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A feature of phlegmatic is what? Features of phlegmatic character

Phlegmatic is one of four varieties of human temperament. He has tremendous natural endurance - it is almost impossible to "start". He is taciturn, calm and balanced. What else distinguishes a person of phlegmatic temperament? What is the characteristic feature of phlegmatic?

The nature of phlegmatic

A phlegmatic person can be unmistakably identified in a crowd. Its characteristic feature is seriousness. Phlegmatic does not like quarrels and always tries to strangle the conflict on the vine. Therefore, he will be ready to accept the opponent's point of view, just to avoid a collision. At the same time, the phlegmatic person will look calm. Something, and he certainly will not show his emotions.

Another feature of phlegmatic is discretion. He will never rush to make decisions. First, he will weigh all the pros and cons, will thoroughly consider the consequences. And after this finally determined.

The person of phlegmatic temperament differs conservatism. He does not like changes in life, because it is difficult for them to adapt. In a new team the phlegmatic will spend a lot of time to make friends. After all, he scrupulously chooses the environment, long looks at the new man.

Those who believe that the characteristic feature of phlegmatic is aggression, are greatly mistaken. On the contrary, nature endowed him with emotional balance. Therefore, the phlegmatic does not even need to make an effort to control himself. In addition, if he quarrels with someone, he will first ask forgiveness.

What do phlegmatic people look like?

Phlegmatic slow, unhurried. Externally dense physique, loves to eat deliciously. Chews slowly, thoroughly chewing every bit. He speaks slowly, the facial expressions and gestures of the phlegmatic person are inexpressive and monotonous. He does not interrupt the interlocutor, he listens attentively, nodding in agreement. Always ready to give advice.

A characteristic feature of phlegmatic is that he is not one of those who pursue fashion. But at the same time he is dressed neatly, preferring a business style in clothes.

Work with the phlegmatic

Phlegmatic is not inclined to leadership. Because of his slowness, he is included in the work for a long time. But he never fails the boss and does not break the deadlines. In addition, he will not leave unfinished work, because he does not like to throw things halfway. Works slowly, but qualitatively. It does not know how to switch quickly, so it does not work that requires speed and quick solutions.

A characteristic feature of phlegmatic is peace. It is not surprising that he is loved in the team. After all, a phlegmatic is able to get along with all types of temperament. With him it's easy to agree, he will give in, go forward, understand and forgive. If someone quarrels, the phlegmatic will reconcile them. Because he can not stand conflicts.

Relations with a phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic is an ideal family man! He gives all his wages to his wife. Instead of basking on the beach, will spend the holidays, renovating the bathroom. Heat belongs to children. They love him for his judgment, gentleness and justice.

In relations phlegmatic calm and balanced. It is about him that you can say: "With him, like a stone wall!". He prefers a long relationship, because he does not like parting.

Phlegmatic is constant in his feelings and strongly attached to his partner. He often begins a love relationship with friendship. Sex in life phlegmatic is not the most important place. He may even forget about him if the partner tactfully does not recall.

Friendship with the phlegmatic person

Friendship with the phlegmatic is easy and pleasant. He is calm, balanced, does not impose his opinion, does not gossip. I appreciate honesty in relationships. Therefore, many want to be friends with the phlegmatic. He has many acquaintances, but real friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Often such a person has one close friend, but for life.

To the choice of friends phlegmatic approaches carefully. Happy is he who can call him his friend. A characteristic feature of phlegmatic is his attentiveness to friends. For them, he will always find time, despite the busyness. He will listen, support, console, give good advice. He can always "weep in his vest", while the phlegmatic himself seldom shares problems.


Many are interested in: "A characteristic feature of phlegmatic is ..?". The answer is simple: "Patience." And also peace, kindness and loyalty. Phlegmatic perfectly interacts with all types of temperament. He can have a beneficial effect on the active sanguine, he will not lose his temper choleric and will not depress melancholia. He does not like to show his emotions to others. However, this does not mean that the phlegmatic is an insensate rusk. He is a wonderful spouse, friend and colleague. In his society, everyone is comfortable: both adults and children.

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