Food and drinkRecipes

What are the benefits of morels (mushrooms), how to cook dishes from them

The Smurch. Description

Morchees are mushrooms of the morshelle family with a wrinkled bonnet resembling a walnut kernel and a hollow stem. These are the first spring mushrooms appearing in the deciduous forests immediately after the snow falls. They reach a height of 15 cm, the diameter of the hat is 10 cm. The mushroom cap, hollow inside, brown, yellow-brown or yellow, resembles an egg in shape, and its surface consists of uneven cells. The color of the hollow stem of the fungus is light yellow or milky white.

Chemical composition

Today we will learn what "usefulness" is in it morels (mushrooms), how to cook dishes from these gifts of the forest and with what they are especially tasty. However, first we note the troubles that may lie in wait for the use of the product. Smorchki, the photo of which you see above, refer to the conditionally edible and before eating requires a thermal treatment. Fresh mushrooms contain poisons that are harmful to the human body, such as methylhydrazine and gyrometrin. Given that the more fungus, the more poisons he accumulated, when collecting them, preference should not be given to particularly large specimens. It should be noted and useful properties of morels. These mushrooms contain a huge amount of microelements (calcium, phosphorus, potassium), vitamins (C, D, PP, A and B vitamins), polysaccharides (FD4), which have a positive effect on vision. In folk medicine, broth from morels is used in the treatment of rheumatism, blood diseases, age-related changes in vision.

Mushrooms (mushrooms): how to cook

As mentioned above, these fungi contain poisons. These poisons volatilize when dried in three months, and when boiled they pass into the water in which they were cooked. Therefore, we prepare mushrooms, pre-boiled for 15-17 minutes, and only then use them for extinguishing, frying or for adding to soups. If the mushrooms were dried, then after a period of three months they can be used as an aromatic additive to various dishes. And yet, despite the fact that the mushrooms are very delicious, and the dishes are fragrant, take them for food to children under 12 years old and pregnant women should be very careful.


Especially delicious are stewed in sour cream morels (mushrooms). How to cook this dish, our grandmothers also knew: for half a kilogram of mushrooms you need to take a glass of sour cream, a teaspoon of flour and some cheese. Pre-prepared chopped mushrooms are fried in a skillet, then they are sprinkled with flour and fried again. Then add the sour cream and bring the mixture to a boil. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven. Ready meals before serving can be decorated with chopped herbs of fragrant parsley.

Another recipe is the French-favorite soup-mash, which uses morels (mushrooms). How to cook it? Slightly fried in butter butter mushrooms with finely chopped onions are poured with meat broth and boiled for half an hour. Then, having filtered the broth, allow it to cool down a little, and at this time grind the mushrooms with butter, yolk and cream. Reconnecting both compositions - broth and the resulting mushroom mixture - served on the table, seasoned with lemon juice and sprinkled with grated nutmeg.

Bon Appetit!

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