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What is the deepest lake in Belarus? Short description

What is the deepest lake in Belarus? Before answering this question, let's get acquainted with the general information on water resources of the country. In total there are about 11 thousand lakes on its territory. Many of them were formed more than 12 000 years ago due to the melting of the Valdai glacier. The greatest accumulation of water bodies is in the north and north-west of the country. This region is called the Byelorussian Poozerie.

Types of basins of the deepest lakes of Belarus

The deepest lakes are of glacial origin. In turn, the basins are divided into several types:

  • Erevzionnye;
  • Pierced;
  • With complex hollows;
  • Hollow;
  • Thermokarstic.

Those that were formed in places of glacial exhalation (hollow), have a great depth - from 30 to 55 m. The coastline is mostly steep. The form is elongated. The area of water bodies is not very large, it does not exceed 10 km 2 . An exception is Lake Richie. It is located in the basin, the surface area of which reaches almost 13 km 2 .

Top 5 deepest lakes

On the territory of the country there are 25 lakes, the depth of which exceeds 30 m. Most of them are located in the Vitebsk region, and only two ponds are in Minsk. This article will describe the five deepest lakes in Belarus:

  • Long (Gluboksky district).
  • Richie (Braslav district).
  • Ginkovo (Gluboksky district).
  • Voloso South (Braslav district).
  • Bolduk (Myadelsky district).


The deepest lake in Belarus is the Longest. Its depth is almost 54 m. It belongs to the basin of the river. Shoshi. In its form, the reservoir is quite elongated. Its length considerably exceeds the width, almost twice. The area of the lake is almost 3 km 2 , and the volume is over 43 million m 3 .

The banks are high, in some places they reach 35 m, steep. From a distance it seems that they are rising straight out of the water. The meadow is located only on the north-western and south-eastern sides. Throughout the entire coastline you can find small sand and pebble beaches. Such areas are rather narrow. They are surrounded by shrubby vegetation. Also here you can find firs and oaks.

The water in the lake is flowing. The reservoir is fed by groundwater and small streams. From the lake flow channels Svjodovo and Shaw. The basin is typical of a hollow. The bottom is uneven, there are many pits, steep cliffs and rises, they are covered with mud. In some places there are deposits of ore, clay and lime. Closer to the shore, the bottom is sandy, the water is transparent.


Richi is the deepest lake in Belarus. It is second only to the depth in depth (about 52 m). Long. The reservoir is a part of the Braslav lakes. It is located on the border of two countries: Latvia and Belarus. It has a glacial origin.

The hollow is of a rather complex shape. The coastline is heavily indented by bays. The height of the slopes varies. For example, on the eastern side the steep banks reach a height of up to 30 m. It declines only closer to the south. Here the slopes do not exceed 10 m.

In the north and west, there is an alternation of gentle banks with hilly terrain. This inconsistency is characteristic of the bottom. Under the water surface you can observe deep pits, slopes, shallow water. Depth distribution is uneven. Thanks to this, islands formed on the lake.

If we compare the five deepest reservoirs of Belarus, then Richie occupies a large enough area, which is practically uncharacteristic of this type of water area. The area of the water surface is about 13 km 2 . The lake is flowing, the water is clean, it practically does not bloom. Transparency is almost 6 m.


Another deepest lake in Belarus is Ginkovo. It is located in Glubokoe district. Its depth is 43.3 m. This indicator allows the reservoir to occupy the third place in the country.

Its area is quite small - only 0.51 km 2 . In shape, the lake resembles a sickle. The basin is part of a large hollow, which stretches for almost 10 km. Lake Ginkovo is in the north-west. In this hollow there are two more reservoirs - Long and Svyadovo.

The coastline is almost indistinct, it is a rocky cliff that hangs vertically over the water. The depth is distributed unevenly - there are both shallow waters and large pits.

Volos South

Voloso South is not only the deepest lake in Belarus, but also one of the most popular. The length of the reservoir is 2.5 km, the width is small - only 0.7 km. Its area is 1.21 km 2 . But the depth is quite impressive - more than 40 m.

The lake was formed in the basin of an eversion type. The shores surrounding the pond are shallow and low. Around the water smooth dense coniferous forests grow. The indicator of transparency is high, although Volos Yuzhnoe refers to weakly flowing reservoirs. It is well protected from the winds, so water at a depth of up to 7 m quickly warms up, but already at 10 m the temperature drops sharply and does not exceed +5 ° C.

The coast line is clean, reeds and reeds are rare. Because of the low water temperature, there is very little vegetation in the lake.


On the territory of Belarus there is a group of Black Lakes. Bolduk - the largest and deepest. The hollow type is hollow. She crashed deep into the moraine ridges. The cabin has a trough-like shape - an elongated length (about 2 km), a small width (0.7 km). The depth is large, which is typical for all water bodies of this type. It is almost 40 m.

On the shoreline slopes up to 30 m in height prevail, only from the south-eastern side there are low marshy areas. The increase in depth occurs unevenly. Throughout the lake there are large pits and rocks covered with muddy sediments. They alternate with shallow areas. The water is clean, the transparency is 4 m.

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