Self improvement, Psychology
Victim behavior
Victim behavior is the actions or actions of a person, somehow provoking him to do any harm. As a rule, people use this behavior in order to:
- To provoke the offender to perform certain actions;
- create an environment that is advantageous for the attack;
- attract attention.
Victim behavior in certain situations. A person begins to behave defiantly, not even suspecting that he himself provokes a danger. The nature of danger is abstract. The bottom line is that different people perceive it in different ways: some begin to fear when there is even an insignificant danger, others remain calm, even when the situation becomes extremely tense and serious. Also it is worth noting that someone himself is looking for danger, but someone is avoiding it in every possible way. The standard behavior of some people may seem like a victim to other people.
The concept of victimology is used not only in psychology, but also in criminology. Statistics assure that many sexual crimes occur precisely because women behave inappropriately.
Women are gentle and sweet creatures, but sometimes their behavior is like provocation. Correct and calm child can instantly become aggressive, spiteful, unwilling to follow public rules. Victim behavior in adolescent girls can be observed very often.
Basics of victim behavior are in consciousness. One way or another, people realize that their behavior model is contrary to some norms. Also, many clearly understand and the fact that sooner or later there can be a big trouble.
When deciding on victim behavior, people are guided not by common sense and logic, but by fleeting urges and emotional outbursts.
People can consciously or unconsciously provoke a criminal (a potential criminal) to commit a wrongful act. You can provoke:
- words or intonation of statements;
- gestures, actions, manners of behavior;
- use of force
Victim behavior, which is based on intonation, gestures, actions is divided into three types:
- the actions of the victims show her insecurity, fear, fear and so on. A criminal in this situation sees an easy prey. From this he feels decisive and powerful;
- actions that attract attention and provoke;
- actions that increase emotional tension, causing fury, anger, aggression. The victim sows insults, threats.
Victim behavior associated with the use of force is more common in men than in women. Representatives of the stronger sex often begin fights, to win in which they have no chance. Of course, the use of force provokes the opposite side and encourages it to act.
A woman who resorts to physical force is very risky. The fact is that after striking, she ceases to be represented in the mind of a man as a representative of the opposite sex, which can not be beaten. After the use of force, it will be perceived as an opponent.
It is important to understand that:
- A significant number of victims until the very last moment do not understand what is really in great danger.
- A normal-looking person can turn out to be a dangerous criminal. The appearance and behavior of a person often do not reveal his true intentions;
- because of fear, a person is lost and starts to think badly. Fear binds the body and makes the person defenseless. It is necessary to learn how to control it - it is quite possible that this will one day save your life.
Victim behavior is something that needs to be understood, realized and learned to control. Analyze yourself - decide whether you are doing the right things in dangerous situations.
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