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Social studies: types of knowledge. The concept, forms and methods of cognition

Throughout his long journey of existence and development, man was inclined to research, study, discovery. He did a lot to simplify his life, he made a lot of efforts to discover the meaning of his existence, any laws and causes of natural phenomena.

The essence of the phenomenon

The concept of knowledge is treated quite widely. In the most general sense, it is understood as a process or a whole set of such mechanisms that help us study the world, accumulate objective data about it, and also reveal various kinds of regularities. It is difficult to overestimate the role of this phenomenon. Because it was thanks to him that people achieved the technological, medical, technical and other successes that we can now observe. Social science tells us a lot about this concept. Types of knowledge, forms, its tasks - all this we can learn in school. However, science, which is specifically devoted to the study of this aspect, is called epistemology. And it is part of the philosophy.

What is it?

The process of cognition is very complex, multifaceted. It is problematic to describe it, or to state it in simple forms. Hence it follows that it is first necessary to understand the complex structure of this aspect of our life, and then to determine its purpose and significance for the whole civilization. In a broad sense, the concept of cognition weakly reflects the whole essence of the process. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly distinguish its structure.

How does it happen?

Earlier, giving a definition, we talked about the fact that knowledge is a multifaceted mechanism. This is not one single process, but a whole system that is closely interlinked with other important elements. In order not to go too far into philosophical terminology and science, we will start from the course and recommendations given to us by the subject - social studies. Types of knowledge and forms of cognition often use, meaning the same meaning - the set of methods and methods by which the process under study occurs. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.


Many scientists do not distinguish this form of cognition into a separate category. However, it should be noted that the knowledge of life without a domestic, everyday level is almost impossible. This species does not require serious study. It is not necessary to study it closely, and also to use special tools. For example, to understand that the fire has a high temperature, it is enough to burn yourself. You will not have any measuring instruments, but you can say with certainty: the flame is very hot.

Thus, the everyday process of cognition is extremely inaccurate. He gives only approximate answers to our questions. However, it is quickly perceived. This mechanism is obvious and does not require a lot of time for development. With this form of knowledge we meet more often in our everyday life. As a rule, the more we grow up, the more knowledge we will accumulate through this species. But history knows many exceptions.

Scientific social knowledge

It is also called the scientific method. This is the most accurate, but also laborious way of knowing. It does not require you to display artistic qualities, but only love for accuracy and study. This method is used by all academic disciplines, including social studies. Types of knowledge in general, one way or another, but rely on this species. After all, it can be used to decipher simpler knowledge, which will make them much more useful.

This form is also quite diverse. For example, there is scientific, social cognition. It is aimed at the study of society, associations of people, social groups and much more. All scientific methods are divided into two types - theoretical scientific knowledge and empirical. The former puts forward assumptions, tests it for correspondence to already real knowledge, builds models and whole systems. The practical method verifies the reality of hypotheses through experiments, observations, and also makes adjustments to hypothetical views.

Empirical knowledge can also reveal new phenomena, which will then be the subject of close attention of theorists. Although this form of knowledge has found the largest number of adherents, it does not dispense with its constructive criticism, which, it must be said, is quite appropriate. So, some scientists point out that new knowledge is anomalies. Science, having discovered some unnatural phenomenon, in its view, begins to prove its existence in the real worldview system. It tries to reveal its regularities, and also why it does not fit into the framework of existing theories.

Often, such anomalies completely contradict the established opinion. Remember Copernicus or other scientists trying to prove revolutionary hypotheses. They discovered such anomalies and tried to learn them, as a result of which already accumulated knowledge seemed to them incorrect. So, earlier people did not believe that the Earth has a spherical shape, or that all planets revolve around the Sun. History knows many such examples - Einstein, Galileo, Magellan, and others.


Some may argue that this kind includes social and humanitarian knowledge. But this is not so. This form is the most vivid. It is the simplest and at the same time the most difficult. Let's say that a few thousand years ago people just started to study writing, and before that they used only drawings to convey information. They described natural phenomena by transferring its visual image to the carrier (stone, for example). This greatly simplified intergenerational interactions for the transfer of experience.

Later, people began to develop and come up with languages to provide more accessible communication, information exchange. Symbols, pictures, images - all this looks easy enough only at the initial stage. Look at the artwork now. In order to understand the meaning that the authors want to convey to us, to learn something, it is necessary to make efforts, to understand what has been seen or read, to understand the author's ways of expressing his thoughts.

I must say that this form significantly distinguishes us from many animals, but even more significantly from each other. At the present time, people can easily be divided into those who try to portray things, letting them through the prism of their inner world, and those who see it as they are. That is why the art form is incredibly important, useful and complex, but it can never be objective. This is the main problem of this type of knowledge. After all, it pursues the goal of identifying and accumulating objective knowledge, rather than subjective visions. Nevertheless, this form is used quite often. She also made her great contribution to the development of our civilization.


Philosophical knowledge is incredibly valuable both for a world that existed several centuries ago, and for us with you. Only through philosophical knowledge can we go beyond reality, being. It was the philosophers who began to put forward hypotheses about the structure of our world and even the universe. They talked about our body, thinking, the characteristics of all people even before the ways of studying all these aspects were invented.

Philosophical knowledge is divided into two types - epistemological (or general) and ontological. The second kind is based on the study of essence and being, and from all their sides - real, mental, subjective, objective, etc. What is remarkable, through this kind of knowledge, people not only defined the world around them, found their place in it, but also showed , How this place should be.

Philosophy often seeks idealization, so this kind of knowledge, rather, answers the questions: "How is, how should it be?" Again, in fairly general terms. Such general forms give us social studies, the types of knowledge in which are not disclosed so fully, so as not to transgress the boundaries of philosophy.


In addition to species, knowledge levels are also distinguished. Sometimes they are referred to as forms. But it is more correct to talk about them as steps that are used in all kinds. There are only two levels. But they play an incredibly big role in our lives.

Sensual level

It is built on our senses and completely depends on them. Since ancient times, even when the descendants of modern man did not begin to master the tools, they were already endowed with feelings. Remember the everyday form of knowledge. For example, we would not understand that the fire is hot if we could not feel it. Although many talk about the six senses, in fact, there are more. So, the seventh sense could be called a sense of attraction, the so-called force of gravity.

Forms of sensual level

In general, they are isolated only 3. They unite many sense organs. These are the following mechanisms:

  1. Sensation. It is able to convey some properties of the object to us. Due to the uniqueness of each of the senses, we get a "report" about the characteristics of a particular thing, phenomenon, process. On the example of an apple, we can say that with the help of vision we see color, with the help of touch we can determine its softness, temperature, shape, taste taste receptors.
  2. Perception. This is a more global form. By means of it, we get the most complete information, we unite all that was received by sensation in a coherent picture. Adding everything described in the first paragraph, we will understand many important characteristics of an apple.
  3. Performance. It is based on our memory. Allows you to create a sensual image of an object. For example, think about the lemon, how it is gently cut into slices, sprinkle with salt. You immediately feel a rush of saliva in your mouth, as well as a sour taste. In memory, the shape of the lemon, its color and other characteristics will appear. The presentation allows us not to lose important knowledge that we have received in life.

Rational level

Levels of cognition without a final, logical step would look wrong. Historically, a person from the moment of his appearance on the planet knew how to feel. But to think, write, analyze, learned much later. This level is completely built on the mental qualities. Therefore, it is incredibly complex and not as obvious as the sensual. However, its benefits are extremely high, especially as with the development of modern society it is the rational level that is becoming more in demand. Most of the objects of our planet have already passed through all forms of the sensory level. So, they need to be systematized, written down and made certain conclusions.

Forms of rational level

There are three types:

  1. The concept. With the help of sensation, we have defined a property, thanks to perception, we have made a complete picture, and using this form, we were able to present our knowledge. To understand that the lemon tastes sour, it is not necessary to try it, just read about it.
  2. Judgment. It always has a directional character. For example, the phrase "lemon sour" is a prime example of this form. The judgment is negative or positive. But it is also built either on the concept or on the perception.
  3. Conclusion. Comes from the previous form. It sums up everything that we systematized in one answer. So, saying that the lemon is not sweet, not poisonous and has a yellow color, we will be able to draw any conclusion about this subject. There are three types of inference: inductive, deductive and by analogy. Recollect stories about Sherlock Holmes. He actively used deduction to draw conclusions using ordinary judgments.

In isolation, intuition is sometimes singled out as a special level of cognition. True, this phenomenon is still poorly understood.

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