
"Wrong number": what does it mean? How to check your phone number

The phrase "The number does not exist or is typed incorrectly" can often be heard both when calling to unknown numbers, and to subscribers with whom you regularly communicate. It is easy to make a mistake when entering a number, but if it is listed in the contact list on your mobile device, the probability of incorrect entry is completely eliminated. With what such situations can be connected, how to check the phone number, which can not be reached - these issues we will consider in this article.

Possible causes of unauthorized calls

In this article, we will analyze in detail all the situations that may lead to an autoinformer message when dialing, that the number was typed incorrectly or does not exist at all, and give recommendations on how best to proceed in such a case. The main reasons for a nuisance are:

  • Error when entering the number;
  • Presence of redirection to a non-working number;
  • Inability to receive incoming calls;
  • A heavy load on the base station in which the mobile device of the calling subscriber or the person to whom the call is made is registered;
  • Entering the number in the list of "blocked users";
  • Blocking of the number (voluntary or on the initiative of the mobile operator).

What is meant by these reasons?

Error dialing the number

Unfortunately, you can not completely exclude the fact of incorrect number entry. After all, we are all human beings and can make mistakes, especially if the number is unknown. It's possible that you simply forgot it or recorded it. In this case, it is recommended to check the phone number of the person who needs to get through, or to clarify with those people who can know him.

Availability of the activated "Forwarding" service

So, you are trying to reach someone and hear in the phone: "The number is wrong". What does it mean? It must be borne in mind that redirection can be activated on the subscriber's number. That is, when receiving calls to a subscriber's number, they are automatically forwarded (when a certain condition is fulfilled, for example, the number is busy or disabled) to another number. With the correct forwarding and active state of the number on which it is set, you will not hear the messages about dialing incorrectly when dialing. However, if there were errors or number blocked when connecting and setting up this service, then such a situation can not be avoided.

How to get out of it? Try to contact the subscriber after a while or by another number, if, of course, you have one. It is possible that he does not even know that he can not be contacted.

Calls to service numbers or IP-telephony numbers

You can hear the phrase "Incorrect dialed number" ("MTS", "Beeline" and other mobile operators) when you try to call the customer service. For example, you found a missed call on the phone and try to call back to the specified number. The situation is that the call was made by employees of the company of the communication operator with the purpose of informing about the actions, services, etc. As a rule, such numbers are not intended for receiving incoming calls. How to be in this case? To wait for a repeated call - company employees usually duplicate a call if earlier it was not possible to contact the subscriber.

Load of base stations

If there is a heavy load on the base stations in the subscriber's registration area, you can also hear the message "The number is incorrect". What does it mean? Such situations often occur on New Year's holidays, in the days of major citywide or district events.

The base stations, which provide communication for subscribers of cellular operators, are designed to serve a certain number of devices. If there is a mass connection to them, then downloading stations can not be avoided. And this means that some subscribers may be completely unconnected. In this case, you can hear a message about incorrect number entry, either the person who calls or the one who is trying to reach you. How to act in a similar situation? Try to call later or use the number of another mobile operator or landline phone.

Finding the number of the caller in the black list

About the service "Black list" is known to almost all subscribers of mobile operators. This is one of the popular and common options. It will save the subscriber from calls from unwanted numbers. Some cellular companies provide blocking and incoming messages from the subscriber, blacklisted.

If you are sure that you could not get into such a "blocking" sheet and wonder why they say: "Wrong dialed number", then we recommend you make a test call from any other number. If you hear a beep in response, this will mean that the subscriber does not want to receive calls from your number.

Number lock

Block the number of the mobile operator can, either on the initiative of the subscriber, for example, by setting a voluntary lock for a certain period, and in the event of a SIM card loss. To perform such actions, you need to contact the company's office or through the contact center. If the subscriber did not make such actions, but when calling to the number, the message "The number is incorrect" is played. What does it mean?

In the absence of the above conditions, this may indicate that the number is blocked by the mobile operator. According to the terms of the agreement, if during a certain period no paid actions are taken from the number, then it can be unilaterally terminated. Some mobile operators have such a period - 3 months (for example, Megafon), others have 4 months (for example, Tele2).

Incorrect dialing - what does this mean? So, it is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since there are many variants of situations that could lead to this. If you are sure that none of the reasons do not apply in your case, then you need to contact customer support and clarify why the message sounds: "Wrong number", what does it mean? Please note that only the owner of the number in question can get an answer to the question.

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