Food and drinkRecipes

We make omelet with cottage at home

In its appearance, an omelette with cottage cheese is very much like a curd casserole. However, such a dish is much easier and turns out to be much more calories.

If you've never cooked an omelette with cottage cheese before, we will present its recipe in this article. Also we will tell you how to make such a dinner as tasty and nutritious as possible.

Omelette with cottage cheese: recipe for step by step cooking

In the preparation of the mentioned dish there is nothing complicated. The main thing - to strictly follow all the rules of the recipe and use only fresh ingredients.

So, to make a delicious omelette with cottage cheese we will need the following ingredients:

  • Eggs raw chicken - 3 pieces;
  • Milk whole medium fat content - about 1.3 cups;
  • Curd dry granular - 4 large spoons;
  • Bulb on the medium - 1 head;
  • Carrot raw grated - 1 pc .;
  • Butter - 8 g;
  • Salt medium-sized and ground pepper - use to taste;
  • Fresh greens - a few twigs.

Passing vegetables

Before you make an omelet, you need to peel the white onions and carrots, and then start grinding them. The first vegetable should be finely chopped, and the second - grate on a large grater. After that, both ingredients must be put in a frying pan, butter with butter and fry over medium heat until the products are transparent. In the end, they need to add spices, remove from the plate and cool a little.

Preparation of the basis for omelet

Omelette with cottage cheese is a very nutritious and nutritious dish, for preparation of which you will need a minimum of ingredients. Before you bake such a dinner in the oven, you should make a milk-egg base. To do this, the eggs are laid in a deep bowl and whisked well. Then whole milk and dry granular cottage cheese are added to them. After repeating the mixing procedure, gradually introduced to the ingredients are carrots and white onion. In this case, the butter, on which the vegetables were roasted, is also placed in a common container.

At the very end of the milk-egg mass, add finely chopped greens and spices to taste. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the vegetables were already salted with salt and pepper.

How to bake in the oven correctly?

Omelette with cottage cheese is baked in the oven not very long. And before you place the milk-egg mass in the heated cabinet, it is gently poured into a deep form. Lubricate the dishes with oil is not necessary. Omelette and so includes culinary fat.

After the dish is in the oven, you must immediately note the time. At a temperature of 220 degrees, an egg lunch with cottage cheese should be baked for 42-50 minutes. If you were using a double portion of ingredients, then this time can be increased to an hour.

How should I serve a delicious homemade omelet for dinner?

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in preparing a homemade omelette with curd. This dish will be able to make even a teenager.

After that, the milk-egg mass will seize under the influence of high temperatures, the omelette is considered to be completely usable. It must be removed from the oven and immediately cut into portions. Gently distributing the dish on plates, it is immediately served to family members (until it has cooled down).

The omelet that has just been cooked in the oven turns out to be very lush, soft and tasty. If you leave such a dinner aside, it will settle and give off some liquid (milk). It will not spoil the taste of the dish, but it will make it less appetizing. In this regard, a ready-made omelet with cottage cheese should be presented to the table immediately after heat treatment.

Serve this nutritious and hearty dish to family members recommended together with tomato sauce or pasta, as well as a slice of bread and fresh herbs.

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