very rich in minerals and vitamins.

So, consider the contra-indications of green tea in more detail:

  1. First of all, it is not recommended to drink the drink in mature or elderly people. This fact is due to the fact that green tea negatively affects the joints and can easily provoke gout.
  2. Specialists say that this drink can increase the acidity of gastric juice. That is why the question of who is contraindicated in green tea, can fully answer that people with ulcers in the main digestive organs, as well as with gastritis and erosions.
  3. It is extremely undesirable to drink green tea in kidney diseases, especially if they have stones or sand.
  4. From green tea should be abandoned forever and those who regularly suffer from insomnia, as well as arrhythmia, anxiety and high blood pressure. This fact is due to the fact that the presented drink has excitatory properties, due to the content in it of a substance such as caffeine.
  5. Contraindicated in green tea and high temperature. In addition, it should not be drunk to pregnant women and nursing mothers.

How can you not eat green tea?

Now you know who is against green tea. However, it should be noted that before buying this product, you need to pay attention not only to its harm, but also how it should be properly used. After all, even in the absence of contraindications, incorrectly drunk tea can cause tangible damage to the human body.

  • Green tea, which was drunk on an empty stomach, can easily upset digestion.
  • You can not drink the presented drink with glaucoma.
  • If you decide to give green tea to your child, then it should be remembered that children under 12 years of age can drink it only in a weakly welded form.
  • For people with an enlarged thyroid gland, green tea is also contraindicated.
  • You can not drink tea of poor quality or with a published shelf life. That's why you should not save on it, but rather spend it and buy a real and fresh product.
  • During consumption, green tea should not be too hot. After all, the high temperature of such a drink can contribute to the appearance of inflammation of the internal organs due to burns.
  • A strong brewed green drink can easily provoke a severe headache.
  • Brew tea should be only before it is consumed. And in the future it is not recommended to refill with water. After all, he loses so much in useful properties and in taste.
  • Tea, which was drunk before eating, is able to reduce the absorption of protein.

Brewing process

Preparation of any tea drink, including green tea, is called brewing. To do this, take about 2 g of dry matter and pour it about 100 ml of boiled water.

It should also be noted that the brewing process can vary significantly depending on what kind of product you purchased. For example, for high-quality tea, a large amount of dry sheet is used, which can be brewed several times in a short time.

The time of preparation of the drink and the temperature of the water are also different for different types of tea. The greatest brewing temperature is 81-87 ° C, and the largest time is 2-3 minutes. As for the lowest value, it is 61-69 ° C and 30 seconds, respectively.

As a rule, low-quality tea is brewed at higher temperatures and much longer than high-quality tea. It is for this observation and you can determine which product you sold in the store.

Finally, I would like to add that if green tea is brewed too long and in steep boiling water, it will become astringent and bitter, regardless of its grade and quality.

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