News and Society, Nature
Fish-ball aquarium (tetraodon). Poisonous fish-ball: description of the breed
The famous fish-ball is a native of the Malayan archipelago, the Indian coast, Ceylon, the Philippines and Indonesia. This representative of marine fauna is also known under the names of orbit, tetraodon, fugue, pufferfish, fish-dog, skalozub and fish-death. It is interesting that in the moment of danger it can swell like a ball to appear to the enemy as a fairly large object and force it to abandon the idea of gobbling up this representative of the food chain. Thanks to this ability, orbitel got its name.
Encyclopedic data
The fish-ball belongs to the family Tetraodontidate from the squamous-jaw group. The latter, in turn, leads from ancient percussion. To date, the geography of the distribution of this family is quite extensive. So, parrot-parrot inhabits the Amazon basin, leopard tetraodon is a resident of the lower reaches of the Congo River. The motley orbitel inhabits the coastal waters of Southeast Asia. Some specimens of shar-fish are found even in the rivers of the Southern Primorye.
Among these amazing creatures are both dwarfs and giants. For example, the Boulenger balloon reaches 120 cm, and the Fahaka tetraodon is 20 times smaller - only 6 cm. All species are characterized by the absence of bone carapaces on the body and powerful fin spines. But they have the ability to inflate like a balloon. The fish actually has the shape of a ball. And all thanks to air-filled or water-filled air bags. This is clearly seen in the photos in the article. A fish-ball can be kept in aquariums. There are about 10 species of tetraodones, which are bred by aquarists.
These amusing creatures
Considered inhabitants of the sea depth, despite the seeming awkwardness, are very mobile and maneuverable. In motion, the fish resembles a bee fluttering with wings, which froze in the air near the flower. Young individuals are quite peaceful, often gather in flocks, but with age their behavior changes radically, and they become unruly and aggressive. These amusing creatures with very expressive and moving eyes are in close relationship with a detachment of sea four-toots. They are the best snail eaters you can imagine. Such outstanding abilities of the fish-ball is due to the special structure of the jaws and the body. Pretty quick and nimble, she raked her pectoral fins, approaching her victim. And then, at the first opportunity, there is enough extraction for its miniature, but equipped with four special crushing plates, the mouth. Sharothel has very strong jaws, intended for crushing of strong shells of mollusks. Gill coverings in fish are reduced, the slits are two openings near the pectoral fins. Due to the structure of the fins, the orbital can dramatically change the direction of motion and even move backwards, and also hang in place. The scales covering the body have a sharp apex and resemble a spike.
Poisonous fish-ball
The musculature of these creatures, and especially their insides and sex glands, contain poisonous tetradoxins. But the ovaries of some specimens that are found off the coast of Japan, contain a very toxic poison, which is called "fugue". It acts on the nerve centers and cardiovascular system. Scientists have found out that the fish does not produce poisonous substances. It becomes toxic due to its diet, which includes poisonous sea stars and mollusks. If the puffer from birth will adhere to the "dietary food", then it will be completely safe to eat. However, in this case, the dishes from exotic fish will lose their "sharpness". After all, everyone knows that in the spring, when the fugu is most poisonous, gourmets are ready to pay the highest price for this delicacy.
Lethal dish
Fish fugu is the most expensive and deadly dish of Japanese cuisine. In addition, it is considered one of the oldest dishes known to mankind. Findings of archaeologists confirm that it was eaten by the inhabitants of the Japanese islands long before our era.
Confession Extreme
Gourmets who tried this fish describe their sensations in the following way: as the use rolls the wave, which paralyzes first the legs, then the hands, then the jaws stop working. In this state, only the eyes can move. After a short period of time, everything starts to come alive, the gift of speech is returned, and then the legs and hands begin to move. Japanese samurai believe that leaving from life is the apotheosis of beauty. Fish fugu allows a person to touch the Japanese understanding of perfection, and with a lucky coincidence, even go back.
Fish-ball: aquarium exotic
Dwarf tetraiodones live in the South of India in lakes and rivers with a sandy or muddy bottom. For such creatures, it does not matter how the aquarium is designed, the main thing is that there are snags and thick plants in which you can hide. This will reduce their intraspecific aggression. It is very important to dilute such fish partially to replace water. Do this regularly. Experts recommend to settle in an aquarium, the volume of which is 20 liters, three tetraodones. Fish eat snails, worms, mollusks, and do not disdain and special food, both live and frozen. But they dry food with reluctance. In the aquarium puffers observe the daily routine. They wake up at dawn or when lighting is on. After that, they trapeze and blur around the aquarium on their own business. In the afternoon they begin to take an interest in what is happening around them. In the evening they are preparing for bed. For spawning it is recommended to use one male and three females.
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