
How to train a cat. Highlights of training.

In the modern world of people there is an opinion that not all animals, in particular, the type of cat, can be trained. But, as in any rule, there are exceptions that confirm this rule, so in life, the existence of the Kuklachev Theater is an exception. A.P. Chekhov in his "Kashtanka" describes the cat Fedor Timofeevich, who performed the exercises on the orders of his trainer. It is clear that the homemade fat Barsik will not do this.

Investigating the biological characteristics of a domestic cat, it should be noted that the most interesting period for the owner of a cat's life is her childhood and adolescence. Research will be asked how to train a cat. When the kitten is two months old, he can already confidently move, run and jump. And in three months it is already a fully formed small predator. This age is just right for starting training.

Interest in the opposite sex begins to manifest in cats in six months, in cats at nine-ten. At this time they are not suitable for training. But the basic skills should already be laid by this time, because further the cat will train only in the state of pregnancy, and the cat - in the absence of a number of cats. Without interruptions throughout life, sterilized cats and neutered cats will be trained until old age . This will be the answer to the question of how to train a cat.

The worst enemy of training is the satiety of the animal. The cat lends itself to training only on an empty stomach and for encouragement - food. Punishment or any kind of violence she will not tolerate. If the "maternal instinct" wakes up in you and you urgently need to feed the "little unfortunate kitten", then you are not a catsman. But this does not mean that the animal should live constantly hungry. Kitten must grow and gain strength, so normal nutrition is simply necessary. But this meal should be received either during training, or after some time after training. And this is the main consideration when considering how to train kittens.

For food encouragement for a cat is best suited meat, if possible cooked, cut into small pieces. For the training of cats, dry food is not suitable, as long as the kitten gnaws it, it will forget what it learned.

So all the same, how to train a cat? The most important skill in training is to teach her to learn, that is, it is necessary that she understands that she will receive meat only for the correct action. In this case, you need to pronounce any kind word, for example, "well done!". This will develop a conditioned reflex on this word , so it must be the same. When a reflex is developed, the word itself will be an encouragement, it will be possible to give food with complications of tricks.

You need to start from the simplest - jumping from the curbstone to the curb, using as a curbstone any objects. The main requirement - stability, if at least once this pedestal falls or just shakes, the cat will be afraid for a long time, if not always.

The subsequent training should begin with the repetition of what the previous training began. This "return to kindergarten" gives the animal the opportunity to recall the lesson learned in the past. This will be an important point in studying the question of how to train a cat.

Unwanted actions of the animal should also be performed as a separate trick. It is necessary to interrupt the training of the basic trick, to conduct several trainings to fix the undesirable action, so that this action is performed only under the stimulus control. To do this, we need to come up with a separate team, and to achieve the unconditional fulfillment of this command. Then you can return to work on the main trick, now the undesirable action will be performed only on command.

"Circus program" must constantly be repeated as your cat grows, so that the animal does not grow lazy. The surprise and joy of the audience will be a great encouragement for you, since cats, simple or expensive, are kept by many, and trained only by you. This will be a great answer to the question of how to train a cat.

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