Technologies, Connectivity
Beeline Bonus: how to use? What is Beeline Bonus?
Now we have to find out what the Beeline Bonus is. This action may seem very attractive for some subscribers. After all, it really allows you to save on perfect purchases. How does this option connect? What is invented for? Now all this will be discussed.
"Beeline Bonus" is, as already said, a special campaign, which is conducted among all Beeline subscribers. It can be said that something like an affiliate program. You are awarded certain points for the fact that you simply use communication services.
It turns out that Beeline Bonuses for replenishment of the account is not a fairy tale. You can spend the money you want at your discretion. But with some limitations. Please note that points are kept only for 6 months. Then they burn. Also it is necessary to type new. You can receive up to 15% of the amount spent per month for the services of the cellular operator. A tempting offer, is not it? But how to use the bonuses? Beeline offers several options. About them later.
Share with loved ones
It should be noted immediately that the participants of the action have the opportunity to replenish the bonuses of relatives. That is, you can transfer points to another account. It is not so difficult to do this. But it is necessary to take into account some limitations. For example, the minimum transfer is 10 bonuses, and the maximum - 3 000 per day. On spending your comrades will be given only 30 days. After that, unassigned points are lost.
"Beeline Bonus" is transferred to the account of another subscriber by means of a special request. It looks like this: * 767 * number amount #. In this case, the phone is written starting from 9, and the desired number of points is written through a space. A few minutes of waiting - and you list the bonuses received to a friend. Non-standard, sometimes even useful. You do not have to think again how to use Beeline bonuses. In this case, it is already the care of the person to whom you transferred the funds.
Further it should be noted - not all subscribers are aware of how the residual points on the account are checked. This is an important point to be taken into account. After all, if you do not have enough bonuses for this or that purpose, it simply can not be realized. The bottom line is disappointment.
Check the balance, which is available on the account of the "Beeline Bonus" campaign on your phone using the USSD-command. It is enough just to dial * 767 * 2 # and wait for the SMS message, in which all the scores will be displayed. Sometimes the result is simply displayed.
Communication costs
We have collected bonuses "Beeline". How to spend them now? There are several approaches to the solution of the question posed. And the first of these is the payment for communication. That is, you can podnakopit points, and then pay them for talking, the Internet and messages from your mobile phone. Quite an interesting proposal, which is in great demand among subscribers.
There are also limitations. Firstly, there is a 30-day service. After this period, you will have to connect it again. Secondly, if suddenly you have not enough points on your balance sheet, the balance of expenses will be written off in money equivalent. So take note of all this.
To spend "Beeline Bonus" on payment of communication of the cellular operator, it is necessary to activate this service. This will help a special request. You must dial * 789 # and send the command for processing. Nothing more is required of you. The main thing, remember - you need to monitor the rest of the bonuses. Otherwise, you have to pay for communication in rubles. But once new points have appeared, they will start to write off your account again. Very comfortably.
We have bonuses "Beeline". How to spend them differently? And anyway, is it possible to do this? Of course. For example, all subscribers have the right to spend points on payments made in the offices of the company Beeline.
Of course, some restrictions have a place to be. For example, you are able to cover only 10% of the purchase. And the campaign does not apply to all goods. Practice calls that most often subscribers are invited to buy a gadget and a modem "at a discount." In this case, you also need to remember: 1 bonus is 1 ruble.
To implement the idea, you must inform the employee about the intentions to use the "Happy Time" bonuses ("Beeline") when purchasing equipment or a gadget . After - name the desired number of funds for writing-off. But not more than 10% of the purchase price. The store employee will make all necessary manipulations to realize your desires. It turns out a kind of discount. Sometimes this possibility really interests many buyers. Especially if they have a lot of points.
Partners for help
How to use Beeline bonuses with even greater benefits, if possible? It's no secret that in any action participating stores-partners. And "Beeline" offers from time to time to make purchases from the accumulated points. But, as in the past case, with some limitations. Often, the subscriber can cover only 20% of the transaction.
The process of using bonuses is no different from the previous one. Come to the partner store, make a purchase and call the number of points to write off. Do not forget to include your phone number. We get a kind of discount, we pay and rejoice.
But this scheme has its own drawback. After all, affiliate programs - this is quite a rare phenomenon. To spend bonuses "Beeline" in such organizations, will have to constantly monitor the news on the official website of the mobile operator. Plus, in most cases, shops are becoming mobile equipment and gadgets. In principle, most of the goods can be purchased in the stores "Beeline".
Share Opinion
What do subscribers think about promotions and bonuses? It is difficult to determine here. Someone says that he is not completely satisfied, but to someone this proposal seems very tempting.
In general, subscribers are really happy that they can receive Beeline bonuses for their conversations. Yes, it is sometimes difficult to spend them. But, nevertheless, you can always find an alternative solution. If you do not know how to apply Beeline Bonus, then the most logical way is to transfer your points to your relatives.
By the way, the most advantageous will be the connection of the option "Happy time" for subscribers who have been working with Beeline for a long time. After all, they will be able to receive 15% of the committed costs. In general, new users are offered only 5% of spending in general. Not too much, but that too may be enough.
Disappointing subscribers, perhaps, is only that Beeline Bonus can not fully cover all purchases that are made in the offices of cellular communication, as well as in affiliate stores. 10 and 20% is too little. This is how the large number of participants in the program assures. Nevertheless, to connect to itself the given option follows. You never know when it will be needed! You already know how to use Beeline bonuses. So, there will always be an application.
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