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Biography of Bryusov. Poet, playwright, literary critic

Biography of Bryusov Valery Yakovlevich is complex and contradictory. He is a man who witnessed two wars and three revolutions. The author of in-depth studies about Pushkin, a prose writer, playwright, poet, literary critic.

A family

Valery Yakovlevich was born on December 13, 1873 in the family of a Moscow merchant. The father of the future poet, Yakov Kuzmich, was fond of the ideas of the revolutionary populists, published his poems in print publishing houses and paid much attention to the education of his son. The future founder of Russian symbolism was educated in the best Moscow gymnasiums of FI Kreiman and LI Polivanov. The latter had a significant impact on the development of Valery as a poet.


Biography of Bryusov contains information that the first poem the young poet wrote at the age of 13. After completing his studies in gymnasiums, the young man continues his studies at the Moscow University, at the Faculty of History and Philology. Deeply studying history, literature, philosophy, showing interest in languages - ancient and modern. In 1892, the young poet gets acquainted with the work of representatives of French symbolism - Rambo, Verlaine, Malarme. Biography of Bryusov and his work is influenced by this literary trend. In letters to Verlaine, he says that it is destined to spread symbolism in Russia and is, as it were, the founder of this new Russian trend in literature.

Young talent

In 1894-1895 he composed and published three collections of Russian Symbolists. Many of the poems in it were written by Bryusov himself, and already at that time they testified to the outstanding talent of the author. A young and ambitious young man in 1895 prints his first collection of his own poems "Masterpieces". Critics of the time negatively met the emergence of a new author. The next collection was called "This is me." He left in 1897, the work of the young Bryusov was filled with extreme egocentrism and individualism. In the same year an important event takes place in the life of the poet.

Biography of Bryusov in 1987 was supplemented with a line about the marriage of John Runt. This woman will be close to the poet until her death and will preserve his archives and literary heritage for descendants. But in the life of Valery Yakovlevich there were also hobbies of other women - Nadezhda Lvova, Nina Petrovskaya.


After graduating from the university in 1899, Briusov's biography is finally connected with literary activity. He begins to work as a secretary in the magazine "Russian archive". Two years later, Valery is among the leaders of the magazine "Scorpion", founded by S. Polyakov.

The 1900s are the years of Briusov's literary heyday - in these years the books "The Third Guard", "Grad and the World", "The Wreath" are published. They are the best in the creativity of the author and brought him the recognition of the public.


The first world war Bryusov meets at the front, where he went to a correspondent from one of the St. Petersburg newspapers. At the front, writing patriotic poems and appeals. But the war strikes the author with its senselessness - he soon returns home from the front.

Work at Moscow University

The revolution of 1917 Bryusov welcomed. Actively worked in various publishing institutions. During the Soviet period, he gives lectures at the Moscow University. The theme of his lecture courses was ancient and modern Russian literature, verse theory , the Latin language, the history of the Ancient East.

The poet died on October 9, 1924 in Moscow and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Even Brusov's brief biography speaks of his destiny as a poet.

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