
What if the tooth hurts? Treat.

As a child, every person gets acquainted with such a doctor as a dentist. In some, this acquaintance happens without special emotional traumas, and the other is remembered for a long time. To avoid many problems related to dental health, regular visits to the dental office are necessary. This is an urgent recommendation. Usually the dentist is like a piercing, painful pain in the jaw.

And the most vital is the question - what to do? If the tooth hurts, nothing

It is better not to think of how to immediately go to a dental clinic and make an appointment with a doctor. There are many different causes of debilitating toothache. For example, the tooth is almost completely destroyed by caries, until some time it does not hurt and does not bother. But deep caries are fraught with consequences: pulpitis, phlegmon, periodontitis. Only the dentist knows what to do if the tooth hurts: remove or prescribe the necessary treatment.

Whatever the reasons, the pain is taken by surprise, the problems begin at the most inopportune moment and, for example, due to various circumstances, it is not possible to apply for qualified help. So, what if the tooth hurts, at the most? Usually, people go to the pharmacy and buy various painkillers. Sometimes it is not even necessary to know the name of the tablets, the pharmacist himself will give you the necessary medications for toothache.

But anesthesia is not a cure. Practice has shown that it is impossible to cure a tooth at home. But many people know what to do if the tooth hurts to temporarily ease or ease the pain.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the remains of food from a sick tooth. To do this, you can use a soda solution: spoon a teaspoon of drinking soda in a glass of warm water. You can add two more - three drops of iodine. With this solution rinse your mouth. Then drink a strong analgesic (eg, analgin). Pregnant is contraindicated taking pills, so a small piece of medicine is simply put on a sick tooth.

Children also have toothaches, and this is becoming a real problem. Sometimes the most experienced advisers do not know what to do if the child has a toothache.

In this case, to help again come a decoction of sage or a warm solution of baking soda. The main thing is for the baby to hold the solution in the mouth longer. If the child does not have allergies to products related to beekeeping, you can close the cavity of the tooth with pieces of propolis. In case of an allergy, use a piece of cotton wool soaked in mint oil. From medicines to the child it is possible to give the recommended anesthetic and sedative.

Traditional medicine has accumulated vast experience in alleviating toothache, in its arsenal recipes based on the most common products. Some of them are very simple. Each of us at home always has garlic, onions and salt. Of these products make a gruel and apply to a sick tooth in the form of a compress. In addition, you can take a piece of fresh fat and attach to the gums near the aching tooth.

One of the effective folk remedies is rinse with sage infusion. Infusion is prepared as follows: brew a tablespoon of finely chopped herb sage in a glass of hot water, insist half an hour. Rinse with this infusion, the patient tooth should be carefully, or rather, do not rinse, and make a bath for the tooth and gums. To warm, do alcoholic lotions is not strongly recommended. After all, often decayed teeth can have an abscess somewhere near the base of the roots. Rather, ice will bring more benefit: it is applied to the jaws from the outside in the pain point.

Tips - what to do if the tooth hurts, you can find in the guide to point therapy. Strong rubbing of ear lobes relieve pain.

There are many methods of treatment, but sometimes it does not help, or the pain is weakened for a very short time. The exhausted person already does not know what to do if the tooth is badly hurt, how to ease his suffering. The best solution in this situation will not be postponing a visit to the dentist, since the consequences can be catastrophic.

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