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What is a sling? Types, advantages and disadvantages

Despite all the comforts of baby carriages, carrying a child on their hands has its advantages: psychologists have proved that a close relationship is thus formed between the mother and her newborn baby. But to carry the baby in this way for a long time is extremely uncomfortable and difficult, and sometimes dangerous for the health of the child and his mother. Therefore, in the market of children's goods, a novelty such as the sling is popularized. This is a device made of cloth, with which it is convenient, and, most importantly, it is safe to carry the baby "on yourself". In fact, such a thing is not a novelty - the history of its occurrence dates back several millennia. More about what sling is, how to use it and what to choose, we'll tell you right now.

History of sling

In the English translation, the word "sling" means "bandage, pendant". Even in ancient times, people with the help of a wide variety of materials used to drag children to their backs or chests. But in those days, little thought about the psychological comfort of the baby. The child was tattooed to protect him from various dangers, and also so that adults could continue their work without hindrance.

In separate works of such famous masters as Giotto di Bondone, Rembrandt, Pellegrino Tibaldi, Andrea Ansaldo, depicts women who have been attached to themselves with the help of baby's flaps.

During the Renaissance, various ways of winding cloth for carrying children were already known. In addition, special masters made clothes, in which were provided "niches" for the baby.

At the end of the XVIII century there was such a thing as swaddling a child. So, the kids were just wrapped in cloth and tied to a tree branch. Thus, the mother of the child was freed from the need to wear crumbs and could work. Unfortunately, such swaddling negatively affected the physical health of the baby, not to mention the psychological state.

Then in the XIX century there is such a trend in the upbringing of kids, which is based on the fact that parents should keep distance, estrangement in communication with the child in order to prepare the baby for life's difficulties. At the same time, the first wheelchair was invented, the fashion for which was rapidly developing. And wearing a baby was considered a work of a servant.

A little later, for the same reasons, there were cots and even rooms. All these attributes were considered a demonstration of the well-being of the family.

Where did the interest in tissue transfers come again? Scientists-psychologists and doctors began to analyze the use of such adaptations only at the end of the XX century. This is due to the development of psychological science, as well as the emergence of ideological trends aimed at unity with nature and "natural parenting." During this period, teachers, psychologists, and doctors began to pay attention not only to the physiological needs of the newborn, but also to his psycho-emotional state, to harmonious development.

In our country, literally 15-20 years ago, women with a sling on the street saw off with a surprised look. Such a carry-over for babies could be brought only from abroad - this product was absent in the domestic market.

Over time, our mothers also appreciated the advantages of this method of wearing a baby. The first slings appeared: "Baiushki", "Bereginya", "Orange Mama", "Mama's Secrets". To date, there is a wide selection of such products made from different fabrics.

Sling - what is it?

What is "sling" in the modern sense? This is a modified patchwork for children. Manufacturers make every effort to release a safe, eco-friendly, anti-allergenic and also an aesthetically attractive product. Therefore, in the manufacture of carrying for children use natural tissues that do not cause the development of allergic reactions, and also provide air exchange.

Modern slings are designed for carrying children from birth to two (sometimes three) years. They differ in material, dimensions, ways of winding (more details below).

Is it convenient for the toddler to carry such a carry, is it safe to stay crumbs in this position? Studies have shown that in a sling baby is in a physiological position, which not only does not harm health, but also strengthens it. So, in such a "cradle" the child assumes the same position of the body as in the arms of the mother. In this position there is no burden on the spine, the crumb has the ability to move the handles and legs. "Vertical" positions with diluted legs contribute to the prevention of dysplasia of the hip joints. Below we will consider in more detail the question of whether the sling is safe, at what age it can be used.

In addition to the above, the psychological comfort of the baby is preserved - he feels the heartbeat and the smell of his mother, which favorably affects his psychoemotional state.

Types of sling

The most common types of sling are the following:

  • With rings;
  • Sling scarf;
  • ABC (Asian).

Let's talk about each type of sling.

Sling with rings

So, what is a sling with rings? It is a cloth flap 2 m long, at one end of which two rings are attached. The free end of the material is threaded into the rings - this tightens to the required level of the loop. It is put on such a sling through one shoulder. Some manufacturers complete such a carry for children with various accessories, for example, soft collars for the convenience of the baby, a pad under the shoulder or rings. There are models with capacious pockets.

Advantages of this type of sling:

  • There is no need to learn the techniques of winding the fabric - the carrying is easy to put on and regulated;
  • The child can be stacked in different positions: lying, half-sitting, vertically;
  • The width of the fabric allows you to hide the baby and mother during breastfeeding for a walk;
  • In such a sling you can whet your baby and, without taking out the asleep crumb, change its position from vertical to horizontal.

The drawbacks include the fact that the load is distributed only on one shoulder, which can adversely affect the health of the mother. Therefore, you must hang the product every time on the other side.

You can use such a sling from 0 months. Reviews argue that even newborn crumbs are comfortable and safe in a scrappy carrying with rings.

Below you can see the scheme of winding the sling with rings.

Sling Scarf

Another common kind of scrappy carry for children is a sling-scarf. It is a 5-6 meter fabric, which can be reeled in many ways. The advantage of it, in comparison with other types, is that it can be tied with two shoulders, which contributes to an even distribution of the load. In the scarf can also be put the baby in different positions and imperceptibly for the surrounding to breastfeed the crumbs. Suitable sling scarf for a newborn and up to two or three years, as in the production of strong materials are used, able to withstand weight up to 15 kg.

But this type of sling is not so easy to use, in comparison, for example, with carrying with rings. In this case, it is required to rewind the fabric by the chosen method. In order to tie such a patchwork on the street, it requires skill, since the long ends of the fabric can fall to the ground and get dirty.

In addition, this type of product does not allow unhindered transfer of the baby to another position or completely removed from the sling. This is extremely inconvenient when it becomes necessary to move the asleep crumb into the crib - there is a chance to wake the child.

What does this sling look like to newborns? The photo is presented below.

Asian Sling

This kind of carrying is also called me-sling. Why "Asian"? Yes, because it is in Asia that this type of winding of cloth for carrying a child is common. Despite the fact that in far away countries they prefer to tie the crumbs to the back, in our lands, with the help of such a slings children are worn on both the chest and thigh.

Such a sling is a rectangular flap of fabric with straps at the top and bottom, with which the necessary size is adjusted. This kind of product looks like a kangaroo backpack, but, unlike it, in the Asian sling the child occupies a physiological position. In addition, this kind of carrying is easy to master.

But there is a significant drawback - the child can not be placed in a horizontal position. Therefore it is better to use such a sling for newborns from 6 months. Reviews of young mothers say that this kind of carrying is much more practical and convenient for slightly grown up kids.

Advantages of sling

Why are more and more young mothers choosing sling, instead of the usual baby stroller? Here are a few arguments in favor of quilting:

  • The physiologically correct position of the baby's body in the sling contributes to the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the reduction of colic and the psychological comfort of the child;
  • Doctors have proved that wearing a child in a scrappy carry has a beneficial effect on the process of breastfeeding: the contact of the child and the mother, the sensation of warmth improve lactation;
  • Mobility: there is no need to worry about the presence of steps, narrow aisles, transitions, elevators and other obstacles that can be difficult to overcome with a stroller;
  • Hands are released: with a sling a young mother can perform any economic work, talk on the phone, drink coffee and much more, without letting the child out of sight;
  • Observations show that wearing a baby in a sling allows a woman to quickly return to the form after giving birth;
  • Economy: it is not necessary to purchase new slings as the baby grows - the age of children, which can be safely transferred in a scrappy carry, is from birth to three years.

Variants of the child's location in the sling

How to dress a sling, how to place a child in it? There are three options, regardless of the type of fabric carrying:

  • On the abdomen;
  • On the thigh;
  • on the back.

In the sling with rings , you can still put the baby in the position of "cradle" - for newborns, the most suitable is precisely such an arrangement in the sling. Children older than six months can already be seated vertically.

Ways of winding

Such kinds of sling, as Asian and with rings, can be wound only in several ways, namely over the shoulder, on two shoulders and on the back. But there are several dozens of options for tying a scarf. You can master them independently or you will need to attend special courses where you teach such skills. How to tie a sling for newborns? The photo shown below demonstrates one of the variants of winding. Also note the most common ways of tying a scarf :

  • kangaroo;
  • Simple cross;
  • Cross from the figure-eight;
  • Cross over the pocket (there are several options).

Winding the sling-scarf is a rather laborious process. But with the formation of skill, you can literally in a matter of minutes tie even complex in terms of technology nodes.

Overview of popular brands of sling producers

The most popular among the "slings" are the following manufacturers of slings:

  1. "Didymos" - this German brand has existed for more than 40 years. It is popular all over Europe. A large number of consumers say that carrying the Didimos brand is the best sling. The manufacturer specializes in standard scarves. The most popular among the buyers of this brand collection are Strips, Indigo, Waves, Nino. The manufacturer uses such natural materials as flax, cotton, wool, cashmere, hemp. Separate attention deserves a collection of slings-limits. Such scarves are made from a mixture of different rare fabrics (wild flax, Indian nettle and others), differing in their original color.
  2. "Elevill" is a Norwegian brand, created relatively recently - in 2007. Manufacturer produces slings-scarves and models with rings. The most popular lines of this brand are "Zara" and "Jade". Materials such as cotton, bamboo fibers, silk and linen are used. Periodically, the company makes its customers happy with the release of a series of "limits." So, the patchwork carrying, which is made of bamboo and silk in equal proportions (among the slings it was called "bamboo-silk"), has gained popularity.
  3. Mums Era sling has a diagonal braiding of the fibers, which eliminates the stretching of the fabric in width. In addition, the manufacturer produces slings-scarves of different sizes, which differ in length.
  4. Strong demand in the domestic market enjoys the Scottish brand "Osh". A feature of such slings is that they are painted by hand. Unusual Celtic ornaments also attract the attention of consumers. But the slings of this brand are much more expensive than others, presented on the market. Therefore, they are not widely distributed in the circles of the slingoms.
  5. "Echidna" is a popular domestic producer. Attracts buyers affordable price, high quality and bright funny colors. Especially in demand is a knitted sling scarf of this brand.

Opinions of doctors about slings

Both domestic and foreign doctors, psychologists continue to investigate the impact on the health of the child slings of different models. For example, a doctor-traumatologist Filippov DN argues that such tissue transfers for babies do not cause any harm to the formation of the locomotor system of crumbs. Moreover, such a physiological position, in which the child is in a sling, contributes to the prevention of diseases of the hip joints and spine.

Pediatrician Rochelle Keyes holds such an opinion, but specifies that slings are safe for a newborn's health only if they are properly selected and used.

Many psychologists adhere to a similar opinion with pediatricians. Experts argue that wearing a child with a scrappy carry allows you to preserve the emotional comfort of the baby, contributes to the unity of mother and child.

Customer Reviews

Slings, of course, have a number of advantages. But, nevertheless, the reviews of young mothers about this way of wearing a baby are mixed. Patchwork transfers are suitable for active parents who are constantly on the move, often travel with the baby. In addition, according to slingoms, several types of carrying should be purchased at once, using them in different cases. So, if you have a long walk, it is more convenient to choose a sling-scarf or with rings, so that the baby could comfortably fall asleep. And in case you have to go to a supermarket, it's more practical to use a mei-sling.

We talked about what a sling is, described its advantages and disadvantages. But on the question of whether it is worth buying such a device, parents can answer only by weighing all the pros and cons, assessing their own priorities in the development of the baby.

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