
What is a land mine? Mine, land mine. Fugas - projectile

Today every schoolchild knows about the existence of land mines. Shells of the appropriate type are present in many computer games devoted to military topics. However, few can explain what a land mine is and what its distinctive features are. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to study the classification of projectiles on various grounds, take into account the nuances of their application and design. In the article, their varieties are considered, which are most often used today.

Features of the explosive shell

In order to understand the specifics of an ammunition, it is necessary to pay attention to its classification and definition. So, what is a land mine? It is a charge of an explosive that can be buried in the ground or under water. Used to inflict a sudden damage on the enemy. Ignition occurs in the following ways:

  1. With the help of fire. In this case, detonators, incendiary tubes and other similar auxiliary devices are used.
  2. With the use of electricity. With this technique, the optimum temperature for ignition is achieved by the energy of heat. To isolate it in sufficient quantities, special electric generators are used.
  3. Mechanically.

People who do not have special training confuse landmines and mines. However, these are completely different concepts, which should be clearly distinguished. If it is a question of the type of an ammunition hidden in the enemy's territory, then this is a mine. Fugas is a type of ammunition that is used to create an appropriate explosive. Mine explodes after a certain period of time or during physical exertion.

Features of the incendiary projectile

The type of ammunition in many respects depends on what action it is intended for. Incendiary projectiles are mainly used to create a fire center. Reagents contained in them, have increased resistance to quenching. In addition, they are endowed with high incendiary properties and can burn very long.

Features of an armor-piercing projectile

Some ammunition is created specifically to overcome the defense, which is equipped with the fortifications of the enemy. Such shells are called armor piercing. When the fragments are damaged, the protective devices are damaged. Armor piercing projectile Can inflict considerable damage to fortifications. It is often used to destroy defensive structures.

Features of the fragmentation projectile

This kind of ammunition is intended primarily for the destruction of living targets. It is used in guns whose calibers are small or medium. The fragmentation projectile may have a ready additional damaging element. In its quality, cubes, balls, needles and other objects that cause additional damage to the enemy are usually used. This kind of shells are most often used to destroy human forces. The main requirement for such ammunition is the effectiveness of the striking force of the fragments contained in them. In addition to their number, the range at which they can be scattered during an explosion is taken into account. This type of projectile significantly loses to the explosive by the filling factor and the value of the explosive charge.

Mixed types of ammunition

Today, the amount of ammunition significantly reduced, with the charge of which only landmines are used. The mixed-type missile has much higher striking characteristics and better efficiency. Due to this, such ammunition is widespread. Talking about what a land mine is, it should be borne in mind that there are several types of shells, when creating this type of charge. Some of them are mixed. These, for example, include high-explosive fragmentation and high explosive-explosive explosives.

The first are the most universal and often used. For them, high-explosive, fragmentation and delayed types of action are provided. The merits of such shells can be attributed to a relatively low cost. They are often used in the army when organizing military exercises. However, due to the universality of such ammunition is much inferior to shells, which are designed only for one type of damage to the target, in destructive power. As for armor-piercing high-explosive shells, their purpose is to defeat various fortifications and armored vehicles. They were widely spread in Great Britain, where they were invented. At present, interest in them has decreased noticeably due to a small striking force.

A few words about shrapnel

If a standard high-explosive fragmentation is broken, it is difficult to guarantee a uniform distribution of the fragments. To solve this problem, British military Henry Shrapnel invented a special kind of this ammunition, which was later named after him. This type of high-explosive fragmentation shell is additionally equipped with a ready-made set of damaging elements and joints. The shrapnel is effective at an insignificant height. In modern variants, the attack element is given the shape of an opera pyramid. In this form, shrapnel successfully hits even targets that are protected by light armor.

Explosers for high explosive shells

Initially, the usual wick was used to bring the munition into action. He was set on fire with a cannon shot. However, when rifled guns entered the fashion and shells that had the shape of a cone began to be produced, fuses of shock action were invented. They provided a significant advantage in combat, since the projectile was activated immediately after a sharp contact with any obstacle. Thus, he was on the territory of the enemy, which greatly contributed to an increase in the effectiveness of such attacks. If a land mine with a similar hull is also equipped with walls of high thickness, then it is possible to pierce with such a shell even concrete.

The most popular modern version of the fuse is remote. The use of a detonator of this type allows for the same success to fire at virtually any object.

The use of high-explosive shells in combat

The type of munitions considered is the most used in the army in operation. High-explosive shells are widely used for a variety of purposes. With their help, fortifications are destroyed, serious damage is done to the equipment, and the living force that the enemy possesses is destroyed. They can also help in creating a passage in a minefield or an engineering defensive structure. It is the use of such shells that allowed the destruction of many units of German equipment during the final phase of the Great Patriotic War. To some extent, this ammunition contributed to the victory over the Nazis. The basis of the most powerful modern weapons, in which there are no nuclear technologies, is precisely landmines. Zalpovaya shooting such shells is equated to the use of weapons of mass destruction.

To fully understand what a land mine is, it is possible only in real combat. I would like to have a knowledge of this kind had as few people in the world as possible.

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