Food and drinkBeverages

We close for the winter a delicious compote of plums

The fruits of the plum are unique in their properties, because they contain a very large number of substances that are extremely useful to our body. For example, dark varieties have disinfecting properties, and also have a very positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Plum juice can remove salt, cholesterol and excess fluid from the body , therefore, it can be used for swelling, as well as for the prevention of diseases such as atherosclerosis, gout, rheumatism, hepatitis, etc.

Today, more than 300 different species of this plant are known, but not more than 10 are cultivated from them, and it is from them that they prepare sweet and tasty jams, juices, compotes and jams. In addition, the plum can be dried and marinated, and the juice from it has not only delicious taste characteristics, but also luxurious cosmetic properties. So, for example, if you drink it regularly, your face will become even more elastic, soft, smooth and velvety.

Also from the plum juice you can make masks. It is enough from the peeled fruits to squeeze a little (grams 50) of juice through the cheesecloth, in which to moisten cotton wool or a cosmetic napkin and attach to the face. After 20 minutes it can be removed. It is not necessary to wash after the mask, you can simply wipe the skin with a moist cotton swab. And for dry skin, you can do this: mix one egg yolk with a teaspoon of juice and apply this mixture for 20-25 minutes on the face. This mask then needs to be washed off in warm water, and then washed cold. But before applying it, the face should be greased with a fatty nutritious cream or sour cream.

Many resourceful housewives are very fond of preserving compote from plums for the winter. This is understandable, because at this time of the year, vitamins are needed more than ever, and just want something delicious. We offer here a recipe for a tasty compote that will please you in the cold. We will need plums, sugar and "various" cans with a capacity of 0.8 to 3 liters. Of course, the most convenient are the tanks up to two liters, because it is not always possible to quickly "overpower" three-liter, and if the contents will become acidic, it will be very unfortunate. But, whatever container you choose, it should be washed with soda and laundry soap and put on a pair of sterilized.

Rinse the plums well, cut into two halves and remove the bones. Note that after the procedure for cleaning the fruit from the bones, your hands and nails will look as if you do not close the compote from the plum, and just processed the infield. Therefore, in order to protect handles, use at least cellophane gloves, which are usually attached to the hair dye.

In sterilized cans, we fill the plum with one third, fill them with boiling water, reserving a little space for sugar (about 4 centimeters) closer to the neck. Leave the banks for 20-30 minutes, depending on the capacity, warm up, then merge the juice that has appeared from the sinks into the pan. There we also send sugar, at the rate of 100 grams per 1 liter, that is, in a jar for 1.5 liters we fill 150 grams of sugar, 300 g in three-liter, etc. The resulting syrup is brought to a boil. At the same time, we set the lids to boil. After the syrup has boiled, it must be poured back into the cans of the plum, but this time to the very edges. If it suddenly is not enough, you can pour out boiling water from the kettle.

Hot cans, in which the compote from the sinks is already poured, immediately covered with boiled iron lids and rolled up with a typewriter. We turn them with their necks down and wrap them in a blanket till the morning. During the day it can be slightly opened, let it cool naturally now. That's all! Now, when winter comes, you with pleasure will open a jar with sour-sweet compote and remember the warm summer gone.

Just remember that this compote from the plums turned out to be sufficiently concentrated, so it can be diluted to taste with ordinary water. So you will get even more delicious compote.

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