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Creamy peasant oil 72.5%: composition and producer comments

Butter today is quite deservedly included in the list of essential goods. But on the store shelves this product is represented by such a variety of species that the ordinary buyer will not be long and be confused. A wide range of cream products includes peasant oil. About what it has the composition according to GOST, what is different from other species and who is produced, we will tell in this article.

History of the appearance of butter

The history of butter has more than one century, but it remains curious that our ancestors did not eat this product. In India, it was used during sacrifices and religious rites, and in ancient Greece and Rome for medical purposes, in particular in the treatment of skin diseases. Butter was even sold exclusively in the pharmacy. As a food product it began to be produced in the 8th-9th century in Scandinavia, and already in the 12th century it was imported to other countries.

In Peter's times, melted butter was spread in Russia, which, due to the lack of refrigerators, quickly deteriorated and began to be bitter. Later they began to import butter from the Baltic countries and the Scandinavian countries. In Russia, due to the insufficient development of animal husbandry, this product was not produced until the 19th century. But thanks to the famous cheese-maker Nikolai Vereshchagin, the situation has radically changed.

In 1870, at an exhibition in Paris, a Russian scientist happened to taste Norman oil, which so impressed him with its nutty taste and aroma that he decided to make a similar product in his homeland. Thus appeared the famous Vologda, and then the peasant oil, as well as some other species. Today, this product is widely used for cooking, and for its use in its pure form on sandwiches and in porridges.

Types of Butter

Classify the butter immediately for a number of signs.

Depending on the freshness of the cream used, there are:

  • Sweet butter - made from fresh pasteurized cream;
  • Sour butter is produced from cream sourced with the help of a special lactic bacterial sourdough, due to which it has a specific taste and aroma.

Depending on the presence or absence of table salt in the composition, distinguish:

  • Salty;
  • Unsalted butter.

Depending on the fat content (the proportion of fat in the composition), there is butter:

  • Traditional (82.5%);
  • Amateur (80%);
  • Peasant (72.5%);
  • A sandwich (61%);
  • Tea (50%).

Virtually all types of oil are obtained by pasteurizing cream at a temperature of 85-90 degrees. The exception is the traditional Vologda oil, in the production of which the cream is brought to almost boiling, that is, pasteurized at a temperature of 98 degrees.

Of cream also make melted butter with a fat content of 98%. However, it practically does not contain any biologically active substances.

Peasant oil: GOST, types, description

Peasants call oil, its fat content is 72.5%, and the moisture content of the finished product does not exceed 25%. It is sweet-creamy and sour-creamy, as well as salty and unsalted. The butter is made of peasant in accordance with GOST 52253-2004. There are also a number of other normative documents regulating the quality of this product.

Peasant oil is of the highest and first grade. The difference between these two products is expressed not only in taste, but also in appearance. The premium oil has a clear creamy taste of pasteurized milk without foreign odors. Its surface should be slightly shiny, smooth, dry in appearance, but single drops of moisture are allowed. The color of the oil can vary from white to yellow, but it must be uniform throughout the surface. The first grade product is often crumbled during cutting and has some heterogeneity in weight.

In production, peasant oil is not washed with water. This technology allows you to keep all important substances in full and slow the oxidation processes that occur inside the product.

Composition of peasant oil in accordance with GOST

On the packaging of premium grade oil, it is most often indicated that it contains pasteurized cream. In fact, according to GOST 52969-2008 raw materials for peasant oil are not only cream, but also:

  • Natural cow's milk;
  • skimmed milk;
  • Secondary dairy raw materials buttermilk, obtained in the production of sweet-cream butter;
  • Dry natural and skimmed milk powder ;
  • Bacterial leaven of lactic acid microorganisms;
  • Extra salt;
  • Dye carotene.

In the production of oil, both domestic and other raw materials can be used, including imported food additives.

Vitamins and food additives

The composition of creamy peasant oil in accordance with GOST must include vitamins A (10 mg / kg), E (200 mg / kg), D (0.05 mg / kg). Their quantity should strictly correspond to the established norms that is checked at carrying out of laboratory estimation of a product.

In addition to vitamins, peat sweet creamy butter (GOST) is supplemented with food coloring carotene (3 mg / kg), preservatives (sorbic acid and benzoic acid, and their salts), consistency stabilizers and emulsifiers. Their quantity should not exceed the norm established for this type of food additives.

Food and energy value of peasant oil

The oil is high in calories. In 100 grams of this tasty and healthy product contains as much as 748 kcal. Butter peasant (72.5%), the composition of which is considered to be one of the richest in the world, consists of 150 kinds of various fatty acids, saturated and unsaturated (linoleic, oleic, linolenic). It is the latter, in turn, that brings the bad cholesterol out of the body.

In creamy peanut butter contains vitamins A, B 1 , B 2 , C, E. Also in this product are such minerals as magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. The amount of fats in peanut oil corresponds to the mass fraction of fat indicated on the package and is 72.5 g. The number of proteins and carbohydrates in this product is equal to the values of 0.7 and 1, respectively.

Useful properties of peasant butter

Many people intentionally exclude butter from their diets, because they believe that it only leads to an increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood and does not bring any benefit to the body. However, in fact, this is not entirely true. Sweet-creamy peasant oil when used in moderation (not more than 10 g per day) is necessary for the construction of the walls of blood vessels and for the production of female sex hormones.

The benefits of this creamy product are as follows:

  • There is an update of cells in the body;
  • Increase the child's intellectual abilities;
  • Improves the condition of the skin, hair;
  • There is an increase in useful microflora in the intestine;
  • Increases the weakened immunity.

How is oil assessed for compliance with GOST?

In accordance with GOST 52969-2008, butter is evaluated on a 20-point scale. According to the organoleptic norms, oil is the first and the highest grade. The highest quality is considered a product, the evaluation of which varies within the limits of 17-20 points, including taste and smell within 8 points, consistency of at least 4 points, color 2 points, packing 3 points. Butter peasant butter of the first grade is estimated at 11-16 points. If the product's score is less than 11 points, it should not be allowed to be sold.

To the implementation of the oil is not allowed, which has an extraneous, rancid, musty, moldy, metallic smell and taste, as well as a sticky or crumbling consistency, heterogeneous color, damaged packaging. According to the chemical norms, the proportion of fat in it should correspond to a value of 72.5%, humidity 25% for unsalted and 24% for a salty product.

Separately, the composition of the oil and the mass fraction of its authorized food additives, including dye, flavors, vitamins, stabilizers, emulsifiers and preservatives, are checked separately.

Peanut oil: customer reviews of the producers

Market research has shown that buyers most often prefer peasant oil of such brands as Vkusnoteevo and Kuban Milkman. In their opinion, the taste of the product of these brands most resembles rustic oil. It has a clear creamy flavor and a pronounced flavor. A beautiful homogeneous light yellow color and a plastic consistency has also peasant oil 72.5% of the trademark "Ostankino". According to the taste qualities, the customers liked it even more than the product of previously presented brands.

Negative feedback buyers left about the oil peasant brands "Dairy Farm" and Ecomilk. " People's tasters noted that the first product leaves in the mouth an unpleasant aftertaste and fatty film on the teeth, and the second still smells unnatural.

To give an objective assessment of peasant oil, the products of the presented trademarks were sent to the laboratory for additional research.

Results of laboratory research of butter "Peasant"

To reduce the cost of the finished product, unreliable producers replace natural milk fat with cheaper and harmful vegetable oils, such as coconut or palm oil. Among them is precisely the oil peasant unsalted "Dairy Farm". Expert data completely coincide with the opinion of the people's tasters.

In the process of laboratory studies of the product, its composition is checked, as well as compliance with chemical and organoleptic norms. Important is the content in it of useful fatty acids (oleic and others). Among the products presented in the domestic market, including the number of useful fatty acids, the leader is the Krestyanskoe oil of the "House in the Village" trademark.

How to choose a good butter

The following recommendations will help buyers to choose really high-quality butter (peasant):

  1. Carefully study the packaging. It should be written on it, that this oil is "Peasant creamy 72.5% fat." This name, which is approved by law and spelled out in GOSTs. The product should include only pasteurized cream or cow's milk.
  2. An important is the price. Peasant oil in a package weighing 200 grams can not cost less than seventy rubles.
  3. When choosing peasant oil in the store should also pay attention to the smell. To do this, you can open the package and smell the creamy mass. The unpleasant odor coming from it may indicate that it is either a spoiled product or a counterfeit.

You can confirm the quality of the selected oil at home. The right product when heated slowly melts, unlike the spread that burns, and from margarine, turning into vegetable oil.

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