Education, The science
Oil reserves in the world
Oil reserves in the world can be estimated on the basis of various indicators. Nevertheless, to date, they are determined by the amount of extracted raw materials, which allows you to extract the current level of technology and technology.
In Russia, there is a classification for stocks of minerals such as oil, gas, condensate and the components contained in them, which are of industrial importance. This was established by Order No. 126 of 07/02/2001 of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, and 01/01/2012 entered into force a new classification approved in 2005 by Order No. 298.
Crude oil is classified as follows:
- Inventory
- Reliable;
- Installed;
- Estimated;
- Prospective.
2. Resources
- Localized;
- Promising;
- Predictive.
Oil reserves in the world assume international standards for the classification of SPE-PRMS. This is the most common option, which allows you to take into account not only the probability of finding it in the fields, but also the economic efficiency of production. All stocks are divided into 3 classes:
- Proven with a recovery probability of 90%;
- The probability of which is 50%;
- Possible deposits are about 10%.
In order to harmonize national classifications and generalize best practices, the UN has developed and proposed to classify the world's extracted resources and oil reserves according to the universal system, which is based on the fundamental criteria: economic and social viability of the project, its status and validity for development of deposits, geological study, and Also the use of numeric codes. A combination of three criteria creates a three-dimensional system.
In the US, crude oil is classified according to the following criteria: according to the SEC or the securities market, according to the SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers, AAPG - the association of petroleum geologists, etc. In this regard, they distinguish:
- Proved reserves or reserves, which are characterized by the probability of extraction per year from 90 to 95%.
- Unproven.
- Strategic reserves of oil, located in 4 natural storages.
This stock is created by many countries for economic gain. About 4 billion are in assets, of which 1.4 billion is controlled by the state.
Referring to the experience, the expected oil reserves in the world in open fields are much less than can actually be extracted. This is influenced by various causes, for example, the growth of technology makes it possible to extract raw materials from closed deposits, which could not be done with outdated methods.
World oil reserves need to be saved through IT technology and new transportation. According to statistics, the price of gasoline at filling stations over the past 10 years has increased by 7 times. The reason for this is that world oil production has significantly decreased.
According to the US Energy Information Administration, the world's reserves are around 1,300 billion barrels. In the Middle East, it is more than half (750 billion barrels), in Africa - 120 billion, in Eurasia - 100 billion, Asia and Oceania has about 4 billion barrels, in the EU it is virtually non-existent. There are significant reserves of Arctic oil - about 90 billion barrels, 22% of them belong to unproved world reserves.
World oil production, according to the distinguished geologist C. Deffeys, since the middle of the XIX century amounted to 1 trillion out of 2.3 trillion barrels. This was the most readily available and high-quality oil, and the remaining reserves are considered to be of poor quality. Related to them related petroleum solid or semi-solid substances, the extraction of which will soon be inappropriate, are considered unpromising due to the complexity of extraction and processing. This leads to the fact that there will be no more cheap oil.
The life-support of mankind depends on oil, because without it there can not exist industry, agriculture, production, financial markets, transportation. It is necessary to develop technologies that reduce the consumption of oil in the production of goods, to abandon its consumption for the generation of thermal energy, to create a set of measures to improve the efficiency of transport. We need saving and switching to alternative energy sources, and this is the only right way for humanity.
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