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How to check the freshness of eggs: the 9 right ways
Eggs - a product necessary for our life. In addition, they are the suppliers of protein in our body, with them we do not feel threatened with hunger. But often, buying this product from the store, we think about how to check the freshness of eggs.
There are several ways to determine the freshness of eggs.
1. Shaking.
With this method, you can determine whether the egg is suitable for use or not. If the egg inside dangles, then the product is spoiled. But here is to determine how many days the egg in this way is impossible.
2. Visual.
You can advise one more remedy, how to check the freshness of eggs. Eggs are in the habit of changing their appearance depending on age. Eggs that have been demolished recently can boast a matte surface. But the egg, which lay a little, acquires a bluish shade of the shell. In addition, the surface becomes shiny. Therefore, look carefully, and you will open all the secrets of the "egg life".
3. Curious naturalist, or thermal.
Here you just need to measure the temperature of the egg. You do not have a thermometer, of course, so you need to rely on improvised means, namely your own language. It is necessary to attach an egg to it first with a blunt, and then with a sharp end. Did you feel the difference? So, the testicle is fresh before you. Specialists say that a fresh egg has an end that is dull, warmer than sharp. In an egg of doubtful quality, both ends have the same temperature.
4. Dietary.
Sale of eggs, too, can tell a lot about the freshness of this product. All eggs are divided into dining rooms and dietary. Dietary eggs are those that have been demolished no later than seven days. The date of marking is usually on them. Table eggs are those that were born from seven to 25 days ago. For their marking, blue paint is used, there is no date. After coming home, it's worth checking your research to be finally confident in the quality of this product.
5. Scientific and technical.
You need to enlighten the eggs with ultraviolet rays. The fresh egg has a red color. The more the age of the egg, the dimmer this color becomes, turning into a pale lilac. There is no ultraviolet? Then check without it. Just look at the light. The older the egg, the more dark spots in it. A rotten egg is not visible at all.
6. Immersion.
One of the simplest methods is a solution, which tells how to check the freshness of eggs. We make an 8% solution of ordinary salt and immerse the egg in it. If the egg lies on the bottom, its age is up to 6 days. If the blunt end rises upwards at an angle of 45 degrees, then it is up to ten days. If standing vertically, the egg is 11-12. If it floats in solution, the age can reach 17 days. If, however, a blunt end protrudes from the water, then the egg is more than 17 days old.
7. The last frontier.
8. Measuring.
We check the air chamber, which is inside the egg. In fresh it should not be more than one centimeter. If the lifetime of the egg is quite large, the chamber will be larger, as the egg begins to dry out, and the space released as a result is filled with air.
9. The final.
Usually, in a fresh egg, the protein forms a high ring over the yolk. Although this method can not be called unambiguous. There is one more sign: if the protein is too liquid, and the yolk closely adjoins the shell, then the egg is old.
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