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How to live forever and is it possible?

Mankind is seriously concerned about the problem of immortality. How to live forever, almost every modern person wants to know, because we can not even imagine that someday this world will exist without us. Even in the Middle Ages, the alchemists sought the recipes of a magical means that would grant eternal youth and life. With the development of scientific thought, people began to hope that the achievements in the field of gerontology and bioengineering will once allow every inhabitant of the planet to control his own life expectancy. This is not once written by futurists and science fictionists, playing with the idea of immortality in different angles. However, in recent years, scientists are increasingly talking about the fact that life is always possible. Developments in this field are carried out by the most famous scientific laboratories around the world. At present, this work has several directions. In which of them there will be a scientific breakthrough, no one knows yet. But scientists are sure that in forty-five to fifty years they will be able to make an exact recipe for how to live forever.

Immortality: an unbiased view of the problem

Since ancient times, people's thoughts revolve around the theme of death and eternal life. Over time, almost every people formed certain religious beliefs that correspond to the notion of immortality.

For example, the northern Scandinavian people believed that being a warrior meant living forever. Only the bravest and desperate could count on death in battle, and it, in turn, led to immortality in Valhalla, a heavenly heavenly hall for those who were ready to give their lives for a just cause and their people. Here, warriors can feast with the gods, enjoying the luxurious decoration of the halls and young beauties.

Love lives forever. Probably everyone heard this phrase, but everyone perceives it in their own way. Many people believe that you can become immortal only in your children, born of great love. After all, in this case, the spark of this divine feeling will always burn in descendants, which means that a person can never sink into obscurity. Some philosophers were sure that true and sincere love reveals in people the best of their qualities, including creative talents. Lovers begin to write poetry, pictures and in every possible way manifest themselves in other directions. Such creations can become masterpieces reminiscent of the love that gave birth to them.

The answer to the age-old question of how to live forever is given by religion. For example, Christianity teaches a person that righteous actions during life can not stop the natural aging of the body, but give the soul the opportunity to receive eternal life, given by God. But sinners will be punished forever for their actions in hell. It is worth noting that this view of immortality exists in almost every religion. She gives an idea to a person that his body is subject to illness and extremely imperfect, but the soul has a greater potential, therefore it is immortal.

If you were careful, you noticed that most of the research on immortality always emphasizes the soul. However, modern man does not like this approach, he wants to live here and now in his body, which must remain young and healthy. "I want to live forever!" - this is a kind of creed of people of the twenty-first century. We can say that we are so focused on the material component of the world that we do not even want to think that we will grow old and die. For several decades, scientists have been struggling to solve the problem of immortality, and it should be noted that in recent years they have been able to make significant progress in their work.

Aging: causes

Every day on the planet from old age about one hundred thousand people die. For a long time this was taken quite naturally, because aging is an integral part of the life cycle. It has always been believed that all living organisms are born, mature and die. There is no other option for nature. However, it turned out that this is not so.

In our world live organisms that have unlimited life resources. Some of them live, so long that people can not even grasp the upcoming signs of old age. For example, the Antarctic sponge lives about twenty thousand years. At the same time throughout its existence it is in the same state, its cells are successfully divided, remaining young. Sea perch Aleutian is another mystery of nature - he lives at least two hundred years. Moreover, a prototype is considered a sufficiently young individual, which preserves reproductive functions. Why does a man grow old? What mechanisms cause the body to stop cell division?

Scientists have proved that young people are provided with cells that can "repair" any damage on time. At a young age, the regeneration process occurs much faster than damage to any tissues. But in the future the cells begin to share more slowly, and at some point they stop altogether. This is death. Science has long tried to understand what is happening in our body with age. Why is the process of regeneration and cell division suspended?

As it turned out, two reasons contribute to this:

  • At each division, the DNA molecule is slightly shortened and at a certain stage becomes unsuitable for further division. This leads to aging of the body.
  • Our cells are programmed to self-destruct. The fact is that with age, the body begins to produce a protein, which orders cells to proceed to self-destruction, that is, the cessation of division. It is interesting that experiments in mice have proved the possibility of blocking this protein. In this case, their life expectancy increased by thirty percent.

After reading the written you can ask a completely reasonable question: "Why are we still dying, if scientists have long found out how to live forever?". Do not rush, because knowing the cause of aging and neutralizing it are completely different things.

Scientific activities aimed at extending life

In principle, scientists were able to understand the mechanism of aging of the human body, but nature was not so simple - it hid in different cells a lot of different teams that make them stop dividing. Revealing one or two reasons can not fundamentally change the state of things and help in creating a tablet of youth, which almost all people in the world dream of.

It is interesting that almost every person can prolong his active life for ten to fifteen years, adhering to the simplest rules (we'll talk about them later). But people do not want this, they are waiting for a way that will give them youth and health for at least two hundred or three hundred years. Many people dream that in the future science will make a real breakthrough and people will have the opportunity to live an unlimited number of years. What perspectives does this promise to humanity?

Why live forever?

We want to prolong our life so much that we often do not even realize why we need an unlimited existence. Imagine that you live forever. What would change in your life?

Scientists on this issue are quite optimistic. They believe that the problem of overpopulation of the planet, which has been frightening us for many years, is far-fetched and irrelevant. After all, if a person can live as long as possible, then his return to society will be incommensurably greater. Of course, a change in life expectancy will lead to a complete change in the structure of society, but this should not be feared. Everyone can bring great benefits to their planet.

Just imagine that among people, such a concept as retirement age will be completely lost! Most likely, each member of society will be given certain years to rest, after which he can get a new education and qualifications. This reboot will be carried out repeatedly throughout life.

Humanity will be available to distant galaxies and planets. After all, in the case of immortality, a person can go to stellar expeditions of any duration. People, if they lived forever, could colonize numerous planets, which no one even dreams of now.

Scientists believe that an increase in life expectancy will be accompanied by an extension of reproductive age in men and women. Therefore, people will be able to give birth to children in one hundred and two hundred years, after they have done a lot of useful for their planet.

Of course, it is possible that not everyone will want to live in a new way. Therefore, scientists admit the existence of social structures that will preach existence with a limited life span. Such people will have a high level of self-awareness, about which scientists began talking at the end of the seventeenth century.


With the development of science, humanity began to approach the understanding that the extension of life is possible thanks to the latest developments. However, it is difficult to separate science from philosophy, so by the beginning of the twentieth century a special current was formed - immortalism, dealing with the problems of immortality. His followers do not ask themselves whether it is possible to live forever. They know for sure that this is in the competence of science. However, immortalists argue that one should not forget about the elementary rules of life that allow prolonging youth. After all, in the absence of self-control, a person can bring himself to death even with a high level of development of medicine.

Immortalism regards immortality as a set of scientific developments and systems for the development of self-awareness. Only with such a correct approach, according to the followers of this doctrine, a person will be able to extend his life almost indefinitely.

"I want to live forever": simple and important advice

Approximately seven years ago immortalists put forward a theory about the six levels of life extension that are available to humanity right now. The first three are quite difficult to understand the townsfolk, but the rest can be used by absolutely all people on the planet:

  • Refuse bad habits. Scientists have long proven that smoking and alcohol several times faster than our body. With this way of life, cells receive a signal about self-destruction even at a fairly young age. Therefore, people who abuse alcohol and tobacco, look much older than their peers, and are at risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Do not neglect the intake of vitamin complexes and various dietary supplements. They help the body to develop the substances necessary to prolong youth.
  • Maintain a correct lifestyle, which includes moderate physical activity, a balanced diet and regular medical examination that allows you to identify the symptoms of various diseases in time.

By the way, most scientists say that the dietary restrictions are extremely positive for a lifetime. During the experiments, it was found that hunger causes the body to mobilize. It is tuned to protect cells, which causes cardinal changes in physiological processes. As a result, aging slows down.

The Way to Eternal Life

At present, scientists work in several areas in the field of prolonging human life. The most interesting and promising of them are:

  • Pills from old age;
  • Cryopreservation;
  • Nanorobots;
  • Cyborgization;
  • Digitization of consciousness;
  • cloning.

We briefly tell you about each of the directions.

Treatment for old age

Most gerontologists consider old age an illness, and therefore see a solution to the problem in the search for a cure for aging cells. And according to the latest sensational statements such a drug may appear in three years, and in another thirty years, virtually every person will have the opportunity to extend his life for several decades. What is the basis for these bright prospects? Let's try to understand.

In recent years, the number of scientific discoveries related to the treatment of various senile diseases has increased. For example, NASA developed a drug designed as a vitamin supplement for astronauts. As a result, it turned out that it very effectively removes age-related changes such as wrinkles and pigment spots, and, consequently, slows the aging process of cells.

Russian scientists have learned to replant cells of the body, cancer patients, with a special drug that literally restores the damaged cell, completely excluding relapse. In the same way, they plan to treat a person from various senile diseases, thereby increasing the duration of his life.


This is one of the most popular ways of prolonging life at the moment. However, this method is very controversial and causes many complaints. The thing is that modern scientists have learned to freeze human cells, but they can not bring them back to life. Therefore, hope is placed on the science of the future, which should develop methods for defrosting and creating on the basis of the received material an absolutely healthy person.


Nanorobots - this has long been no longer unseen in the scientific world. At the moment, scientists are fighting to create microscopic robots that can safely move around the human body and patch damaged tissue. Recently, it has been suggested that nanorobots will completely stop aging by their ability to replace dead cells.

Cyborgs are among us

Technically, mankind has long been ready to replace some parts of the body with artificial ones. Therefore, it is likely that the immortality of man is precisely behind this scientific direction. Today, several thousand people live in the world with artificial prostheses of hands and feet, heart valves and even microchips implanted in the brain.

If in the future the quality of such prostheses increases, then their production can be put on stream. And, consequently, a person can live up to three hundred years. His capabilities will be limited only by the resource of the brain, which, unfortunately, is not unlimited.

Digitization of personality

Scientists are actively working on the so-called digitization of consciousness. They believe that the human personality can be written to the hard disk, which will enable it to exist after the death of the physical body in the virtual space. IBM specialists are very active in this direction.

Recently, one of the Russian millionaires announced work on a claim project, which should lead to the creation of an avatar with an artificial brain and the digitized personality of a person. According to the millionaire, the first successes he will achieve by 2045.


This has been thought of by mankind for a long time, but human cloning is forbidden in many countries of the world. Although people continue to conduct experiments on the cultivation and cloning of individual organs, which in the future are planned to be used for transplantation.

If successful, scientists hope to lift the ban, which can lead to the creation of numerous clones. They will be the most effective medicine for old age for people of the future.

It is difficult to say whether humanity can overcome old age and come close to the secrets of eternal youth. Nobody knows this. However, even Leo Tolstoy once claimed to live forever, we must tear, burn and fight. Perhaps he is right, and in this movement people will finally be able to find coveted immortality.

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