HealthAlternative Medicine

What is Helicobacter pylori? Treatment with folk remedies

Most people do not suspect that they have a heliobacter pylori bacteria in their bodies. Treatment as a necessity for many is in doubt. Since there is still no categorical opinion, this organism is harmful, or its presence does not threaten anything. Some people consider this bacterium to be the main cause of stomach ulcers. And according to others, it is a conditionally pathogenic organism, which itself can not cause disease.

Infecting this bacterium can be a household or fecal-oral route. But often people become infected with Helicobacter pylori, the treatment of which folk remedies we will cover below, while consuming food not cooked in accordance with sanitary norms, because of unwashed vegetables and fruits, and also because of non-observance of personal hygiene rules. The household way can be infected with close contact with the carrier, through a common dish, bed linens and so on. If it turns out that some of the members of the family have found Helicobacter pylori, it is recommended that other people be treated with folk remedies. Whether the carrier of a microorganism will manifest itself or pass asymptomatically, depends on the state of the immune and nervous system, proper nutrition.

The characteristic symptoms of this disease as such are absent. But there are certain signs that may indicate the presence in the body Helicobacter pylori:

  1. Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area and a feeling of heaviness.
  2. Poor digestion of food.
  3. In violation of the dietary regime, acute pain in the stomach.
  4. Nausea.
  5. Heartburn.
  6. Appearance of unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

The general state of the body also changes. A person quickly becomes tired, does not feel well, suffers from headaches and low resistance to diseases. To identify the pathogen and begin treatment Helicobacter pylori folk remedies, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

At present, for the control of this microorganism, there are certain schemes for the use of drugs. Including antibiotics. But this method has its side effects and not everyone will do. Therefore, when confirming the presence in the body Helicobacter pylori treatment of folk remedies will be the safest and harmless. It should be noted that the speedy recovery depends on the dietary regime.

The first remedy is a herbal decoction. Mix in equal quantities St. John's wort, calendula flowers and millennia. A half liter of boiling water take three tablespoons of herbs. Insist for about an hour. This tincture should be consumed before eating 100 ml for a month. It will also be good to drink propolis tincture.

A very powerful tool in the fight against Helicobacter pylori is freshly squeezed beet juice. It needs to be held in an open container for two hours, then add pure water in a ratio of 1: 1 and drink before eating 100 ml each.

You can make a decoction of flax seeds. Take one or two teaspoons of seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for about three hours and drink before bed.

Now you know what Helicobacter pylori is, the treatment of folk remedies can be carried out for preventive purposes. Be healthy!

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