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What is air? Humidity and air temperature

We can not live without it. He surrounds us, allowing us to breathe. Air ... In the fertile oxygen contains the beginning of the existence of any individual on the planet. Now we will try to understand in detail what air is. Also from the article we learn what its gas composition is, what its humidity and temperature are.

A life

Life on our planet has existed for several billion years. And scientists have always been interested in the main factors that influenced its origin. It is generally believed that one of the main reasons is the finding of the planet in the so-called habitation zone. It is about the optimal distance from the central star of the system, the period of revolution around the axis, the force of gravity and, of course, the gas composition of the atmosphere. Or, in general, its availability. Simply put, we mean the substance that we breathe. But what is air? And what is its humidity with temperature? About this and talk.


The natural mixture of gases is called air. They form the atmosphere of the planet. If we talk about the terrestrial, then mainly it consists of oxygen and nitrogen - 98-99% in total. The remainder is carbon dioxide, neon, hydrogen and argon. Air is what all beings need for normal existence and life in general. You can not do without it. So now we know what air is. But why is it so important?

It's all about oxygen. In the process of breathing, he enters through the blood into the cells of living organisms. Here there is an oxidation process, which is necessary for obtaining vital energy. Its composition may vary depending on the altitude or terrain features. For example, in cities, the carbon dioxide content is always greater than in the forests. And in the mountains, the amount of oxygen will decrease as the height increases, because it is much heavier than nitrogen. Now we know what air is and what its gas composition depends on. Oxygen is also needed for burning fuel in everyday life or in industry. And using the method of liquefaction, inert gases are obtained from it . So, what is air, now is very clear.

What is the humidity?

Relative air humidity refers to the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in a mixture of atmospheric gases to the pressure of saturated vapor at a certain temperature. In the formulas, this indicator is denoted by the Greek letter φ. If the humidity is considered absolute, then this is the amount of moisture that is contained in one cubic meter of air. But it is known that at a certain atmospheric temperature, it can contain only the most definite amount of liquid. That is, as the temperature increases - this value increases, and when it decreases - falls. Therefore, scientists have introduced such a notion as relative humidity. To determine the indicators, hygrometers and psychrometers are used.

What is the humidity of the air in terms of ecology? This is a very important element of it. If its value is too low, people experience increased fatigue, deterioration of the thought process, perception and memory. It is also dangerous because the surface of mucous membranes dries up, microcracks are formed on it, into which viruses and bacteria enter. To control this index, special sensors and humidifiers are often used. But for some excessively "wet" regions, air conditioners are made. They, on the contrary, can reduce the humidity of the air.

What is the air temperature?

Air temperature - this is one of its properties, which is expressed in quantitative form. The indicator is constantly changing. In different places of our planet, the temperature is also different. If we consider a height that is close to the earth's surface, then it varies in a very wide range. For example, in Saudi Arabia in 1922 it was fixed at + 58 ºC. Simultaneously, at one of the Antarctic stations in 2004, the thermometer showed a record -91 ºC. Depending on the altitude, the temperature of the air changes. And often this happens randomly.

In most countries of the world, air temperature is measured in degrees. This is done using the Celsius scale. Zero means the temperature at which the melting of ice begins, and +100 or more is the boiling of water. But there are still countries that use the scale developed by Fahrenheit. For example, the USA. In it the interval, the lower value of which means the melting of ice, and the maximum - the boiling of water, is divided into 180 degrees. So, now we know what air is important, what it is, and why low humidity is dangerous to health.

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