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Yunna Moritz: Biography and Creativity

Yunna Moritz is the author of books of poetry, such as "Face" (2000), "So" (2000), as well as poetic children's books "Bouquet of cats" (1997), "Big secret for a small company" ( 1987). Many songs have been written for Moritz's poetry.
A short biography of Yunna Moritz proves that she is a good artist. In her books there are many sheets of author's graphics, which are defined as poetry.

Yunna Petrovna Moritz. Biography

Yunna Morits was born on June 2, 377 in Kiev. Then her father was arrested, and after a while they released him, but after that he fell blind. The poet claimed that this particular feature of the father had a great influence on the development of her worldview.
In 1954 Yunna graduated from the Kiev school and enlisted in the faculty of the University of Kiev. At this time, she had early periodical publications.
In 1955, the poet enrolled at the Literary Institute in Moscow at the Department of Poetry. She graduated in the 61st year, despite the fact that in the 57th she was expelled from there for "wrong moods" in literature.
In 1961, the first book by Yunna "Cape of Desire" (after the cape on Novaya Zemlya), which was based on the mood after a trip through the Arctic in the summer of 56, was published.

Her books refused to publish because of the poems "In Memory of Titian Tabidze" and "Fist fight". From 1961-70 (At that time there were "black lists" for publishers and censorship), and also from 1990-2000. They did not go out. But with the ban "Fist fight" was published by the head of the department of the publication "Young Guard" Vladimir Tsybin. After that, he was fired.

Lyrics in verse Yu. Moritz

The lyrics of resistance are present in the book "By law - hello to the postman", as Yunna Morits herself openly declares. Her biography also mentions the poem "Star of Serbosti" (about bombs in Belgrade), which is devoted to human dignity and life. It is published in the book "Face". The same themes are devoted to prosaic Cycle "Stories about the wonderful." These works were published in Literaturnaya Gazeta and abroad. Then they merged into one book.
Lyrical poems the poetess wrote in the best classical traditions, but at the same time they are completely modern, like herself Yunna Moritz. Biography literary predilections of the poet calls Pushkin, Pasternak, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, teachers - Andrei Platonov and Thomas Mann. To the environment of her poetry the writer attributes Khlebnikov, Homer, Blok.

The language of poems by Yunny Moritz

The language of the poetess is simple and natural, without too much pathos. She uses accurate rhymes along with assonances - this all distinguishes her poetry from other authors. In her poems often sound repetitions and metaphors, which are specially written in their works by Yunna Moritz. Biography tells that in her works the writer tries to get into the essence of being.
Yu. Moritz wrote scripts for the cartoons "The Boy Walked, the Owl Fled" and "The Big Secret for a Little Company".
Her poems were translated by Thomas Whitney, Elaine Feinstein, Lydia Pasternak and others. The author's works have been translated into all languages in Europe, also into Chinese and Japanese.

Yunna Petrovna Morits received the Russian award "Triumph", the Italian "Golden Rose", the national "Book of the Year".


The writer dynamically and multifacetedly compares and compares life and creativity. Art for her is an indispensable part of life, which has equal rights to man and nature and does not need to be justified by artistic goals, as Yunna Moritz herself determines. Biography of the poetess and describes her lyrical heroine.

The character of the lyric hero of the poet is distinguished by an extraordinary temperament, categorical judgments, and uncompromising. All this leads to isolation.
The poetess used the style of the "silver age". In his literary practice, Moritz continues the Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva traditions. Also her poetry echoes the Blok world (connects high and low). Creativity Yu. Moritz - an example of the harmony of impulses of poetry, which are derived from the symbolic, futuristic and acmeistic artistic systems.

Individual poetess received the handwriting in the early 60's, and her further literary path is the realization of the determined opportunities. Here Moritz belongs to poets without history, as Tsvetaeva said. Her poems are devoted to the eternal themes of life and death, creativity and love. She also translated translations of foreign poets - Moses Teif, Miguel Hernandez, and others.

Yunna Moritz, biography for children

Moritz represents childhood as a mystery of the world order and the mystery of poetry. Her poems for children are distinguished by humor, paradoxicality, kindness. To the writing of poetry for children, the birth of a son and the more loyal attitude in publishing houses to children's literature were pushed. In children's books Yunna Petrovna shows a paradise in which miracles and fairy tales are created. The dream turns the real world into a fantastic one.

Important place belongs to epithets ("crimson" cat, "rubber" hedgehog). They are exactly perceived by readers.
Poems Yunny Moritz differ musicality. Many poems thanks to this became songs - "The hedgehog rubber", "The dog is biting", etc.
In children's poems Moritz shows joy, it is ringing and festive, sometimes muffled and lyrical ("A bouquet of cats"). Her poems also sound in theatrical productions.

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