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Which particles are written through a hyphen in Russian

In this article we will consider the material devoted to what particles are written through a hyphen in the Russian language. The material of the separate writing of this part of speech will also be analyzed in detail. In addition, there will be a lot of examples that will allow more detailed consideration of this topic.

The Russian language is diverse and flexible. It is interesting to study it, it is pleasant to know this knowledge. Let's forget about the difficulties of studying, let's move upwards, step by step ... So, let's begin consideration of a difficult and very interesting topic.

The concept of a particle and the definition of a hyphen

In our spoken language, particles are used to convey emotions and stronger meaning. There are many of them in the Russian language, so it is so important to know the rules for writing this element of the language. First, what is hidden behind this definition in writing?

This is the official part of the word, thanks to which it is possible to add additional emotional and semantic information to speech, text, and sentence. Which particles are written through a hyphen and which are separated? First of all, let's look at what a hyphen is.

A hyphen is a spelling character in the form of a short dash. On the letter, the length of this dash is conventionally shorter than the "dash" sign. Also it is used on the letter as a sign of transfer or as a connecting line between parts of a compound word or words. If there is a need to transfer the word from one line to another, then it must be put on the first line at the end of the first part of the word.

Dedic writing of particles

The following particles are written through the hyphen in the Russian language (or there is another name - affixes): -de, some-, -co, -or-, -tow, -say, -tko, -c.

I'll see you, without fail, I'll give him a greeting from you.

Look, be kind, under the table.

Here and there on paper it is written, somehow it will be read.

Anything I said was misinterpreted.

You can see, even faster to hear the emotionally amplified meaning of what was said, you can also see which particles are written through a hyphen. Examples of this were given above in the text.

A particle "taki" is written through a hyphen only if in the sentence it is after a verb or adverb: nevertheless, again, it came. That is, a hyphen with words is written a particle "taki" in combination with one of the previously mentioned parts of speech. But in all other cases it is spelled separately. We give two examples of a comparative nature:

  • He came, after all.
  • He did come.

In the first case, the part of speech under consideration is after the verb, so we put a hyphen on the letter, and in the second case, "taki" stands before the verb, so a short line is not put.

"Spoken Particles"

In colloquial speech, one can find particles that are less frequent than others used in writing. For example, "de", which is used if you want to convey the speech of another person or someone else's. It is written without fail through a hyphen. Or it can be used in the sense of the verb "speak" ("speak"). Also used in the meaning: say, they say. Let us consider an example of particles through a hyphen.

And tell me, monsieur, where did you find such boots?

In the example given, you can see how the conversation of the absent person is transmitted with the help of this part of the speech and, of course, on the letter it is separated by a hyphen.

The "ka" particle

Continue to disassemble the topic: "What particles are written through the hyphen?". Now we turn our attention towards the element of this part of speech, which occurs quite often and consists of two letters: "ka". A "ka" particle is hyphenated with indefinite pronouns and adverbs through a hyphen.

Here are some examples:

  • Tell me, dear, this story again.
  • Show me your hands.

If you met this part of the speech in such a performance, then you can safely put a short line, as it is always written through it and without any possible exceptions.

The particle "then"

In most cases, the particle "then" is written via a hyphen. Of course, there are possible exceptions, when a given element of the part under consideration is written without a hyphen. Let us consider in more detail all cases.

The particle "then" is used not only to give emotionality to the said, but also to express the uncertainty of the speaker. It uses the short line to join adverbs and pronouns. For example: "Let's see, somehow he will worry about me." Here in such cases, the particle "then" through the hyphen should be written.

Sample sentences

Let's pay attention to a special case, if "that" is in structure of a compound word, then the hyphen is put only before it, and after it - no.

Shura-somes were with Alexander my elder sister.

It's exactly the same, but there's nothing for you to say.

Let's pay attention to one more case, when "that" is spelled separately. If the sentence lists the homogeneous members of the given sentence, in this case the particle "then" is written without a hyphen. Here the semantic meaning of the service part of the word should be equated in meaning to the word "viz." Let's give a simple example.

In our favorite store we can find a variety of food products, such as: milk, bread, fruits, vegetables, fish, pickles.

Separate particle writing

In a wide variety of this part there are elements that do not use a spelling separator when writing. So, this is: would (b), the same (g), or (l). Through the hyphen, the particle "li" is not written. We give the following examples.

  • I would read, but laziness to me.
  • If this were done, then there would be complete order.
  • Here it is written in black and white.
  • What a stubborn man you are.
  • However, it's time to start.
  • I do not think I'll call you.
  • Hardly do you have time to do it.

We just noted that "the same" ("x") is written separately, it is necessary to remember the exception to the rule: "this and that" is written through a double hyphen.

From the examples above, it can be seen that in no sentence is a hyphen put.

But the rule does not apply to cases in which the word enters the composition of a word. This "to", "also", "too", "really", "or". In order to understand how to write a particle - together or separately, it is necessary to read the text and mentally throw away the particle. If the meaning of the sentence does not change, then we write it separately and without a hyphen, and if the semantic value has changed and the text has become unreadable, then we write the particles together without a hyphen. Let us consider the following sentences as an example.

  • It seemed to me that it was good and funny written, I had to work hard.

In the example given, applying the verification rule, it can be understood that the particle is written together.

Also the following parts of the word are written separately: they say, after all, there, even, that's it.


  • So in fact he does not even know how to write and read.
  • There you can see this lane around the corner.
  • That's how they become champions.
  • Even he knew these rules.
  • Brought me, they say, and he tells me to sign a contract.

The next group of particles should be classified as "remember": in the same way, the same thing.

Examples: which particles are written through a hyphen and which are not

"You can not sleep, you know, you'll let me talk with you for a bit (M. Bulgakov" Master and Margarita ").

In this context, it shows the writing of "whether" without a hyphen.

Seeing Helen, Tolik became very pale, crossed the dais and, looking away for some reason, thought.

Here is an example of writing "then" through a hyphen.

Come and see me, sit beside me. "

In this sentence, we see the writing of the particle "ka" through a hyphen.

This decision was still the most correct. The further development of events is only confirmed.

Writing Particles: Example

After all, there were glorious times when we achieved everything and for us there were no barriers to achieving our goals.

Demonstration of a separate (without a hyphen) writing particle "g".

In his opinion, it was not yet ready and is unlikely to withstand such loads.

In this sentence, the particle "li" is written separately.

Igor did not dare to go straight to work early in the morning.


Summarizing the above, I would like to note that in this article such cases were considered: "What particles are written through a hyphen?" Exceptions to the rules are singled out. Also, the rules for separate spelling of particles were described, various examples of writing this part of speech with and without a hyphen are given.

The basis is the rules that need to be learned and in practice, if necessary, used. Moreover, the increased level of complexity, they do not differ and everyone is able to understand them.

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