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What vitamins are contained in cabbage? Benefits of fresh and sauerkraut for the body

Species name of cabbage - Brassica - has appeared due to its unsurpassed crispy properties (from Greek "brazo" - "cracking", "crunching"). Before the Europeans discovered potatoes, this plant was one of the main dishes on their table. The menu of the Russian person can not be imagined without a crunchy vegetable. What vitamins are in cabbage? What is its use for the body? In what form is it better to use it? For all these questions, you will find answers in the article.

Vitamins contained in cabbage

A variety of cabbage species (white, colored, kohlrabi, red-billed, Brussels, Beijing, color, savoy) will enrich the diet of any gourmet. In this storehouse of vitamins contain phytonutrients valuable for the human body, macro- and microelements. Due to food fibers in the vessels there is no accumulation of cholesterol.

What vitamins are in cabbage? The high content of vitamins C, P promotes vascular strengthening, prevents the occurrence of ischemic disease and other heart diseases. Potassium salts in the plant stimulate the removal of excess fluid, which is important for kidney diseases. It almost lacks purines, which contribute to gouty deposits and the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

What other vitamins are in the cabbage? The value of this vegetable is contained in it a rare vitamin U, which protects the intestinal mucosa. Due to the low calorie content, cabbage is useful for those who want to lose weight.

Is sour cabbage useful for the body?

What is the use of sauerkraut for the body? Experts say: it's huge! In winter, for a body in need of vitamins, this product is just a find. Judge for yourself:

  1. The amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in it is almost daily rate: from 30 to 70 mg per 100 g of product (depending on the method of leaven).
  2. Potassium is contained up to a fifth of the norm per day. The presence of this macronutrient regulates arterial pressure, the work of muscles and nerve cells, normalizes cardiac activity and circulation. Also, potassium protects blood vessels from harmful cholesterol.
  3. The enveloping effect of vitamins K, B, A positively affects the work of the central nervous system, contribute to stress resistance. Vitamin B6 is necessary for the cleavage of protein compounds. Vitamins K, U (methylmethanine) help the assimilation of products, prevent the development of allergies, including asthmatic reactions.
  4. Abundance of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) helps to strengthen hair and nails.
  5. Lactic acid bacteria, which appear in the fermentation process with leaven, improve the intestinal peristalsis.

In addition, the sour vegetable is rich in micro- and macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, iron, zinc, cobalt, fluorine).

Who benefits from sauerkraut

What is the use of sauerkraut for the body? It turns out that the nutrients retained during leaven make the treat good.

  1. As a low-calorie, but satisfying product (27 kcal per 100 g), it is useful for people who are overweight. Thanks to tartronic acid, fats do not accumulate in the body.
  2. Sauerkraut should be included in the diet of those who suffer from constipation, irregular stools: it promotes the proper functioning of the stomach and the digestion of food. Its juice is especially useful.
  3. The presence of iodine has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, which is important for people with iodine deficiency.
  4. Such a treat improve immunity and prevent inflammatory diseases.
  5. A mixture of sauerkraut and tomato juice is recommended to expel lamblia from the body.
  6. With the help of "Vitamin from a barrel" fight with a fading skin. A weekly "sour" face mask is useful for removing pigment spots, freckles, fine wrinkles, provides skin tone.
  7. Choline increases the activity of spermatozoa, reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men.
  8. Juice product - a real friend with a hangover syndrome.
  9. It is believed that the individual components contained in the sauerkraut prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Sauerkraut is not recommended

The national Russian dish, for all its undoubted merits, should not be used in the following cases:

  • People with high acidity of the stomach;
  • With gastritis, stomach ulcer in the phase of exacerbation; In the postoperative period to patients with gastrointestinal problems;
  • With urolithiasis (due to the high salt content of the product), renal failure;
  • It is not recommended for lactating mothers to avoid colic in the baby;
  • With individual intolerance to the product.

The use of sauerkraut in large quantities is fraught with bloating, flatulence. With care, people with hypertension should be treated.
For information: with ferment you can not add salt and sugar. Berries of cranberries will give an appetizer for acid, grapes for sweetness. Cauliflower can be diluted with water (half a cup). During the day it is held under the yoke, then pierced to exit the carbon dioxide - and the dish is ready.

Cabbage: vitamins

Many are interested: what vitamins are in white cabbage? Specialists can answer this question in detail: this vegetable is distinguished by a high content of vitamin C in it - half the daily norm (45 mg per 100 g). And in early grades it is 20 mg, in late grades - up to 70 mg. Also, the vegetable is rich in other useful components:

  • Vitamin P is needed to strengthen blood vessels;
  • Potassium (375 mg per 100 g) prevents the formation of thrombi, is useful in cardiovascular diseases;
  • The presence of calcium (70 mg per 100 g) causes strong bones, healthy teeth, nails, hair.

On 100 g of magnesium product it contains 23 mg, phosphorus - 78 mg, sodium - 18 mg, iron - 1.4 mg.

Among its relatives white cabbage is the leader in the number of coarse fibers, which remove toxic, carcinogenic substances from the body.

Benefits of young cabbage

There are more vitamins in fresh cabbage than in vegetables that have been processed by heat. Young cabbage boasts a unique compound - sulforaphane, thanks to which the effect on the body of carcinogenic substances is neutralized. The presence in it of histidine reduces the degree of allergic reactions, in addition, the vegetable is useful in the treatment of anemia, arthritis, gastritis, heart diseases.

Young cabbage is rich in vitamins C, H, E, K, PP, D, vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3 B12). In young vegetables, a significant amount of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, folic acid, magnesium, as well as amino acids (threonine, lysine, methionine). In addition, there is fiber and more than beets, carrots and turnips the amount of protein.

In a fresh vegetable there are few carbohydrates, dishes from it are useful for people with diabetes. Juice from young leaves contributes to the increased separation of gastric juice, useful for constipation. Its use helps to heal the affected gastric and intestinal walls of parietal ulcers. Fresh leaves are treated with hemorrhoids, headache. Traditional medicine with the help of cabbage leaf fights with deafness and insomnia, uses it for burns, rashes, skin irritations.

Cauliflowers: vitamins

In comparison with other species, cauliflower is most easily absorbed by the body, it is more quickly digested and more suitable for baby food and ration of people with digestive tract problems. Its use is allowed for ulcerous stomach and intestinal diseases. The content of sulfur in it is an obstacle to cancerous tumors in the colon and rectum.

In cauliflower almost twice as much ascorbic acid as in citrus. Vitamin C is necessary for the normalization of oxidation and reduction processes, it is necessary with reduced immunity.

What vitamins in the cabbage are colored and what is their use for the organism? A large amount of vitamin A in this vegetable promotes the growth of cells, especially in children and adolescents. Carotene also stimulates the work of epithelial cells, the activity of the liver is necessary for the proper functioning of the pancreas.

Rich in vitamins of group B, PP, mineral salts and protein, cauliflower is the recommended product for dietary nutrition.

Now you know what vitamins are in the cabbage. In fresh and sugared form this vegetable is the most valuable food product, which is necessary both for the general "vigor of spirit" and for the prevention of many diseases.

Be healthy!

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