HealthDiseases and Conditions

Non-healing wound: how and what to treat?

All people are familiar with various injuries, wounds. Some wounds heal fairly quickly. Someone has to make a lot of efforts to recover. Why does a non-healing wound occur? There may be several reasons. We will discuss them further.


A long unhealing wound is an occasion to seek medical help. Only there you will have appropriate treatment. The question arises, what time of wound healing is normal? Normal healing lasts for no more than three weeks. In the event of complications or the presence of abnormalities, this process can be delayed for a month and a half. The reasons that the wound does not heal for a long time, are divided into external and internal, as well as their combination.

Internal factors: chronic diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes mellitus, malnutrition, avitaminosis, overweight, circulatory disorders, varicose veins, infectious diseases, oncological diseases.
All these diseases lead to a decrease in immunity. As a result, wounds do not heal.


In the event that a person is injured with a sharp object, it is possible to get the infection directly in case of injury. Although this can happen in other ways. For example, getting the infection in the wound while dressing. If the wound is not treated in a timely manner with disinfectants, infection may spread. Then a long treatment is needed.

Symptoms for infection of the wound: the body temperature rises, the edema appears in the affected area, the skin becomes red and hot, a suppuration occurs.
Infection is the reason that the wound site does not heal for a long time. For the treatment of antibiotics. Also, special treatment, removal of suppuration and suturing if necessary. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a blood transfusion and vitamin therapy.

Treatment of a non-healing wound in diabetes mellitus

With such a disease, any insignificant cut becomes a real test. A high sugar content in the blood has a harmful effect on blood vessels, destroying them. Blood supply is disturbed, especially in the lower part of the legs. In addition, the sensitivity of nerve endings decreases. As a result, a person because of this does not feel that he was injured. A common corn, a fine cut in time not processed, can become an unhealed wound, and later become an ulcer.

You should be extremely careful and try not to allow injuries or cuts, carefully check the condition of your legs. At the slightest violation of the skin, you should consult a doctor. Suppuration of a wound with diabetes often leads to amputation of the affected limb parts.

Fast healing is facilitated by: timely treatment with antiseptics, administration of ointments with antibiotics, proper nutrition, foods rich in vitamins of group B and C, additional vitamins, proper care for the affected area of the body, treatment, dressing.


In the treatment of non-healing wounds on the leg, it is possible to combine medical therapy and folk methods. This combination will accelerate healing.

Fresh cucumber juice has an antimicrobial effect. They need to lubricate their wounds, compress for a few hours.

Leaves celandine have a healing effect. You can use both fresh and dry for treatment. Dry leaves before use should be steamed. With the leaves of the celandine, bandages are applied, applying them to the wound.

A mixture of burdock roots and celandine cooked in sunflower oil will also help. How to do it? Now tell. To do this, you need 100 ml of sunflower oil, chopped burdock roots 30 gr., The roots of celandine 20 g. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes. After cooling and drain. The resulting mixture lubricate the affected area for a week two to three times a day.

Diabetic wounds

If a person has diabetes, unhealed wounds how to heal? Now tell.
When treating a non-healing wound with diabetes, it is necessary to remember how to properly treat the affected area and do the bandaging:

  1. The wound should be clean. To do this, change the bandage as often as possible. In doing so, use disposable sterile gloves. Treat non-healing wound with a disinfectant. For treatment use a solution of "Chlorhexidine".
  2. To clean the wound from the accumulation of dead tissue and pus. For this, hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool are used. Abundantly water the affected area and place around it with peroxide. This will facilitate the removal of necrosis. The procedure is rather painful, but necessary. After this, it is necessary to dry the wound. It is necessary to form cotton balls according to the size of the affected area. After it stands gently, but deeply penetrating the wound, remove the liquid.
  3. Use of ointment. If the wound suppurates, the use of Vishnevsky ointment and hydrocortisone will help. If there is no pus and the wound heals, oil-based funds that include plant extracts are suitable.
  4. In the presence of infection in the wound, ointments with antibiotics (Levomecol, Levosil) are used. For healing, there are means with anti-inflammatory components ("Levomizol", "Romazulon"). With poor wound healing, a doctor can prescribe drugs with antibiotics and a course of vitamins.

It is necessary to follow the prescriptions of the attending physician, consult if you want to use the recipes of traditional medicine. Self-medication, incorrect choice of drugs can significantly worsen the condition of the wound and slow the healing.


Effective ointments for non-healing wounds:

1. Solcoseryl. It is used for dry wounds. Accelerates the regeneration of tissues, promotes effective healing.
2. Actovegin. To heal deep wounds, the gel is released, after the wound has begun to tighten, an ointment is applied. Analog "Solcoserila."
3. Levomekol. The drug with antibiotic. It is used to treat purulent wounds, burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers.

4. "Baneocin". A drug that contains antibiotics that protect the skin from infection. Produced in the form of an ointment and powder.

Non-healing wounds

A dying wound is accompanied by the allocation of a large number of the syphilis. This happens if a person is injured due to a burn (electric, chemical, solar), skin inflammation, bacterial or fungal lesions, skin torn off, there are diaper rash, scrapes and calluses.

In order to avoid getting the infection in such a wound, you need an antiseptic dressing. If there are foreign objects in the affected area, the damaged skin diverges by more than one centimeter, there is severe bleeding, then you should immediately go to the emergency department. If all this is not there, treat the wound and apply the bandage yourself.

To wash the open, sogging wounds, iodine or greenery should not be used. These funds will burn tissues, and the liquid will not go away. And this can cause inflammation and suppuration. It is better to use hydrogen peroxide. Can be treated with a solution of "Chlorhexidine", "Unisept", "Dekasan" or "Miramistin". For the subsequent cleaning and treatment of the wound, a solution of furacilin or isotonic solution (boiled water with common salt, 5 grams per glass of water) can be used. These agents can be used to remove the adherent dressing and to treat the surface of the affected area.

Wet wounds. Treatment

Than to treat not healing wounds which become wet? Until a crust was formed on the affected area, ointments should be discarded. For treatment use solutions or powders with drying effect. Simply and effectively in this case, the salt solution. How to cook it? Dissolve the salt in water in the proportion of 1x10.

To accelerate the regeneration of tissues and eliminate the infection, you should use a powder with antibiotic. For this purpose, the following funds are prescribed: "Streptocide", "Penicillin", "Levomycetin".

Combined action preparations aimed at suppressing bacteria and a fungal environment, such as "Baneocin", are also used.
A powder is applied to the treated wound surface with a thin layer using a cotton swab. Then it is covered with a sterile gauze napkin and bandages. After 4-5 hours, the dressing should be moistened with saline. Then you should replace it. In the event that the wound heals, there is no pus or very little, you can not rinse it with saline, but only deal with the treatment of the affected area.

If the pain does not pass, the edges of the wound darken, the inflammation spreads to nearby skin areas, it is urgent to visit a doctor. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics and antibacterial drugs to avoid infection, sepsis. In addition, vitamins are needed to maintain the body's resistance.


Correct and timely treatment will give a positive result within one to two weeks. In some severe cases, therapy will be required within a month with the use of physiotherapy procedures: warming up, quartz, laser treatment, and massage. Long healing wounds lead to damage to neighboring skin areas and formation of keloid scars, which can remain forever. It is necessary to be attentive to one's health.

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