Business, Agriculture
How to use quail dung: tips and features
Most summer residents in the cultivation of garden crops use, of course, cow dung. However, in some cases it is more expedient to use the bird. There are several species of such manure. For example, many gardeners sometimes use chicken droppings. But in some cases quail can be used to fertilize beds. The properties of this kind of manure differs to some extent even unique.
The value of quail dung as fertilizer is simply huge. Cow on the richness of the chemical composition, for example, it surpasses almost fourfold. Nitrogen in it in 30 times, and phosphorus - in 8 times more, than in horse manure.
Litter quail, the use of which can be useful for most garden crops, if used improperly, can "burn" the roots and the green mass of plants. That is, it differs about the same properties as chicken. It is believed, however, that the nutrient of quail dung last even slightly exceeds.
Any bird dung, including quail, contains the following useful microelements for plants:
All kinds of organic compounds.
Main advantages
Excellent reviews of gardeners quail dung as fertilizer deserved primarily for the rich mineral composition. Also the advantages of this type of fertilizing are:
Presence in the composition of special substances that prevent the development of pathogenic microflora in the soil;
Long term beneficial effect on the soil (about 3 years);
The ability not to lose its properties even with very long storage.
Buy quail dung in packages in specialized stores can be safely. Nutrients in this fertilizer will be no less than even in fresh. Included in the composition of quail manure useful substances are assimilated by plants much better than those that enter the soil when using artificial, manufactured by industrial methods.
When using quail dung:
Significantly increases the degree of soil fertility in the area;
The time of ripening of roots is shortened;
Plant productivity is significantly increased.
Disadvantages of fertilizer
The only plant harmful substance that is part of quail is uric acid. "Burns" on the leaves and roots of plants - the main unpleasant consequence of incorrect application of new fertilizers such fertilizer as quail dung. How to use this top dressing with the greatest efficiency and at the same time do not harm plants - we'll deal with this in more detail below. Perhaps, the information presented in the article will help someone from the summer residents avoid using annoying mistakes when applying such fertilizer.
In addition to being part of uric acid, a certain disadvantage is that the litter contains very little potassium. This substance is useful for the growth of potatoes and some other root crops. Therefore, when using quail dung as a fertilizer for such crops, horticulturists have to additionally use other types of nutrient compositions. Most often, in combination with such manure, wood ash is used. Sometimes, vegetable compost of the last stage of decomposition is also used for this purpose.
The main purpose of processing quail is to remove uric acid from it. No particularly complicated actions to clean this kind of manure from such a harmful constituent gardeners usually do not have to be done. To get rid of uric acid, the trucker needs only wait a little. The quail dung burns about the same as the cow's - for several months.
Drying this kind of fertilizer at home is not recommended. With this method of processing, many useful substances, including nitrogen, are "weathered" from the mass. Before application in the garden, quail dung is usually not dried, but composted.
This operation is performed in several stages:
Washed with clean water a large barrel;
At its bottom is laid litter layer of 20 cm;
On top of 30 cm of straw;
Again manure is falling asleep.
Thus, the barrel should be filled to the top. Straw when composting quail dung is necessary to absorb excess moisture. Instead of it, if you wish, you can use ordinary sawdust. In the humus quail dung in a barrel will turn around after three months.
Since in the composting process the stored mass is heated up strongly, all harmful microorganisms and protozoa die in it. Therefore, the fertilizer is obtained, among other things, and is safe in terms of infecting plants with any infectious or parasitic diseases.
Here is about this way and prepared quail dung as fertilizer. How to apply this compost? The answer to this question, of course, also interests many summer residents. Use a quail processed in this way to feed garden crops at any time. However, most gardeners believe that the greatest effect of using this type of fertilizer can be achieved by introducing it into the soil in the fall - under a digging.
Sometimes quail dung is used in the spring. However, some gardeners believe that the introduction of this type of fertilizer into the soil in April-May may have a negative impact on crop yields.
Another way
Composting quail dung, like chicken, you can not only in barrels, but also in trenches. In this case, the mass is usually simply mixed with a small amount of ground. Further the trench is covered with something from above and left so until next year. Use cooked in this manner humus can be exactly the same as processed in a barrel.
How to prepare liquid top dressing
Compost of quail dung - fertilizer is very good. But the process of preparing it usually takes quite a long time. Therefore, gardeners often use a different kind of fertilizer, made from such a droppings - liquid. The technology for preparing such a fertilizer is as follows:
A clean barrel is half filled with a litter;
Water is poured from the top;
Everything is properly mixed with a stick;
The barrel is covered with a lid.
In this form, quail litter should be kept in a barrel for about a week. Before adding to the soil, the fertilizer so prepared is diluted with water in a proportion of 1:20.
To strengthen plants and increase their yield with the use of liquid top dressing can be pretty good. On how to fertilize quail dung, processed in this way, garden crops, let's talk below. It is important for any villa owner to know, however, that a full fertilizer can not be considered such a solution. Use it to feed plants usually only in the summer - to provide additional food.
Is it worth to buy litter, recycled by industrial method
Quail in their suburban areas are not all summer residents. However, one should not refuse such an effective feeding in the absence of this kind of poultry at the farmstead. You can buy quail droppings at a specialized store. It is worth this kind of feeding is relatively inexpensive. Useful substances in the industrially prepared quail are not less than in the "home".
Recycle this type of manure in enterprises using special techniques - by drying under the influence of very high temperatures. In this case, all useful substances are completely preserved. On plants such manure, since it is processed under conditions of bacterial fermentation, usually has a more pronounced beneficial effect than "home".
How to apply quail dung for indoor plants
Lovers of indoor flowers as a top dressing for them often use compounds designed for fertilizing garden ornamental crops. For example, in pots with plants, sometimes bovine manure is introduced. Therefore, many flower growers are interested in whether it is impossible to use for top dressing of indoor ornamental crops and quail dung. To do this, unfortunately, is not recommended. For domestic plants, this fertilizer is in most cases too "strong".
Quail dung as fertilizer: how to apply
же будучи разведенным водой, этот вид подкормки может «обжечь» растения. Even when diluted with water, this type of feeding can "burn" the plants. Therefore, you should use it carefully. Watering beds is allowed only by inter-row spacing. At 10 m 2 landings it is worthwhile to use no more than 6-8 kg of diluted litter. After the beds are fertilized, they must be additionally spilled with water from the hose (to wash off the leftover solution from the leaves and stems).
Too much fertilizer can not be used for fertilizing. Overdose can lead to depressed plants and slowing their development.
Helpful advice
Quail dung is really an effective fertilizer. And therefore, in the market this kind of feeding is actually very much in demand. Consequently, summer residents who have quails in their household plots, and farmers who grow this poultry in large quantities, can get a good profit simply from selling the litter. It is worth such a fertilizer about 2-3 rubles. Per kilogram. Some farmers mix quail with peat before selling. You can store the litter right in the barn. He has practically no smell.
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