
When to plant Clematis? Planting in autumn and spring is preferable

Clematis is a highly decorative perennial plant. It can be planted on a permanent place in the spring, in the autumn. In summer they plant with a closed root system clematis. Planting in autumn is considered the best. In September-October, the plant will well acclimatize.

The distance between the seedlings should be 1.5-2 meters, since later they will grow. The pits need to be excavated quite large and well filled with fertile soil and nutrients. After all, the seedlings grow in one place for several years. All this time he will absorb the substances necessary for growth and flowering from the landing pit. Therefore, it is made in the size of 60X60X60 cm. At the bottom, a drainage in the form of a broken brick is poured into a layer of 10 cm, one bucket of sand and humus is placed. In addition to organic additives, it is necessary and mineral. Then clematis will grow beautifully and beautifully. Planting in autumn means adding 70 grams of nitrophosphine or superphosphate and a glass of wood ash. To mineral fertilizers are not burned roots, they need a good shovel mixed with sand and humus. The pit is spilled with enough water, adding 2-3 buckets.

Speaking about when it is possible to replant clematis, it should be said that this is done mainly in the fall. Although with a closed root system, plants can be planted from mid-May to mid-October.

Now you can plant seedlings. If they are bought in the market or in a store and have a closed root system, then the pack is gently opened with a knife, and then the plant is planted together with the moist soil clod. If a seedling with open roots, then before planting, they are dipped in a creamy little chattle. It is made from mullein and clay, taken in equal proportions. That's how you should plant clematis. Planting autumn plants with 1-2 buds will give good results. The lower kidney is buried in the soil at 7 cm. Then in summer, the roots will be protected from overheating, and in winter - from the cold.

After it has cooled to 0 ° C, above the seedling, it is necessary to pour a mound of light earth or peat with a height of 12 cm, and put leaves on top. In the spring, the earth must be raked in such a way that around the seedling formed a hole for irrigation. To clematis at the dacha grew in breadth and upward, metal supports are placed every 1-1.5 meters with a height of 2 meters. Between them 5-7 rows of wire are wound.

If you plant a clematis around a rare fence or mesh netting, then it will eventually braid them. It turns out a picturesque flower hedge, along which the clematis will begin to curl. Planting in autumn does not provide for fixing the plant on the support. On the contrary, it is laid on the ground for a better winter. Very impressive look plants planted near the arch. In the spring they will start up in growth, will weave it and create a beautiful work of country architecture.

Answering the question of when it is possible to replant clematis, it should be said that it is better to do this from the middle to the end of October. However, plants with a closed root system can be transplanted in spring and summer, but not in the heat. After planting, the plant should be covered with newspapers or nonwovens.

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