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What kind of vitamin is in the beet? Benefits of beets for the body

Beetroot is a unique vegetable with a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. In ancient times, beet tops and root vegetables were not only used for food, but also used as a medicine. When preparing dishes based on this vegetable, the housewives do not think much about what vitamin in beet is contained in more, and what in less. Meanwhile, beetroot is very useful for the body, has a rich composition and high nutritional value. More details about this we will tell in our article.

Beet: composition of vitamins

The beet contains a whole list of useful vitamins and minerals. In the root crop and beet tops contain vitamins:

  • A - is mainly in the leaves of the plant in an amount of 2 μg, which is 0.2% of the daily norm;
  • Provitamin A (beta-carotene) - 0.01 mg or 0.2% of the norm per day;
  • B1 - thiamine in beet is contained in the amount of 0.02 mg and covers 1.3% of the daily norm.
  • B2 - 0,04 mg or 2,2% of the norm;
  • B5 - this vitamin in beet is contained in the amount of 0.12 mg or 2.4%;
  • B6 - 0.07 mg or 3.5% of daily allowance;
  • B9 - 13 mg or 3.3% of the norm per day;
  • C - 10 mg or 11.1% of the norm;
  • E is 0.1 mg or 0.7% of the daily allowance;
  • PP - 0.4 mg or 2% of the daily allowance.

From the data presented, it is easy to guess how a vitamin is rich in beets. In quantitative terms, the vegetable contains the most vitamin B9 (13 mg), and in percentage - vitamin C, which covers 11.1% of the daily requirement in it.

Mineral composition of beets

The beet contains a large number of micro- and macroelements, which have an exceptionally positive effect on the body.

Quantitative and percentage composition of macroelements:

  • Potassium - 228 mg or 11.5% of the daily allowance;
  • Calcium 37 mg or 3.7%;
  • Magnesium - 22 mg or 5.5%;
  • Sodium - 46 mg or 3.5%;
  • Sulfur - 7 mg or 0.7%;
  • Phosphorus - 43 mg or 5.4%;
  • Chlorine 43 mg or 1.9%.

In the list of macroelements contained in the beet, potassium is leading, thanks to which the regulation of water, acid or electrolyte balance takes place, the pressure is normalized, etc.

Quantitative and percentage composition of microelements:

  • Iron - 1.4 mcg or 7.8% of daily allowance;
  • Iodine 7 μg or 4.7%;
  • Cobalt - 2 μg or 20%;
  • Manganese - 0.66 μg or 33%;
  • Copper - 140 mkg or 14%;
  • Fluorine 20 μg or 0.5%;
  • Chromium - 20 μg or 40%
  • Zinc - 0.43 μg or 3.6%.

What kind of vitamin in beets is contained in the largest amount, is already known. It is vitamin C, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the immune system and promotes the complete absorption of iron in the body. But among other things, a lot of minerals contain beets. Vitamins and microelements closely interact here among themselves. So, for example, cobalt, which is contained in the vegetable in an amount of 20% of the daily intake, takes part in the synthesis of vitamin B12.

Nutritional and calorie content

Beet belongs to vegetables with extremely low calorie content. In 100 grams of this useful product contains only 42 kcal. However, the nutritional value of beet is considered high mainly due to dietary fiber. Their root crops contain 2.5 grams, which is 12.5% of the daily rate.

In other respects, the nutritional value of beet is as follows:

  • Proteins - in the amount of 1.5 g, which is 1.83% of the daily norm;
  • Fats - 0.1 g or 0.15% of the established daily allowance;
  • Carbohydrates - 8.8 g or 6.88% of the norm per day.

On 86% the vegetable consists of water (86 g per 100 g of product), which is 3.36% of the norm. We can say with confidence that this is a product useful for the body with the most balanced composition.

Benefits of beets for the body

Each of the vitamins contained in beets, brings the body an invaluable benefit. And in food it is recommended to use not only root crops, but also fresh tops.

The use of beets for the body is as follows:

  • Normalizes the work of the nervous system.
  • Thanks to vitamin B5, the skin and mucous membranes improve.
  • Stabilized the immune system, which contributes to vitamin C. As a result of its deficiency, the gums become loose and begin to bleed, because of the fragility of the blood capillaries often cause nasal bleeding. With regular use of root vegetables, these problems can be avoided. Now it is clear what vitamin in beet helps to hurt less.
  • Normal work of the endocrine system and the thyroid gland due to the high content of iodine (slightly less than in sea kale).
  • Improves the functioning of the intestine due to the high content of dietary fiber.
  • Stabilizes the work of the circulatory system, increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Helps increase hemoglobin levels in the blood.
  • It is a diuretic, helps to purify the liver and kidneys from toxins.
  • Antioxidants in beets help fight cancer cells.
  • Biologically active substance betaine is involved in the regulation of fat metabolism and promotes weight loss. It also enhances the physical endurance of the body.

Beetroot is equally useful for men, women and children. This vegetable must be present in every person's diet every day.

Cooked beets: vitamins and minerals

Few people prefer to eat beets raw. As a rule, root vegetables are first boiled, and then they are prepared from them salads, vinaigrettes and other dishes. Minerals and vitamins in cooked beets are preserved in the same composition, but their numerical value decreases slightly during heat treatment. To preserve their maximum amount during cooking, it is recommended to dip the vegetable in the peel only in boiling water. The approximate heat treatment time is 45 minutes. In addition, the beets can be baked in foil in the oven.

Cooked beets are useful for constipation, digestive disorders, liver and kidney diseases. It has a laxative and diuretic effect.

The use of beet juice for the body

A huge benefit to the body can bring regular use of beet juice. Thanks to this toning drink, the thyroid gland normalizes, bowel function stabilizes, hemoglobin increases. Beet juice prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces bleeding gums and increases immunity. It can be drunk with insomnia and depression.

Freshly squeezed beet juice before use is recommended to put in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Until the complete adaptation of the body to drink it should be diluted with carrot or apple juice. Here it will be useful to remember which vitamin in beet is contained in more. So, in apple-beet and carrot-beet juice its concentration will be even higher. Gradually, the dose can be increased to 1 ½ cups a day.

Contraindications to beet consumption

Despite all the useful properties of beets, there are contraindications to its use. For example, rough raw fiber of a raw vegetable can cause irritation of the intestine. Do not abuse beets and hypotonia, because the substances contained in root crops, lower blood pressure. In children, beets, whose composition includes biological pigments anthocyanins, giving the vegetables red, purple and lilac shades, often causes allergic reactions to the skin. Diabetics can be contraindicated because of the high content of sucrose.

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