Food and drink, Beverages
Tincture of apples at home: how to make
At the time of harvest, it often turns out that a lot of apples have not waited until they are carefully removed from the branches, and shmyaknulis to the ground. From the impact on their liquid sides appeared brown "bruises". Apples are still good, delicious ... But the goods are already illiquid, especially since these dents quickly decay due to these dents. What to do with such fruits? You can bake a cake - "Tart Taten", for example, or charlotte. But there are not so many apples in baking - a kilogram, well, two. And if you have a garden, and you break your head, where to put twenty kilos of illiquid fruit? That's when the home tincture of apples comes to mind. It is so tasty that, for the sake of cooking, you can even work hard to go to the market and buy fruit yourself. And then, three or four months later, when winter comes, savor an amber drink and remember summer. Do not think that cooking tinctures in the home is fraught with cunning moonshine machines that will occupy two-thirds of the area of your apartment. No, this process is uncomplicated and labor-intensive. In this article we will tell you how to make a tincture of apples at home. You just have to follow the step by step instructions. We will give you several recipes so that you can choose the right one for yourself.
A little more theory
Tinctures, liquors, balsams ... All these alcoholic beverages are easy to prepare at home. But the process of their production is different. In Russia, until the sixties of the eighteenth century, only liquors were known. Fruits were fermented wine. They filled their juice with a drink, they recruited a degree. With the introduction of the state monopoly on vodka and, accordingly, the cheapening of the product, there appeared a tincture of apples at home. Preparing this drink in a radically different way. Fruits are simply poured with alcohol (or vodka) and insisted until alcohol and juice become a single organic whole.
Tinctures were given different names. If water was not added to the drink, such porous alcohol was called "erofeiich". Tinctures on herbs were called balsams. By the way, they were often used for medical purposes. Often drinks were called by the name of the product, from which they were made: anisovka, grushevka, cherry. Of course, not all herbs and fruits can be insisted. For this purpose, only those fruits (as well as bones, spices and herbs) are suitable, in which there are biologically active substances and essential oils. Therefore, the variety of apples is of great importance. Some are suitable for cider, and others for filling. And, of course, thanks to folk savvy, there were many recipes for how to make tincture of apples. We will consider only some of them.
The main and decisive ingredients in tinctures are, of course, fruits and alcohol. It seems that this short list of products significantly narrows the list of recipes. However, experimenting with types of alcohol, varieties of apples and flavors, such as sugar or cinnamon, you can get a lot of different drinks to taste. Sweet, like a liqueur, home tincture of apples with a strength of thirty degrees has a pleasant taste and can be served to dessert. Do not forget about the bitter fruit drinks, like Benedictine. Such tinctures can be used as a remedy for colds. If apples pour alcohol, you can reach a fortress at forty-five degrees, which is very like the representatives of the stronger sex. And even fruits can be insisted on vodka or moonshine. What can we say about the apples themselves? Fresh - antonovka or white pouring, dried with a slight aroma of haze, and even small, heavenly ... Good also on medicinal properties tincture of Adam's apple. The preparation of all these drinks is different in technology. Some of them will be ready in two months, and others can be savored in a week and a half. The manufacturing process can be accelerated by heating the drink to fifty degrees. Keep the tincture in a dark and tightly corked bottle in a cool place.
Tincture of apples on vodka
This is the most common ingredient for home-made alcoholic beverages. Vodka is easier to get than alcohol. But do not think that you can use the cheapest and substandard brand for filling. No, vodka should stretch, and not leak, warm, and not burn. The softness and quality of alcohol directly affects the taste of the tincture obtained. But you can take apples illiquid. Anyway, we will remove from them all the bruises and warts. So, the recipe is the first. Tincture of apples on vodka, cooked according to his instructions, will be ready in two months.
There is a lot of controversy about whether the fruits should be peeled. Many agree that the skins give the drink a piquancy. In any case, apples should be washed, and then cut them into narrow slices, simultaneously removing the bruising and the core with bones. We put this raw material (it should be two and a half kilograms) in a large bottle. Fill the apples with vodka - it will take a liter and a half. Now you need to dilute it with water. To achieve a harmonious taste, you need to take seven liters. In order to avoid a thermal reaction, the water should be cooled. We wrap the bottle with gauze and set it in the sun for two weeks. Every day, we shake the contents. After that, filter the infusion. In the liquid, add two kilograms of sugar and put in the sun for two days. After that we stand for another ten days in a cool place. And only after this time we filter through gauze, we pour on bottles and cork. The drink is ready after three weeks of storage.
Quick Recipe
You can speed up the cooking process in various ways. This recipe for apple tinctures recommends not to hide the bottle in a cool and dark place, but to stand it in the light (preferably on a sunlit window-sill) for two weeks. The volume of the container also matters. We take only a dozen large apples of acidic sort, cut them, as in the previous recipe, and fill with the same amount of vodka. We will not add water or sugar. Just cover the neck of a three-liter jar with a paper lid so that the tincture "breathes". After two weeks, carefully strain the liquid, pour the drink on the bottles. And already we clean them in a dark and cool place. You can moisten the tincture right away. As you can see, this recipe is very simple and, most importantly, fast. It is good for early varieties of apples, when you can hope for two weeks of clear, sunny weather.
Lady's drink
Preparation of tinctures from apples on this recipe will take you only a week. We cut the fruit together with the skin into thin slices. Heartparts with seeds are thrown out. Apples in this form should be kilograms. Fold the fruit slices in a three-liter jar. Fill with a liter of vodka. We cover the container with gauze or cover with oiled paper. It is important for us that the liquid "breathe", but at the same time so that no insects enter it. We put the jar in a cool and dark place. A week later, all fruits will be crowded at the very neck of the container. Carefully separate the liquid from the apple pulp. Separately we prepare the syrup. In half a liter of water, we dissolve two hundred grams of granulated sugar. The syrup is brought to a boil, and then it is cooled to forty-degree temperature. We dissolve in it and a few pinches of ground cinnamon. Mix both liquids and carefully filter into two 0.75-liter bottles. The resulting tincture of apples at home has a beautiful golden yellow color and a pleasant sweet and sour taste. You can store it not in the refrigerator, but in the locker to protect from direct sunlight.
Tincture on cognac
Thanks to such an alcoholic base, the drink acquires an interesting flavor and smack. Apples for tinctures should be chosen solid, preferably late varieties - renet, pepin, calvil, pear, antonovku. We grind them together with the skin - but, naturally, without seed boxes and rotten parts. A half kilogram of apple pulp requires a liter of cognac. Fill the fruit segments so that the liquid level is a centimeter or two above the fruit layer. First cognac will easily cover all the apples, but after a few seconds it will be absorbed by the pulp. Therefore, you need to wait a quarter of an hour to add alcohol. This recipe for tinctures from apples tells us to cork the jar with a kapron cap, so that the cognac will not erode. The container should be in a warm and dark place for about ten days. After that, drain the liquid. Impregnated with cognac apples can be used for desserts. In a saucepan pour half a liter of water, put it on the fire. Gradually, we put in three hundred grams of sugar. Stirring, bring to a boil and cook for another five minutes, regularly removing the foam. Then cool the syrup to room temperature. Mix it with cognac. After two or three hours, the cognac tincture of apples at home is almost ready. It remains to filter it and bottle it. The fortress of this drink varies from fifteen to twenty degrees. It can be stored for more than a year in a dark and cool place.
On the moonshine
Before you tell how to make a tincture of apples on this type of alcohol, note that a sweet drink in this case does not work. The fact is that when it comes in contact with sugar syrup, moonshine gives an unpleasant aftertaste. But the tincture is quite strong - about thirty-five degrees. Moonshine should be of better quality - transparent, without a yeast duck. Kilogram of apples is crushed in the same way as in previous recipes. Fold in a three-liter jar, pour with ground cinnamon and vanillin (five grams each). Fill with a liter of moonshine, cork and set for ten days in a dark warm place. After this, strain the liquid through a layer of gauze folded in several layers. Manipulation with apples can be repeated if you have another liter of moonshine. But the secondary tincture of apples on brewing will be ready in two weeks. Filter the liquid through cotton wool or paper filter into bottles and seal it. In a cool room, such an alcoholic drink can be stored for years.
Home "Calvados"
In fact, this elite French drink is made by subliming cider. He is insisted for at least two years in barrels of oak. After Remark praised the unique taste and aroma of Calvados in his "Triumphal Arch", the distillate received the glory of "bohemian" (like absinthe). Our tincture of apples at home slightly loses the illustrious forty-degree drink in the fortress, but not inferior to it in its unique aroma. So we took the name in quotes.
Apples (two kilograms) are better to take different varieties with a predominance of sweet and juicy. We cut their flesh into small cubes, fall asleep in the jar. Add two bags of vanillin, stir. We pour in a liter of vodka. Under the nylon cap of the bank should stand in a dark place for two weeks. Then we strain the liquid through the tissue, squeeze the apples. We cook a syrup of one hundred and fifty milliliters of water and two hundred grams of sugar. Bring to a boil and turn off the fire. Slowly pour in vodka infusion. Add half a glass of alcohol. Cool to room temperature and bottled. This tincture of apples on alcohol and vodka is served in glasses for cognac as digestive. Home "Calvados" is perfectly combined with coffee, chocolate and fruit. The drink should be at room temperature.
With the aroma of haze
Of course, it's easier to take a couple of handfuls of dried fruits for making such a drink, but it will be more delicious if you chew on apples yourself. This can be done in an oven or an electric grill with hot blasting. Three or four ripe fruit sort Antonovka (along with peel) cut into rings and podvyalivayem in the oven at low temperatures. Fold in a three-liter jar, fall asleep a tablespoon of sugar. Pour vodka or diluted alcohol. Experts recommend pour a little concentrated apple juice without pulp. We plug the jar and stand for about two weeks. When the color of the liquid becomes amber, it can be filtered and bottled. Tincture of dry apples is ready to eat in a month.
Apple Liqueur
Five or six large juicy fruits are cleaned and rub the pulp with large shavings. Fold it in a jar of suitable size, but so that it does not fill more than three-fourths of the volume of the container. Extrude the juice of lemon. We make sure that the stone does not get bones or flesh of citrus. Fill the jar to the top with alcohol. It is desirable that the air layer between the liquid and the cap cap is minimal. Tincture of apples on alcohol should stand in a warm and dark place about a month. Express the liquid in a saucepan, squeeze the fruit pulp. We add seven hundred and fifty grams of sugar and put it on the fire. Sometimes it happens that the liquid leaves little - either the apples are not juicy, or the alcohol is slightly weathered. Then you can add clarified apple juice to the syrup . We filter the liquor through cotton wool, pour on bottles, tightly seal. It should be stored in the refrigerator door or cellar no more than six months.
Apple-honey tincture
The drink turns out to be strong and sweet. One and a half kilograms of apples are cut into thin slices, removing the core and bones, but leaving the skin. Fold in a three-liter jar, pour a half-liter of alcohol, diluted to the desired strength cooled by boiled water. Tightly close the container. We insist about ten days. After that, strain the liquid through the cheesecloth. In a separate saucepan pour a half liter of water. Heat and dissolve in it a glass of sugar and two or three tablespoons of honey. Mix both liquids. Tincture of alcohol from apples with these sweeteners (sugar and honey) can be strong and not very similar to liquor or balm. Well, later we have to strain the liquid through a homemade filter from a piece of cotton wool, screw the caps on the bottles and send them to a cool dark place.
Tincture of Adam's apple
The tree of maklur refers to the genus Mulberry. It comes from North America, but it has perfectly taken root in the subtropical belt of Europe. It occurs in Ukraine (especially in the south of the country) and in Russia (the North Caucasus). Maklura has long been valued for strong and elastic wood, from which bows were made. And the fruits of the tree have a lot of healing properties. In the people these green hard balls are called Adam's apples, although it has nothing to do with juicy and delicious fruit. Her fruit is absolutely inedible and even toxic. But in pharmacology, it is used very widely. It produces antibiotics and various ointments.
The basis for medications is tincture from Adam's apple. Preparation of this curative balm is possible and at home. Here is the simplest recipe. We cut the fruit of the onion into pieces, add it to the jar, compacting the layers. Fill with a diluted 50% alcohol in a one-to-one ratio. The container for the tincture should be chosen suitable, so that the air layer between the liquid level and the lid was as small as possible. To rub alcohol balsam is necessary at least two months, and preferably more. A sign that the tincture has reached the right condition, will be its color - strong tea.
Ointment and Drinking
Three or four of the fruits of the pastry crush in a blender, squeeze the juice. Mix it with vodka. We keep proportions: we take five alcohol for one part of the juice. A few days later, the turbid liquid will split in two. Below there will be a thick milky juice, and from above there will be a transparent alcohol solution. Separate the two fractions into separate containers and store in a refrigerator or cool place. On the basis of milky juice, you can make ointments. If you mix it with vegetable oil (in proportion to one to two), then the obtained liquid can be treated with eczema, dermatitis, dig it into the ears at the otitis. A spirit tincture of Adam's apples is used inside with migraines, hypertension and even cancer. Begin to take it from one drop three times a day, gradually increasing the dose to the coffee spoon.
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