
Methods to monitor blood sugar levels

The main goal of treatment, which is prescribed for diabetes, is to maintain the level of sugar contained in the blood in a range that will be close to normal. Unfortunately, a person is not able to feel slight fluctuations in the level of sugar, which is why diabetes is considered such an insidious and serious disease. After all, high blood sugar is a direct way to complications. Only with a regular and sufficiently frequent control of the blood composition can you judge how successful the treatment is. Constant self-control allows to increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures and significantly reduce the risk of complications.

If a person is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, then it is vital that he regularly check blood sugar levels. Self-control should be done several times a day, always before meals and at bedtime, as well as with changes in well-being.

In type 2 diabetes, it is required to conduct a measurement less often, as a rule, several measurements a week are enough.

To conduct self-examination, you can use specially issued test strips, and the result can be assessed visually, and with the help of glucometers.

To determine the blood sugar level by one of the methods described, it is necessary to obtain a blood sample. To do this, it is recommended to use a lancet - a special device for puncturing the skin of the finger. These devices operate on the basis of a spring mechanism. When using a lancet, the injection practically does not cause pain, and the wound very quickly heals. It is very convenient that the lancet has the function of adjusting the depth of the puncture, which is very important if you need to control the blood sugar in the child.

The puncture of the phalanx of the finger should be done not in the cushion, but on the side. In this case, the wound left by the lancet will heal faster.

The resulting droplet of blood is applied to the test strip, which is followed by a chemical reaction that causes a color change. Visual control of test strips is carried out by comparing the result with the color scale. If the result does not fit within the normal range (4-9 mmol / L), then more careful analysis using a glucometer or using laboratory methods is required.

Glucometer is a portable device that allows you to independently determine the level of sugar. It should be noted that today you can meet different types of this device. As a consumable material, test strips of a certain type are used (each type of glucometer involves the use of a certain type of test strip). If you decide to purchase a glucometer, then choose it based on the accuracy of the results and the cost of a separate analysis (the cost of analysis will be equal to the cost of one test strip used for this device).

The results of measurements obtained as a result of self-control are recommended to be recorded by recording in a special diary. Viewing these measurements will allow your doctor to assess how successful the treatment is and, if necessary, he can make adjustments to the medication regimen.

Reduce blood sugar can be and with the help of traditional medicine. However, do not forget that these recipes can only supplement, and not replace, the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

To normalize the level of sugar, you can drink vegetable juices. The juice, squeezed from potatoes, cabbage, red beets, should be taken on an empty stomach (half an hour before a meal) on a third of a glass of juice in the morning and in the evening.

Help in the treatment of common onions. From it you can prepare juice or infusion. For the preparation of infusion medium bulb cut very finely and pour a glass of simple boiled cold water. After two hours, strain the liquid and drink a third of the glass before eating. Similarly, you can prepare an infusion of garlic feathers.

Not bad help to maintain the level of sugar in the norm herbal teas, brewed from St. John's wort, berries of hawthorn and dogrose, linden flowers, clover and strawberry leaves. And it is better to replace the usual coffee with a drink prepared from the roots of chicory.

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