Food and drinkRecipes

What can replace the disintegrant: alternative ways to produce a lush dough

Why and how does the dough during baking turn into an airy sweet baking, pleasing with a gentle taste and soft consistency? The whole thing, it turns out, is in magic air bubbles, thanks to which the confectionery becomes very light and spongy. What is needed for the presence in the baking of small "balloons"? Just remember to add baking powder to the dough while mixing, and success is assured! Is it possible to replace leavening agent with yeast or other special mixtures? The answer to this and other questions you will find in this article.

How and what can I replace the baking powder? Home-made method of cooking powder

In the absence of this component, other mixtures with similar properties can be used. How and what can I replace the baking powder? Let's first understand what is the secret of the action of baking powder. Its composition is quite simple. Magic dry mix consists of three components: soda, acid (in the imported powders they are usually present several kinds) and ordinary wheat flour. When kneading the dough, they come into contact with each other when wet, carbon dioxide is released. As a result, the pirozhka mass is saturated, for example, with air bubbles formed.

Try to make a similar mixture at home. To obtain a portion equal to one bag of baking powder, mix 1 part-time tsp. Sifted flour, ½ tsp. Dry baking soda and ¼ of the usual tsp. Crystalline citric acid. A prerequisite is the use of all components in dry form, otherwise the bubble reaction will occur ahead of time.

To get a lavish bake during which phase of work and what can be replaced with a baking powder? Different variants of "effervescent" mixtures

The other way to prepare a homemade baking powder is the so-called soda quenching. With what it can be mixed? Use any liquid acidic medium. Most often in the role of "pop" is table vinegar, cooked in normal proportions. Suitable 9% ready-made solutions or diluted with water essences (prepared immediately before kneading the dough). To do this, take 1 tsp. Acetic acid and 20 p.p. Boiled cold water. The resulting solution is a 6% vinegar concentration and can be used for mixing with soda.

Another possible kind of acid is freshly squeezed lemon juice. Extinguish always at the end of the preparation of the dough. For this, for example, on 1 without a hill ch. Soda, placed in a saucer, pour 1 ordinary st.l. Vinegar or the same amount of lemon juice. Foaming mass immediately enter into the dough at the last stage of its mixing to preserve the maximum possible airiness and lightness.

Than you can replace the disintegrant: the use of yeast

In the absence of baking powder, many housewives very often completely change the recipe. What if there is no baking powder? How can I replace it and in what quantity? Dry or wet yeast can be used to obtain an air filler of a kneaded mass. The first is much more convenient to use. They act faster, are very practical in application. Usually they are pre-mixed with a small amount of flour, and then they are already introduced into the dough. Another option is to soak in the liquid according to the recipe (water, milk or kefir) for a while for swelling. Wet yeast in the form of briquettes is not so convenient. First, it is difficult to accurately determine the required mass. Secondly, the cooking time of baking will be greatly increased. Despite all the disadvantages when replacing the baking powder with yeast, there is one huge plus - the kneading dough turns out to be unusually airy, and the finished products are lush and tasty!

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