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Interesting facts about the life of Zhukovsky. Life and work of Vasiliy Andreevich Zhukovsky

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky is an energetic man, who has succeeded in many things. The main interesting facts from Zhukovsky's life are that he became a famous poet, a worthy interpreter and court adviser. He managed to translate his creative ideas into ballads and songs, poems and translations. Since childhood, it has been noticeable craving for beauty, which Vasily Andreevich was not afraid to implement. Thanks to this we now have the opportunity to read Zhukovsky's poems.

The origin of Zhukovsky

VA Zhukovsky was raised not his own father, because he refused from his son. It happened because Vasily was born outside of the marriage from Afanasy Ivanovich Bunin (great-grandfather of the Russian poet and writer Ivan Bunin) and a captive of the Turkish woman Salha. She was brought to Russia after the siege of the Turkish fortress of Bendery. Salhu was baptized and given the Orthodox name Elizabeth. The girl liked the landowner. So, on February 9 (according to the new style), in 1783, Vasily appeared, but the boy was given the surname of the landlord Zhukovsky, who lived with Bunin from grace. Bunin's son was brought up along with his legitimate children. I must say that AI Bunin took care of the son to receive the title of nobleman, and from the very childhood he enrolled him in the military service, though fictitiously. Thus, by the age of six, the boy had become an ensign and was considered a nobleman. But in the will of Athanasius Bunin, the illegitimate son did not mention, leaving the whole legacy to legitimate children.

What is interesting about the personality of the poet?

VA Zhukovsky rightfully can be called a significant figure in the history of Russian poetry. Inspired by the ideas of Western poets and writers, Vasily Andreevich created his own works, filled with faith in a bright future, in the people, in that he can become enlightened and independent. In his poems he used romantic images, in which the idea of independence, struggle for the bright ideals of good, beauty, order is even more vividly manifested.

Thus the first poems of Zhukovsky appeared - "Rural Cemetery", "Singer in the camp of Russian soldiers", "Emperor Alexander". In each of them - a call for peace, harmony, appeal to nature, peace and quiet. Zhukovsky loves to contemplate beauty and is inspired by it, tries to attach to nature and the reader. The poet was always interested in the inner side of human life. He is far from politics, wars and social struggle. This is how we see it in the poems "To poetry", "To Batiushkov," "Slavyanka," and others.

Few people know that Zhukovsky is the author of the lines "genius of pure beauty." After them, Pushkin repeated.

Characteristics of Zhukovsky

Being enrolled in the Noble Board, he led the literary community, was its chairman. Activities in the community were organized, all its participants were guided by the charter. Hence, the personality of the poet is inherent in the ability to conduct a common cause, showing his talent and ability. Perhaps, it was these qualities that served as the fact that Zhukovsky (the poet) became the teacher of Alexander II himself.

Numerous sources claim that Vasily Andreevich was not only a good educator, but also an adviser at the court. He many times rescued exiled poets, in particular Alexander Pushkin, was able to influence the opinion of the emperor in effect, to soften the verdict, that is, Zhukovsky is also endowed with a diplomatic gift.

For a romantic with the soul of a poet uncharacteristic rudeness. On the contrary, since childhood he was distinguished by sentimentality, was sensitive and sensitive. He had a subtle spiritual organization, and every experience deeply wounded him. Verses and translations helped express the feelings and pain felt by the poet, and the readers were inspired by clear and capacious epithets, beautiful phrases that aroused the desire to live. Zhukovsky-poet fulfilled his creative task.

The role of Zhukovsky at the royal court

Few of the poets and writers can boast of great influence at court. Usually poets did not like, for loud words in verses exiled or executed, but Zhukovsky managed to get through to the imperial heart, and he saved the exiled poets many times, helped AS Pushkin, the serf poet Shevchenko. Thanks to him, the Decembrists were not sent to the block, but were exiled to Siberia. For such an influence, talent is needed, and in Zhukovsky, of course, he was. Otherwise, the life of Vasiliy Andreevich Zhukovsky would not go down in history. The facts show how seriously the poet's opinion was perceived by the representatives of the royal dynasty.

The years of Zhukovsky's life were imbued with the idea of enlightenment, according to which, both the foreigner and the Russian become equal. But the Russian, according to the poet's deep conviction, is of great benefit to the Fatherland, than the foreigner. The latter will act on the basis of personal interests, and not for the sake of love for Russia, your own person will strive to help the Motherland to the end. This is the strength and power of the Fatherland, where the king's policy plays a decisive role.

The personal life of the poet

Vasily Afanasevich was not a ladies' man. He met his first love at the age of 22 in his sister's house, his father, Catherine Protasova. Her daughter Masha was then 12 years old, she was a student of Zhukovsky. After 7 years, Basil wooed to Masha Protasova. But he received a hard refusal, as mother Ekaterina claimed that Masha was Vasily's niece.

Zhukovsky's personal life began at the age of 58 when he left for Germany and married the daughter of his friend, the artist Reitern, on April 21, 1841. The poet dedicated her poem "Elizabeth Reitern", which was published in the magazine "Musical and theatrical messenger" ". Elizabeth was at the time 19 years. From marriage, the son Pavel and the daughter of Alexander were born. Several years Zhukovsky hatched the idea of returning to his homeland, but interfered with his wife's illness.

Together they lived for 15 years.

In April 1852, in the German city of Baden-Baden, the life of the poet ended.

In 1856, Elizaveta Zhukovskaya died.

Zhukovsky in his memoirs

Interesting facts from the life of Zhukovsky give memories of contemporaries. The characterization of the poet in their memoirs is ambiguous. Some see it as a silent and mysterious person, others say that Zhukovsky is the soul of the company. It's hard for us to judge, so we'll rely on quotations.

In the memoirs of Maria Fyodorovna's camera-room, Zhukovsky "kept himself taciturn", never once uttered a word in Russian. But he loved long contemplative conversations on abstract topics, which resulted in poems full of romantic images, for example, "Detailed Report on the Moon." It is no coincidence that many memoirists paint Zhukovsky's image through poetry. In them he appears as a "sorcerer", "storyteller", "singer of Russian soldiers", "Christian." This is how the poet is called by friends, close and little-known people.

Even in ordinary life people who communicated with him saw Vasily Andreevich as primarily a poet. Briefly about Zhukovsky, A. Bludova said: "The conversation with him is as sublime ... dressed with a slightly noticeable mystical flair, like his romantic images." However, from other people we learn completely different characteristics. In the memoirs of close friends FF Vigel, AS Pushkin, PA Vyazemsky, life and work of Zhukovsky look different. Before us appears the image of a joker, joker, "funny and ingenious lover."

Thus, our hero combines two contrasting features. He manifests himself differently in everyday life and in creativity, but this is what makes it possible to create the most authentic portrait. Seriousness adjoins the parody, humor - with a call to a harmonious and righteous life.

Another look

Interesting facts from Zhukovsky's life appear when we read the memoirs of AO Smirnova-Rosset, an educated, literary-gifted woman. She focuses her view on everyday Zhukovsky, and therefore her characterization of the poet takes on a completely different meaning. Vasily Andreevich becomes resourceful, slightly enamored, childishly simple-minded, kind, witty, loyal, loving anecdotes and jokes.

In literary salons can not do without VA Zhukovsky, because they see in him confident in their own ideals of a person who is an innovator in literary art. Around his works are always heated heated debate, which means that they find a response among the readers and angry enemies. But Zhukovsky himself, it seemed, eschewed lively discussions and disputes. He watched them from the side, keeping silence. At such moments, as the author himself said, he found shelter in poetry, "which is independent of short-sighted judges and is content with itself."

In the memoirs of Pushkin's closest friend Zhukovsky comes out as a reliable comrade, loyal, patient and unyielding: "In struggles with difficulties, a strongman is extraordinary."

A characteristic case

Some interesting facts from Zhukovsky's life characterize him as a generous, kind person. Many memoirists note his modesty, but one case will help to understand his image more fully. In 1840, Zhukovsky's friends decided to arrange a dinner for him, which the elderly professor wanted to come. The poet refused to see him in the list of guests, because he read him laudatory odes and thereby took Vasily Andreyevich out of himself. Complete indifference to fame and flattery characterizes the author as a spiritual, developed personality.

Zhukovsky's life and work show that he experienced ups and downs, but he remained true to his ideals until the end of his days. He was not vindictive, so he gave AS Pushkin a portrait with the words "To the winner of the student from the defeated teacher."

Once on a frosty day Zhukovsky saw on the roadside a beggar with frostbitten feet. He gives him 110 rubles (a lot of money for those times, for comparison: a good dinner in a restaurant cost 10 cents). The next day, the cripple, on the orders of Zhukovsky, is taken to the hospital and treated for free.

What did the poet achieve?

  • It was he who developed Russian Romanticism, contributed to his appearance with his creativity. Translating European works, the poet was inspired by Western ideas and tried to bring them into the life of the Russian people, but did it diplomatically, avoiding harsh phrases about the state, which earned the love of the imperial nobility. Subsequently, the ideas of romanticism developed in the work of other Russian poets. In particular, AS Pushkin relied on the work of Zhukovsky, honoring him and praising his talent.
  • Thanks to the help of Zhukovsky as an inspirer, we get acquainted with many of Pushkin's works, in particular, with the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila." Alexander Sergeevich - the genius of the literature of the 19th century - could not write further without first reading fragments to a friend Zhukovsky, and only after the evaluation he continued to create.
  • Being the educator of Emperor Alexander II, Zhukovsky taught him to think big, relying on the ideas of Westerners, instilling in the little king a love for will and enlightenment. Thanks to this decree of Alexander II, serfdom was abolished in 1861.
  • Creativity Vasily Andreevich recognized by many generations of readers and remains in demand until now. The memory of him is immortalized.

Zhukovsky's bibliography

The years of Zhukovsky's life have not passed without a trace. The descendants were given a lot of poems, translations, literary articles that shed light on the events of the past, are historical documents, are published to this day, and so Vasily Andreevich's work is of interest to us.

Zhukovsky is the author of 6 elegies: "Rural Cemetery", "Slavyanka", "Sea", "Evening", "For Death ...", "Singer in the Camp of Russian Warriors".

He wrote the romances "Ring of the Soul-Maiden" and "Turgenev, in response to his letter," songs, idylls and ode. He wrote the first Russian anthem "The Prayer of the Russians".

From under his pen came the fairy tale "The Sleeping Princess", "The Tale of Tsar Berendey", "The Tale of Prince Ivan and the Gray Wolf", "The Cat in Boots".

The author of 12 ballads - "Svetlana", "The Forest Tsar", "Knight Togenburg" and others. His work in prose is the story of "Marina Grove". He wrote articles, poems in verse, poems. He made free translations of Goethe, Schiller, Byron, Scott.

Zhukovsky was a good draftsman and left a lot of interesting sketches in pencil.

Brief biography of the poet

02/09/1983 - the birth of Vasily Zhukovsky.

1789 - the receipt of the nobility.

1797-1801 years. - Education in the Noble Boarding School, which operated under the Moscow University.

1802 - a debut as a poet-translator. The "Herald of Europe" printed a poem "Rural Cemetery" - a free translation of the work of the English poet Gray. Zhukovsky's creative life lasted until his last breath.

1808-1809 years. - editor of the "Bulletin of Europe".

1812 - Vasily Zhukovsky left for the militia. He proved that without the presence of events on the ground, one can not write poetry and praise patriotic feelings. It is necessary to experience the feelings of the people. Otherwise, they will not believe in poetry.

1815 - invited to the court service. Among other duties, he served as a reader at the Empress Maria Feodorovna.

1817 - appointed to teach the Russian language Princess Charlotte.

1825 - appointed as the tutor of Alexander II.

1841 - Zhukovsky's resignation with a life-long boarding house of 4000 rubles a year. The wedding of the poet. Moving to Germany.

April 24, 1852 - the death of the poet. The grave of VA Zhukovsky is located in St. Petersburg in the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. It is located next to the grave of NM Karamzin, the teacher of the poet.

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