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Beef: one of the best pieces - rump! What is it and how to cook it properly?

Meat is an indispensable ingredient of the dishes that are on the table of most people. Yet vegetarianism is the lot of warmer countries and other religions. However, many follow their figure and are concerned about dietary nutrition. Therefore, people often do not like pork. And then people pay close attention to beef.

The best piece is on the table!

As in pork, the tenderest and tenderest beef is tenderloin. The whole cow will be typed only two or three kilograms, so this is traditionally the most expensive piece. The second place is taken by the rump of beef, located between the pelvis and the sacrum of the carcass. It is not fat and not cruel, with proper processing, very juicy dishes are obtained at the output. So many people think that the best meat is the rump, that it is the most "correct" piece of carcass. And if you got a part from not the youngest animal, do not be upset: enough meat is properly discouraged - and the dish will turn out all the same gentle and soft.

What to look for when buying beef

Naturally, you must be able to choose the right rump. That this is extremely important, you will tell anyone who made a mistake when buying. Most of the townspeople believe that if the meat has a dark tinge, this indicates that the cow was old, or part of its carcass too long in the store. In this case, the most common reasons - an unsuccessful release of blood from a slaughtered animal or too short a time allotted to the sagging of the carcass. When choosing beef (rump including), it is important to remember that the age of the cow determines the color of not the meat itself, but the fat on it: its yellow hue just indicates the age of the animal. By the way, many prefer veal - they say, it is softer. Young growth can be distinguished by light pink color, thin fibers of meat and almost complete absence of fat. However, experienced culinary experts recommend all the same adult animals - they say meat should "mature".

Sometimes a piece of film forms on the piece, and it looks like a dried one. However, this does not spoil the taste that the rump should have. That this is not a defect and not a winding, it is easy to check by raising the "crust". If under it act beads of moisture - in front of you fresh, only chilled meat, not subjected to freezing.

The difference between chilled and frozen

All people, if they are not heavily constrained in the means, prefer to buy fresh meat, rather than freezing. It is understandable: after exposure to frost, taste qualities and most of the nutrients in the products are lost. Not an exception is the beef rump. That this is a fresh (albeit chilled) piece, you will be prompted by the usual pressure. There is a groove from the finger, a blood drop came out, the meat quickly took on its former form - buy without question. But if the beef was thawed before laying it on the counter, the hole is usually not formed, or water from the melted ice accumulates in it. If the groove has appeared, it can stay on the surface for a very long time. In the case of inspection of imported meat, it can be observed in it some "dryness": shock freezing deprives meat of a significant part of the water contained in it.

Cooking beef

The field for creativity is simply the most extensive: roast beef, roast, schnitzel and steaks are beautiful from the rump. Absolutely unique are any first dishes based on beef broth, but it is a pity to spend such a wonderful part of the carcass, so we will confine ourselves to the second.

However, you need to adhere to some rules, so as not to spoil the meat. To start, if it is bought frozen, thaw it in the refrigerator. Yes, it's a long time! But the taste will be much better than if it is thawed in cold water, even if packed in a plastic bag. And the microwave oven is completely inapplicable: it will involuntarily begin to prepare the upper shell, while the "insides" will be frozen.

If the rump is from a young cow - do not beat it! Careful cooking and so will make it soft, and after beating and the structure of the fibers is deformed, and a significant part of the juice is lost.

If you want to fry the rump (in any way) - marinate it. Vinegar, wine, lemon juice, kefir - all fit. Do not want to marinate - in the cooking process add ginger, papaya or pineapple: they soften the hard fibers.

Want a ruddy crust - do not fry the rump cold, and before spreading on a frying pan, dry with a towel or napkin.

In general, try and fantasize!

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