Education, Secondary education and schools
What is a presentation? Different values
With existing methods of presenting information brightly and spectacularly, do not use the enormous potential of modern technology - an unforgivable mistake. Even in the most shabby universities, students create presentations to present their ideas. What is a presentation? There are several meanings. We can distinguish at least two - technical narrow and communicative wide.
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What is a presentation in narrow meaning?
General meaning
What is a presentation in a broad sense? This is the very presentation of the data received in public using computer tools or without them. Broadly speaking, the presentation is your presentation with a report in public. How to prepare for this?
Engineering training
An inexperienced speaker should know that only a professor can afford to improvise with thousands of hours of lectures behind him. Beginners should prepare thoroughly. It would be nice to practice in front of a mirror, ideally - to shoot on video to notice all the annoying habits. At the same time and duration will know quite accurately. It is especially important to work over the transitions from the slide to the slide so that there is no hitch. Do not take the speaker's text with him. Draw only a short reference chart. In this case, the effect of the reading presenter will not be created. Spying on the text instantly "turns off" listeners.
The breakfast of the speaker
Now about things that seem to be secondary. Avoid carbohydrate food before the performance, because the surge in energy from such food is very quickly replaced by fatigue, it's very difficult to guess the moment to take carbohydrate food, due to the unpredictability of the performances of others. Therefore, eat protein-free, low-fat food - curd or chicken breast. You can drink coffee with milk, but without sugar. The state of health will be smooth and good, in addition, protein foods contribute to concentration.
Eyes to eyes
What is effective presentation? This is a performance in which everyone feels that the speaker is addressing him directly. How to achieve this? You need eye contact. Almost with everyone. Continually move your eyes to the audience. Mentally address to everyone listening to you. And do not look scared. You should just be radiant with happiness, that you are listened to, and people will like your performance.
Preparation, proper nutrition, contact with the audience - and your presentation will be remembered. It's an excellent skill to be able to represent yourself and your work. It will come in handy.
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