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Pain in the hip joint when walking: causes and treatment. Why does the hip joint hurt when walking?

Many people complain about the pain in the hip joint when walking. It arises abruptly and with time it repeats itself more and more often, it worries not only at movement, but also at rest. For every pain in the human body there is a reason. Why does it arise? How dangerous and how dangerous is it? Let's try to figure it out.

Anatomical structure

Before we speak about why the hip joint hurts when walking, let's talk about what it consists of in anatomical terms. In general, the pelvic bone is the junction of three dependent elements: pubic symphysis, sacro-air joints and hip joints.

The latter are long bones with two round heads, which allows them to move their legs in different directions. The amplitude of the movements can be different: forward, backward, to the side. Hip joints provide stability, verticalization of the body, actively participate in movement, carrying heavy loads, carry the main burden of the body.

If the sacro-air joints and symphysis are practically immobile, the heads of the hip joints are as if in bowls - in the acetabulum, which surround the acetabulum. The main function of the lips is the lubrication of the cartilage of the joints by the so-called synovial fluid. Due to it, a certain suction effect is created, which prevents the joints from freely walking inside the depressions.

The above-mentioned heads of the hip are connected to the bone itself, behind which are located small and large spits, to which the muscles of the thigh are securely attached . The joints themselves are surrounded by joint capsules with ligaments, thanks to which the bones are attached to the pelvis. For strength, the hip joints are attached in addition to the bottom of the acetabulum with round ligaments. In the femur, the head is covered with articular cartilage, it is very smooth and elastic, which reduces the friction between the joints.

Blood supply to the bone of the hip joint is vital, and it is provided by:

- blood vessels through the capsule to the joint;

- vessels of the bone;

- vessels inside the ligament of the joint head.

Blood supply and lubrication provide mobility of the hip joints.

The origin and causes of pain

Often it is difficult for specialists to diagnose and find out why there is pain in the hip joint when walking. The reasons for its occurrence can be blurred. It can be irradiating pain from the lumbar spine, arthritis and arthrosis, trauma and stretching of the muscles and ligaments.

Pain in the hip joint when walking can occur suddenly, with careless movement, at the beginning or in the middle of walking, with bending or squats. For pain in the knee, in the groin, many patients complain of hip joint pain. Than to treat an illness? First you need to decide what causes the pain.

Four groups of pain

Pain in the hip joint area can be caused by the following reasons:

1. Consequences of trauma:

  • Bruises of the pelvic region and hip joint, the femur, as well as myositis (inflammation of the muscles);
  • Ruptures and stretching of the muscles, fractures, cracks;
  • Fractures of stress groups due to "fatigue" of the joint, articular bag, cervical bone of the thigh;
  • Traumatic ruptures and tears of ligaments, capsules of joints;
  • Fractures in the pelvic region;
  • Subluxations and dislocations, including congenital ones.

2. Features of the structure of the joint, ligaments and muscles, concomitant diseases:

  • Syndrome of clicking hip, chondromatosis, impingment;
  • Coxarthrosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, bursitis, tendenitis;
  • Necrosis of aspetic and avascular properties;
  • The phenomenon of osteoporosis due to disruption of the endocrine system.

3. Irradiating pains:

  • Dysplasia and coxarthrosis;
  • Osteochondrosis and osteopathy of vertebral joints;
  • Dysplasia of muscles;
  • Myopathy, neuralgia, neuropathy in diabetes mellitus;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • Dysplastic syndrome with coxarthrosis.

4. Groups of systemic diseases:

  • Types of arthritis with gout, rheumatism, lupus;
  • Spondylitis and Bechterew's disease ;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Arthritis in psoriasis;
  • Infectious diseases, including tuberculosis of bones, Lyme disease;
  • Myalgia of fibrous tissue;
  • oncological diseases.

Features of manifestation

Pain in the hip joint can be different when walking. There are the following types of pain:

  • Due to mechanical stress during exercise, the intensity of pain manifests itself more in the evening and passes by the morning;
  • With synovitis, pain occurs at the beginning of the movement and decreases with increasing activity, and sometimes disappears altogether;
  • Tendonitis is characterized by the fact that pain occurs in the muscle tissues and tendons only when moving;
  • Spasms of periaticular muscles;
  • Due to hypertension within the bones, aching pain in the hip joint may occur;
  • Stretching capsule joints in trauma or inflammatory processes;
  • Mechanical damage to the bone head by osteophytes.

Now you know why there is pain in the hip joint when walking. The reasons, as you can see, can be different.

Clinical symptoms

In the beginning, the pain sensations are unstable and not expressed, are associated only with movement. With the progress of the disease, they intensify. Pain in the hip joint when walking Predetermines further stiffness, contracture does not allow you to move the joint aside, which causes the patient unbearable suffering.

In view of the fact that the patient reflexively protects the joint from unnecessary movements, lameness, muscle weakness, innervation occur, the leg may decrease in volume and shorten, the head of the joint itself deforms. A doctor should definitely tell you about how the hip joint hurts Walking.

Methods of treatment for arthrosis

For any, even minor pain, you should seek medical help. Many patients who have hip pain, what to do, have no idea and think that everything will pass by itself. But only the doctor will be able to diagnose the cause, identify the characteristics of the destructive process and prescribe adequate treatment.

If the patient is diagnosed with "arthrosis of the hip joint," the first actions are the selection of drugs aimed at treating the processes of destruction of cartilage and ligaments. If the patient has severe pain in the hip joint, Then medicinal preparations of anti-inflammatory action, auxiliary medicines, including vitamin supplements, methods and methods of physiotherapeutic action, fixing joints by imposing tires and gypsum (especially at the stage of exacerbation), therapeutic gymnastics are usually used.

In the event that there is a constant pain in the hip joint when walking, treatment is often only prompt. Today, methods are used to replace the joint head with an artificial titanium implant. This allows not only to stop the process of destruction, but also to return the patient to a full, active life. This process takes less than 6 months, including a rehabilitation complex.

It must be remembered that treatment should be comprehensive, using all possible methods and means to combat the destructive disease.

Biologically active additives

At the beginning of the disease, the cartilage is not yet destroyed, the pain symptoms are not clearly expressed. At this stage, you can start taking dietary supplements. So, the preparations containing hydrolyzate of collagen which is a part of a cartilaginous tissue will be useful. The components of the substance prevent the process of destruction, contribute to the restoration of the cell structure and ligament preparation. Warming ointments, gels, compresses are useful if the hip joint hurts. What to do to alleviate suffering, folk medicine will tell. It is recommended to use leaves of cabbage and burdock as a warming and anti-inflammatory agent. It is useful at night to wrap the joint with a warm downy kerchief that will create the effect of heat and increase blood flow.

Medical preparations

If the hip joints hurt, what else to treat? Folk remedies and dietary supplements are, of course, good. But only at the earliest stages of the pathological process. You need to seek advice from an orthopedic doctor or a rheumatologist who prescribes medications aimed at eliminating pain.

Chondroprotectors, for example, the preparation "Chondroitin", which not only restore the structure of the cartilaginous tissue, but also contain components that affect the mobility of the ligamentous apparatus, are necessarily prescribed. Since pain is a sign of inflammation, a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as "Ibuprofen", "Ketorol", "Nimesulide", and "Nyz" are prescribed. They will stop the inflammation, and remove the pain syndrome.

Miorelaxants are drugs that relieve painful muscle spasms. They are useful in that when taken at night give the opportunity to relax the muscles of the legs, avoid pain. Milgamma and Sirdalud are among these medicines.

Preparations that improve microcirculation of blood in bone tissue, will help the process of blood supply, increase blood flow. This, for example, means "Trental", injections of nicotinic acid.

In special cases, when the pain becomes unbearable, hormonal drugs are prescribed, for example, the drug "Prednisalone" (in small doses), which, in addition to increasing blood flow, provide removal of the inflammation process.


To relieve pain, but outside the stage of exacerbation, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures. It can be massage, laser, electromyostimulation. Also useful are water treatments, baths with resin, with hydrogen sulphide. To increase the amplitude of movements, it is recommended to swim in the pool.

Features of traction of the hip joint

Traction is a method that reduces the strain on cartilage of the joint by drawing. On the one hand, this is a useful procedure, in which the joint is gradually stretched, the correct load distribution is carried out. On the other hand, this method can be performed only by an experienced physician - manual therapist. Recently, a tranykin apparatus has also been used - an apparatus for stretching bones, increasing the distance between them.


In order to avoid pain in the hip joint during walking, in order to prevent arthrosis and other inflammatory processes, one should follow simple rules:

  • Get rid of excess weight. The higher the weight, the greater the load on the joints, which entails destructive processes.
  • Try to move as much as possible. Activity is a pledge that there will not be stagnant phenomena in the joints.
  • Observe the regime of the day and the rules of therapeutic nutrition, take regular vitamins, provide food with a sufficient number of trace elements.
  • Practice physical culture and sports.

Fulfilling these recommendations, it is possible to protect joints from destructive processes that can lead to pain, destruction and disability.

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