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Climate of India. Features of India's climate

One of the most popular Asian tourists is India. It attracts people with its original culture, the grandeur of ancient architectural structures and the magnificent beauty of nature. But the most important, why many people go there to rest, is the climate of India. It is so diverse in different parts of the country that allows you to choose at any time of the year entertainment to your taste: sunbathing on a sunny beach or skiing in a mountain resort.

If tourists go to India to see the sights, then it is desirable to choose a time so that the heat or rain does not interfere. Features of the geographical location of the country affect its climate. You can choose a place of rest depending on what temperature you prefer. Heat, sunny beaches and cool mountain air, overcast skies and rains, hurricanes are all India.

Geographical position

The climate of this country is so diverse because of the peculiarities of its location. India stretches from north to south for 3000 kilometers, and from west to east for 2000. The difference in altitude is about 9000 meters. The country occupies almost the entire vast Hindustan peninsula, washed by the warm waters of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea.

The climate of India is very diverse. There are four types: dry tropical, wet tropical, subequatorial monsoon and alpine. And at a time when the beach season begins in the south, the real winter comes in the mountains, and the temperature drops below zero. There are areas where rains almost all year round, and in others, plants suffer from drought.

Nature and climate of India

The country is located in the subequatorial zone, but it is much warmer there than elsewhere in this strip. How can this be explained? In the north, the country is fenced off from the cold Asian winds of the Himalayas, and in the northwest the large territory is occupied by the Tar desert, which attracts warm wet monsoons. They determine the peculiarities of the climate of India. Monsoon brings rain and heat to the country. On the territory of India is the most rainy place on Earth - Cherapunji, where more than 12,000 millimeters of precipitation a year fall. And in the north-west of the country, in the Tar desert, about 10 months there is not a drop of rain. Some eastern states also suffer from drought. And if in the south of the country is very hot - the temperature rises to 40 degrees, then in the mountains there are places of eternal glaciation: the ridges of Zaskar and Karakorum. And the climate of coastal zones is affected by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean.

Seasons in India

In most of the country, it is possible to distinguish three seasons: winter, which lasts from November to February, summer, lasting from March to June, and the rainy season. The division is conditional, because the monsoon has little influence on the east coast of India, and there is no rain in the territory of the Tar desert. Winter in the usual sense of this word comes only in the north of the country, in mountainous regions. There the temperature sometimes drops to minus 3 degrees. And on the south coast at this time - the beach season, and here fly from northern countries migratory birds.

Rain season

This is the most interesting feature that the climate of India has. Monsoons coming from the Arabian Sea bring heavy rains to most of the country. At this time, about 80% of the annual rainfall rate falls. First the rains begin in the west of the country. In May, Goa and Bombay experience the influence of monsoons. Gradually, the rainy season is moving to the east, and by July-month, the peak of the season has been observed in most of the country. Hurricanes can happen on the coast, but they are not as devastating as in other countries located near India. A little less rain falls on the east coast, and the rainiest place is the north-east of the country - there the rainy season lasts until November. In most of India, dry weather sets in from September to October.

The rainy season brings relief from the heat to most parts of the country. And, despite the fact that at this time there are often floods and the sky is overcast, farmers are waiting for this season with impatience. Thanks to the rain, the lush Indian vegetation is booming, good harvests are obtained, and all the dust and dirt is washed away in the cities. But monsoons do not bring rain to all parts of the country. In the foothills of the Himalayas, the climate of India resembles the European one: hot summer and frosty winter. And in the northern state of Punjab there is almost no rain, so there are frequent droughts.

What is the winter in India

From October to the month, dry and clear weather is established over most of the country. After the rains it becomes relatively cool, although in some areas, for example, on the coast, there is a heat of + 30-35 °, while the sea at this time warms up to + 27 °. The climate of India in winter is not very diverse: dry, warm and clear. Only in some areas there are rains until December. Therefore, at this time there is a large influx of tourists.

In addition to sunny beaches and warm sea water, they are attracted by the beauty of lush vegetation in the national parks of India and the unusual nature of the holidays, which are held here in large numbers from November to March. This is harvesting, and a holiday of colors, and a festival of lights, and even farewell to winter in late January. Christians celebrate the Nativity of Jesus Christ, and the Hindus - the birth of their deity - Ganesha Chaturti. In addition, the winter season opens in the mountain resorts of the Himalayas, and lovers of winter sports can relax there.

Indian Heat

Most of the country's territory is warm all year round. If you look at the climate of India by months, you can understand that this is one of the hottest countries in the world. Summer there begins in March, and in most states in a month already there is an unbearable heat. April-May is the peak of high temperature, in some places it rises to + 45 °. And since at this time it is also very dry, this weather is very exhausting. Particularly difficult for people in large cities, where dust is added to the heat. Therefore, long-time wealthy Indians at this time left for the northern mountain regions, where the temperature is always comfortable and in the hottest time rarely rises to + 30 °.

When is the best time to visit India

This country is beautiful at any time of the year, and every tourist can find a place that he likes his weather. Depending on what interests you: rest on the beach, visiting attractions or watching the nature, you need to choose the place and time of the trip. The general recommendation for everyone is not to visit Central and South India from April to July, as it is very hot at this time.

If you want to sunbathe and do not like to get wet, do not come in the rainy season, the worst months are June and July, when most precipitation falls. The Himalayas should not be visited in winter - from November to March, because many areas are difficult to access because of the snow on the passes. The best time to relax in India is the period from September to March. Almost in all regions of the country at this time, a comfortable temperature of + 20-25 ° - and clear weather. Therefore, when planning a trip to these regions, it is advisable to get acquainted with the peculiarities of weather in different regions and find out what climate in India is by months.

Temperature in different parts of the country

  • The largest temperature differences occur in the mountainous regions of India. In winter, the thermometer can show minus 1-3 °, and high in the mountains - up to minus 20 °. From June to August - the warmest time in the mountains, and the temperature is from +14 to +30 °. Usually + 20-25 °.
  • In the northern states, the coldest time is in January, when the thermometer's column shows + 15 °. In summer, the heat is about + 30 ° and above.
  • The lowest temperature difference is in Central and South India, where it is always warm. In winter, in the coldest time, there is a comfortable temperature: + 20-25 °. From March to June it is very hot - + 35-45 °, sometimes the thermometer shows up to + 48 °. In the rainy season a little cooler - + 25-30 °.

India has always attracted tourists from all over the world. This is due not only to the beautiful nature, the variety of ancient structures and the peculiar culture of the people. The most important thing that tourists like is the favorable location of the country and its pleasant climate throughout the year. India in any month can give travelers the opportunity to relax the way they want.

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