Food and drinkRecipes

How to bake buns with sprinkling?

Surely many of you love homemade buns with sprinkling. They are prepared according to simple recipes and easily accessible products. Therefore, they can be ovened every day.

Recommendations for the preparation of sprinkles

To prepare sweet crumbs you can use grated chocolate or chopped nuts. Many recipes use a standard powder for flour and sugar buns. But experienced housewives prefer to experiment with products and invent new interesting options.

Often such a powder is prepared from pre-fried seeds. For sifting unsweetened buns use sesame, anise or cumin. As for sweet baking, it can be decorated with a mixture of peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts. All this is combined in equal proportions, ground in a mortar and fried in a dry heated frying pan without the addition of vegetable oil. To make the powder more uniform, before using it, it is sieved through a sieve.

Option with confectionery crumbs

This batch is made from yeast dough. Therefore, it turns out incredibly lush and gentle. Such buns with sprinkle from confectionery chips for a long time retain their original freshness and softness. To pamper your household with a fragrant homemade muffin, make sure beforehand that you have everything you need at hand. In this case, you will need:

  • A pound of wheat flour of high grade.
  • 40 grams of yeast.
  • A glass of cow's milk.
  • 50 grams of butter.
  • Egg.
  • 60 grams of sugar.
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt.

All these products are part of the test. To prepare the sprinkling you need:

  • 80 grams of butter.
  • 150 g of wheat flour.
  • A bag of vanillin.
  • 75 grams of sugar.
  • A little confectionery crumbs.

Process description

At the initial stage, you should do the test. For its preparation in a bowl pour warm milk. There also add yeast, sugar, salt, raw chicken egg and sifted flour. All this is vigorously vymeshivayut no longer than ten minutes. In the resulting not too steep mass introduced melted butter. All this is stirred again and left in a warm place to approach.

Increased in size, the dough is spread on a flat surface, sprinkled with a small amount of flour, rolled out and bundled with a knife into ten roughly identical parts. From each piece form buns and leave them for proofing.

At the next stage you can do the preparation of the powder. To do this, in one container combine flour, vanillin, sugar and soft butter. All this is rubbed with palms and mixed with confectionery chips. After that, the semi-finished products from the dough are gently dipped in a bowl, where there is a sprinkle for buns from butter and other ingredients, and spread on a baking sheet. Bake baking at 200 degrees for about twenty minutes. The degree of readiness of buns is checked with a conventional toothpick. You can serve them with tea, coffee or warm milk.

Variant with fruit filling

By the technology described below, incredibly lush and delicious buns with sprinkling are obtained. The recipe for their preparation is extremely simple, so it is easy to master even an inexperienced culinary expert who has never worked with a dough before. In order not to delay the process, go to the store in advance and buy all the missing products. In your arsenal should be:

  • 50 grams of good margarine.
  • 200 milliliters of milk.
  • For 3 tablespoons of sugar and lean oil.
  • Pair of chicken eggs.
  • About 2.5 glasses of flour.
  • A teaspoon of fast-acting dry yeast.
  • ½ teaspoon of salt.

To prepare the sprinkling you will need an additional set of ingredients. It includes:

  • On a tablespoon of sugar and soft butter.
  • 3 tbsp. L. Flour.

As a filler, which is stuffed with buns with sprinkling, usually use thick fruit jam or jam.


Yeast is dissolved in warmed milk. There also add a teaspoon of sugar and a little flour. All mix well and leave to go. While preparing the opara, you can pay attention to other components.

In a separate bowl, melted margarine, the remaining sugar, raw eggs, salt and lean oil are combined. All this is poured into the uplifted pits. Now in the container gradually pour the sifted flour, knead the elastic dough and put it in a secluded place for an hour and a half.

Approached the mass spread on a flat surface, sprinkled with flour, and divide into twelve equal pieces. Then each of them is rolled into a cake, filled with jam, neatly tearing the edges and stacked in a round refractory shape, oiled, so that the seam is on the bottom. Future buns are left to proof. After twenty minutes they are smeared with a beaten egg, sprinkled with a mixture of flour, sugar and butter, and sent to a pre-heated oven. Bake fragrant buns with sprinkling And fruit filling at a temperature of 200 degrees.

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