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What causes diabetes: causes, treatment, prevention, consequences

What causes diabetes? The basis of the disease is a violation of the metabolism of carbohydrates and water. As a result, the function of the pancreas is lowered. It is this body that is responsible for the production of a hormone called insulin.

Many people are interested in what is insulin? After all, it is used for the treatment of diabetes.

The hormone insulin takes part in the production of sugar. In his absence, the body is not able to process sugar into glucose. As a result, the sugar content in the blood rises. It is excreted from the body in large quantities with urine.

In parallel with this process there is a violation of water exchange. Tissues can not keep water in themselves. As a result, its excess is excreted by the kidneys.

If a person has a high level of glucose in the blood, then this is the main sign that the body is stricken with a disease such as diabetes mellitus.

The reaction of insulin to sugar in the blood

What is insulin and what is the pattern of its interaction with sugar? Beta-proteins of the pancreas respond to the production of the hormone in the human body. Insulin supplies the cells of the body with sugar in the right amount.

What malfunction is observed in the body with an elevated sugar content? Insulin in this case is produced in the body in an insufficient degree, the level of sugar is increased, but the cells suffer from a lack of supply of glucose.

So, diabetes mellitus. What is it in plain language? The basis of the disease is a violation of metabolic processes in the body. The disease can be both hereditary and acquired.

From lack of insulin, the skin is affected by small pustules, the gums and teeth deteriorate, atherosclerotic plaques develop, angina pectoris, pressure increases, oppression of the kidneys, functional disorders of the nervous system are noted, and vision falls.

Etiology of the disease

What causes diabetes, what provokes it? The pathogenesis of this disease depends on the type of disease. There are two main types that have great differences. Although in modern endocrinology, this division is arbitrary, yet the type of illness is important in the choice of therapy. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the characteristics of each species separately and highlight their key characteristics.

In any case, diabetes mellitus, the causes of which lie in the violation of carbohydrate metabolism and the continuous increase in the glucose level in the blood, is a serious disease. The increased level of sugar in the blood in medicine was called hyperglycemia.

The hormone insulin does not interact with the tissues fully. It is he who lowers the glucose content in the body by carrying it into all cells of the body. Glucose is an energy substratum that helps maintain the life of the body.

If the work of the system is disturbed, glucose does not participate in the normal metabolic process and is collected in excess in the blood. These cause-and-effect mechanisms, which are the start of the development of diabetes mellitus.

It should be noted that not every increase in blood sugar levels is a true diabetes mellitus. The disease is provoked by a primary insulin damage.

Under what conditions is hyperglycaemia observed

Hyperglycemia can occur with the following conditions:

  • Pheochromocytoma. It represents a benign tumor in the adrenal gland that promotes the production of insulin antagonists.
  • Glucagon and somatostatinoma - proliferation of cells that synthesize insulin competitors.
  • Increased function of the adrenal glands.
  • Increased thyroid function (hyperthyroidism).
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Violation of tolerance to carbohydrates (their decreased digestion after eating with a normal fasting index).
  • Passing hyperglycemia.

The expediency of isolating such states is due to the fact that the hyperglycaemia arising in them is secondary. It acts as a symptom. Therefore, eliminating the underlying disease, you can achieve normalization of blood glucose.

If the disorder is observed in the body for a long time, then this gives grounds to diagnose such a disease as diabetes. In this case, it occurs against the background of pathological processes in the body.

Symptoms of the disease

The clinical manifestation of a disease is characterized by a gradual increase in the leading signs. Diabetes rarely debuts lightning fast, it develops gradually.

The onset of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • A feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • Constant thirst that can not be quenched;
  • Increased urination;
  • Sudden weight loss or obesity;
  • Itching and dryness of the skin;
  • The formation of small pustules on the skin;
  • Poor healing of wounds;
  • Weakness in muscles;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • Increased sweat secretion.

Usually these complaints are the first call of the onset of diabetes. When such symptoms appear, it is recommended to immediately consult an endocrinologist.

With the increase in the course of the disease, conditions that affect the work of the internal organs may appear. With the critical development of the disease, even a violation of consciousness with severe poisoning and multiple organ failure can be observed.

Factors provoking the disease

What causes diabetes? The causes of the development of the disease are diverse.

The provoking factors of diabetes are the following:

  • Unfavorable genetic background. At the same time, other factors are reduced to nothing.
  • Weight gain.
  • A number of pathological processes in the body that contribute to the defeat of beta-proteins. As a consequence, the production of insulin in the body is disrupted.
  • Provoke the development of the disease can pancreas tumor, pancreatitis, pathological disorders of endocrine glands.
  • Diseases of an infectious nature, for example, the defeat of the body by rubella, chicken pox, hepatitis and even banal flu. These diseases can serve as a trigger mechanism for the development of the disease, especially in people at risk.
  • Nervous stress. Emotional overexertion adversely affects the functionality of the pancreas.

Does the role play an age?

Does it play a role in the development of a disease such as diabetes, age? Paradoxically, the answer is positive. Scientists have found that every 10 years the risk of damage to the body by an ailment doubles. In this case, diabetes mellitus can be diagnosed even in infants.

Why distinguish two types of disease

This distinction is important, since different types of therapy are chosen for this or that type.

The longer the diabetes mellitus lasts, the less distinct sides are the division into subspecies. With prolonged flow, the same treatment will be carried out, regardless of the cause of the onset of the disease.

Diabetes mellitus type 1

This species causes insulin deficiency. Most often this type of disease affects people under the age of 40 with an asthenic physique. The course of diabetes is difficult. To stop the disease requires insulin. The reason is that the body produces antibodies that exterminate pancreatic cells.

In the presence of type 1 diabetes, a complete cure is impossible, although very rare cases of complete recovery of the pancreas function. But this state can be achieved only by including a certain diet with the use of natural raw foods.

To maintain the body use a synthetic analogue of the hormone insulin, which is injected intramuscularly. Since insulin is susceptible to destruction in the gastrointestinal tract, taking it in the form of tablets is not advisable. The hormone is injected with food. In this case it is important to follow a certain diet. From the diet, products containing sugar and carbohydrates are completely excluded.

Diabetes mellitus type 2

Why does this diabetes occur? The causes are not insulin deficiency. Most often, such a disease affects people after 40 years old, who tend to fullness. The cause of the disease lies in the loss of sensitivity of cells to insulin because of the increased content of nutrients in the body.

The introduction of an insulin hormone is not applicable to every patient. Only the doctor will be able to select the desired treatment regimen and, if necessary, determine the daily dose of the hormone.

First of all, such patients are encouraged to revise the diet and adhere to the diet. It is very important to follow the doctor's recommendations without fail. It is advised to gradually reduce weight (3 kg per month). For weight should be monitored throughout life, not allowing it to be added.

If the diet does not help, special medications are prescribed to reduce the level of sugar, and only in extreme cases resort to the use of insulin.

What pathological processes are triggered in the body with an increase in insulin

The higher the sugar level in the blood and the longer the disease itself, the harder it is. The consequences of diabetes can be very severe.

To release excess glucose, the body starts the following pathological mechanisms:

  • Glucose is transformed into a fatty layer, which leads to obesity.
  • There is a glycosylation of proteins of cell membranes, which calls a violation of the functionality of all systems in the human body.
  • The sorbitol pathway of glucose release is activated. The process causes the appearance of toxic compounds that affect nerve cells. It is the basis of diabetic neuropathy.
  • Small and large vessels are affected, which is caused by an increased content of cholesterol in the blood during glycosylation of proteins. As a consequence, this process causes diabetic microangiopathy of the internal organs and eyes, as well as angiopathy of the lower limbs.

On the basis of the foregoing, it can be stated that an increase in the level of glucose in the blood contributes to the defeat of internal organs with a predominant lesion of one system.

Symptoms of Complicated Diabetes

  • Sharp deterioration of vision;
  • Migraine and other functional disorders of the nervous system;
  • Pain in the heart;
  • Enlargement of the liver;
  • Pain and numbness in lower limbs;
  • Decreased sensitivity of the skin in the region of the feet;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • The appearance of the smell of acetone from the patient;
  • loss of consciousness.

The appearance of bright symptoms of diabetes should be a signal for anxiety. Such manifestations indicate the deep development of the disease and its insufficient correction by means of medicines.

Complications caused by diabetes mellitus

The disease itself does not pose a threat to human life. Its complications are more dangerous. It is necessary to note some of them. These consequences of diabetes are quite common.

The most difficult condition is loss of consciousness or a high degree of inhibition of the patient. Such a patient should be immediately hospitalized.

The most common diabetic coma is ketoacidotic. It is caused by the accumulation of toxic substances in metabolic processes, which have a harmful effect on nerve cells. The main indicator of coma is the smell of acetone in breathing. Consciousness in this state is darkened, the patient becomes covered with plentiful sweat. At the same time there is a sharp decrease in blood sugar, which can be caused by an overdose of insulin. Other types of coma are extremely rare.

Puffiness can be both local and extensive. This symptom is an indicator of impaired renal function. If the edema is asymmetrical and spreads to one leg or foot, then this process is evidence of diabetic microangiopathy of the lower extremities caused by neuropathy.

Systolic and diastolic pressure is also an indicator of the severity of diabetes mellitus. You can assess the state in two ways. In the first case, attention is drawn to the total pressure indicator. The increase indicates a progressive course of diabetic nephropathy. With this complication, the kidneys release substances that increase blood pressure.

On the other hand, there is often a drop in pressure in the vessels and lower limbs. The process is determined when performing sound dopplerography. It indicates the presence of angiopathy of the lower extremities.

Pain in the legs is an indicator of the development of diabetic angio- or neuropathy. Microangiopathy characterizes pain during exercise and walking.

The appearance of pain during the night indicates the presence of diabetic neuropathy. Typically, this condition is characterized by numbness with a decrease in sensitivity. Some patients experience local burning in certain areas of the lower leg or foot.

Trophic ulcers are the next stage of diabetic angiopathy and neuropathy after pain. The appearance of wounds differs in different forms of diabetic foot . Individual treatment methods are provided for each individual case. In case of a difficult situation, one should take into account the smallest symptoms, as it depends on whether the patient's limb will be preserved.

Neuropathic ulcers are caused by a decrease in the sensitivity of the feet against the background of neuropathy with foot deformation. At the main points of friction in the areas of the bony protuberances, corns are formed, which are not felt by the patients. Under them there are hematomas, in which pus collects in the future. The foot begins to strongly disturb the person only when swelling and the appearance of ulcers on it.

Gangrene, as a rule, is caused by diabetic angiopathy. In this case, small and large vessels are affected. Typically, the process is localized in the region of one toe of the foot. When there is a violation of blood flow in the foot, there is a sharp pain, then there is redness. Over time, the skin becomes bluish, becomes cold and swollen, then becomes blistered with turbid contents and black necrosis of the skin.

Such changes are not amenable to treatment. In this case, amputation is indicated. Its optimal level is the shin area.

How to prevent complications

Prevention of complications is based on early detection of the disease and its correct therapy. The doctor must determine the correct treatment, and the patient must strictly follow the prescriptions.

Lower limbs with diabetes require daily proper care. If any damage is found, the surgeon should be contacted immediately.

Prevention of diabetes mellitus

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to prevent the development of an ailment. After all, often the trigger mechanism is genetics and viruses that affect every person.

The condition in the presence of diabetes of the second type is evaluated in a completely different way. It is often associated with the wrong way of life.

Preventive measures in this case include the following activities:

  • Weight normalization;
  • Control of blood pressure;
  • Consumption of food low in carbohydrates and fats;
  • Moderate physical activity.


So, what causes diabetes? The disease is a violation of the mechanism of glucose assimilation by the body.

A complete cure is impossible. An exception is diabetes mellitus type 2. For its arresting, a certain diet is used in combination with moderate physical activity. It should be remembered that the risk of recurrence of the disease when the regime is violated is extremely high.

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